Year in Review: 2010

It’s sort of blogger par for the course to do a year in review post.

I kinda didn’t feel like doing it.  I couldn’t really think of anything that stood out.  The year seemed kinda boring in retrospect.

After all, I didn’t birth any babies, move, or cure cancer in 2010.

But, as I went through my archives…one month at a time…I was amazed.

At where I’ve been, where I’m going, and who I am becoming.

But above all…at God’s constant provision.


The year began with a “To Be or Not To Be” self examination of my bloggy life.  I was still using blogspot and blogging about random things and seriously considering deleting the whole thing and never blogging again.  But a handful of readers commented and encouraged, and slowly…the idea for Life.Rearranged began to come together.


Jill’s diagnosis were beginning to take shape and I was struggling in my mama heart on how to process it all.  Bitterness tried so desparately to creep in, but I realized that my little girl is perfect.  In every. single. way.


Life. Rearranged was launched. My little corner of the internets was re-designed, re-vamped, and took on a more purposeful and intentional path.  I even had my own URL!  I felt pretty fancy.

In the meantime, I also told you the story of how I met my husband.  I didn’t realize until I started telling it, that it would take twothree…and four posts to get through it!  Some of my favorite posts…because they remind me of those early days…before diapers and high chairs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  And that I still really, really love the guy and that I’m a really, really lucky girl.


I started to really wrap my head around this whole mama thing and how it changes every corner of your world.  Even how you use your dining room.  I told you more than you probably ever wanted to know about me, and saw the cutest celebrity ever.


I bought my DSLR and fell in love with a gadget and snapped away like a crazy lady…and months later, I’m still learning how to use it.  I had some hysterically frustrating moments at Target too.


Jill surprised us all by having her first seizure.  And we spent our anniversary in the hospital wondering what on earth was going on with our little girl.  Henry turned 3, I encountered more hilarity at Costco (and according to pics, Lu was really bald!!!), and I still struggled with how to be the mama I needed to be to my little girl who needed special doctor visits.

But really, even in the middle of it all, we were just a family.  Doing family things and living life…maybe that life looked a little different, but it was ours and we had to just keep on keeping on.


The girls turned one.  ONE!  So fast.  Too fast.  Time sucks.

A plastic pink dolly stroller completely undid me. And I shared my c-section pics with you.  You’re welcome.


Life was life.  A summer filled with trips to the lake, water parks, eating the best greasy burger EVER, and loving.  Normal was settling back into its place.  Our normal.  A different normal than we had been used to.  But normal just the same.


We were back into our groove by now.  Blogging was fun and lighthearted.  An entire post dedicted to Lu’s yellow chucks, my love of eyebrow threading, trends I could do without, and my new boyfriend.  Back in June, I didn’t know if I would *ever* be blogging about such silliness again.

Amazing what two short months can do.


I turned 30. I told you all how much I hated games.  I completed the monumental task of removing my kitchen cupboard doors…and I reminded you all that I do *not* have it all together.  Ha!


Life was filled with thanks, meeting new friends, and finding beauty in the everday.


Stinky Jill had another seizure, Christmas was a crazy whirlwind of fun, and simple moments to make a mama’s heart melt into a giant puddle.

After looking back through all of this, I’ve decided that 2010’s theme was: Roller Coaster.

filled with unexpected twists, turns, drops…valleys and peaks…hairpin turns in the blink of an eye…but between the white knuckled grip, the gritted teeth and the heart pounding fear of the unknown…there is fun and laughter and joy.  Your knees are shaking, your hair is a mess, your nerves are shot…BUT YOU’D WAIT IN LINE TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.

Because the joy, love, and simplicity are that much sweeter after the crazy.

I don’t know what 2011 will hold for us.  I am excited to see what it brings.  Because one thing I have learned in 2010 is that Life always brings suprises.  Some you like, others you don’t.  But in the end, you are better for it.  And in the end, you are more blesssed than you could ever have penned for yourself had you been given the chance.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    What a year filled with blessings and gratitude galore!!!! It’s filled with honesty, love, beauty, and thankfulness for the journey you are embracing. 2010 was a roller coaster event for us, not for health reasons. But, we were inspired by God through many footprints and Red Threads to adopt a little princess with Down syndrome from Eastern Europe. Adoption was never in our plan, but through many circumstances and footprints, God winks, and God-sightings, we are following the call and will be bringing her home in 2011. May God bless you and your family in the new year.
    Shelly´s last blog post ..Time

  2. 3

    You have a gorgeous family. What a year it has been. I am inspired by you. Here is to a wonderful twenty eleven. The good and the bad. :)

  3. 4

    Thank you for the peek into your life. I wish for you and your family a prosperous and wonderful New Year.

  4. 6

    Happy New Year J-nett! I just pushed the cliffy tracker over the $8000 mark :) Do I get a prize for that? Just kidding. You should! I love that baby and you are doing such an amazing thing…Jesus is…but thank you for being open to everything He asks of you. Hope you have a wonderful year. Your babies are so stinking cute. Don’t forget you promised Lu to Noah…he’s waiting. :)

  5. 7

    I saw that picture of the sweet potato fries and the onion rings and completely recognized it as my favorite local burger joint! We have one in Napa too…but drive to St. Helena also for the outdoor dining in the summer. Too fun. I showed Dave the picture {reminding him that you live in SLO} and he said…That’s Gotts!

    We know our restaurants!! Loved your recap of the year. Can’t wait to spend almost a week with you soon.

  6. 8

    And in December . . . I met wendy hagen and she taught me about jump roping.
    Wendy Hagen´s last blog post ..Sorry Mommy