Blogging from the Hospital

Boy, oh boy.

What. a. day.

You know those days when it’s 7:45 a.m. and you say to your husband:

“Can it be bedtime yet?  Today’s gonna be terrible.  I can feel it in my bones.”

A direct quote.

No lie.

Little did I know that it wasn’t going to be a kids-are-cranky-and-annoying-long-day kind of day.

About noon, I sat the kids down for lunch.  The girls in their high chairs and Henry at his seat.

While they were quiet and contained, I figured it was a perfect time to mop the floor in the living room.

As I walked by with the mop, I noticed Jill had her head turned to the right and was looking up…like she was looking at the fabric on her highchair?

“You goofy girl!  What are you looking at?”

When I came back in the room a few minutes later, I noticed she was still in the same position.

Head turned to her right, eyes staring at the ceiling…and her mouth…smacking open and closed, open and closed, over and over again…

as I leaned in, I could see that her eyes were twitching…and she was so…sooooo…soooo…pale.  Maybe even a little blue?

My first thought was that she was choking.

I pulled her out of her seat and she was limp as a rag doll.

Except for her head.  Which was still turned, eyes still fixed on the ceiling, mouth still smacking opened and closed.

I tried turning her head to look at me.  She wouldn’t.  Her head snapped right back to that weird position.

She was seizing.

I had never seen a seizure before.

She had never done it before.

But it’s just one of those things…you just *know* when you see it.


I called 911 for the first time in my life.

And I was the crazy hysterical mom on the phone who had to be reminded repeatedly to slow down…she couldn’t understand me.

All I can remember saying is “just hurry!  my baby!  HURRY!”

Paramedics were at my door in minutes.

Henry was asking “Mommy what’s wrong?…OH!  Look!  A fire truck!  WOW!  Do you see it Mommy???!!!”

Jill continued to seize as the paramedics held her and I called Andy to meet me at the hospital and then Lynette to come and take care of Lucy and Henry while I went with Jill.

Jill continued to seize for about 10-15 minutes.  Until the meds kicked in.

Basket case.

She slept for a few hours…partially because of the seizure but mostly from the narcotics.

When she finally woke up, we were terrified.

She refused to make eye contact.

She wouldn’t move her head.

No one was home behind those big baby blues.

No one.

E.R. docs told us that they didn’t know if the lack of eye contact was due to the drugs still in her system…or if it was damage done by the seizures.

They wanted to transfer her to a larger hospital.  I ran home to throw together an overnight bag.

Andy said that he pretty much lost it after I left.  That he was trying to hold it together in front of me, but that when I left, he just stared at his little girl and worried that she would forever be different.

He texted me as I was packing up.

“She’s making eye contact.”

When I walked back into the ER, she smiled at me.

A weak tiny smile.  But a gummy toothless smile.

I rode in the back of the ambulance for the 30 mile transfer.

Where I was glad that the EMT was a total chatty Kathy and I could zone out and stare at my sleepy babe without having to make my own conversation.

As the day progressed, Jill slowly bounced back to her usual self.

Goofy, silly, talking and yapping.

She was BACK.

Answer to prayer.

No doubt.

There wasn’t much we could do at this point since it was late and they needed all of the other drugs to be completely out of her system before they sedate her for an MRI.

We will have the MRI and an EEG done tomorrow morning and assuming nothing weird happens tonight, we should be discharged tomorrow.

We will follow up with our Neurologist once we have test results back and talk about the course of action.  I would imagine this will include anti-seizure medication of some kind?

I have no idea.

But the doctors all seem to think that while we definately will need to manage things, that it shouldn’t be a huge deal.

Well, as non-huge as a kid who might seize can be, I suppose.

Once Jill was happy and her usual self and the adrenaline of worry died down, we realized we were STARVING.

And being that it was, after all, our anniversary, Andy picked up dinner for us at our favorite steak house.

No candles allowed. Just the glow of the monitors.

Not really romantic.

But nothing could top the fact that our little girl was lying next to us yapping and making her little Jilly scrunchy nose faces.

Just like she always does.

God is good.

(I do, in fact, have picutres of our adventures today…but my laptop doesn’t read my new DSLR memory card.  So those will come separately.  Stay tuned.  I’m off to sleep now.  G’night.)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Praying for Jilly and your family.

  2. 2

    Oh my goodness. I can not even imagine. Will keep you *all* in my prayers.

  3. 3

    How can I help? Need some babysitting? Praying for your sweet girl.

  4. 4

    Jeannett. Wow. I am praying with you even as I read this. I always wondered how I would handle a true emergency. Unfortunately, I found out when TJ had a febrile seizure as a 2 year old. It was not pretty. Oh, but God is good, isn’t He? All the time. ALL the time. ALL. THE. TIME. Praying for sweet little Jilly. And for you and Mr. Poophead, too. Love you guys.

  5. 5
    jacquelyn says:

    Crying for you. Praying for you too.

  6. 6

    Started crying when you called…

    Then stopped.


    And started crying when she started smiling and being…jill.

    I cannot wait to just cuddle her and love on her.

    I love you, you’re amazing…truly amazing.

  7. 7

    & god is just…amazing

  8. 8

    Frank told me earlier today what happened and we said a prayer for Jill and your family. I lost it just reading this…I had to hand the laptop over to Frank as I stepped away to gather myself. Please let us know if you need anything.

  9. 9

    thanks for the update. silly jilly – just when you saw mommy and daddy start to focus on each other to celebrate their anniversary, you wanted the attention! well you got it girl! you will continue to be in our prayers – see you tomorrow!
    .-= lindsey – the pleated poppy´s last blog ..mediterranean cruise – part 3 =-.

  10. 10

    praying, praying. give your worries to God. and PRAISE GOD that you’ve seen some progress. praying for 100% recovery.

  11. 11

    So glad the news is so great! Sweet dreams my friend…so glad I could be there to help. You guys still get to go out to dinner for your anniversary…I promise! Hugs & kisses to sweet Jill!

  12. 12
    Wendy Holmes says:

    We are praying for you and Jill. Thanks for posting this blog so we can pray with you. Happy Anniversary.

    Love and Hugs

  13. 13

    This brought me to tears, i can’t imagine how scare you were/are! praying for you & sweet jilly!
    .-= mel´s last blog ..It’s Jam Time! =-.

  14. 14

    Oh, Jeannett. So glad to hear that Jill is back to her old self pretty much. Hope tests go well. Praying for you guys. love and hugs
    .-= Robbin´s last blog ..Outside my door…Spring has sprung =-.

  15. 15

    wow. can’t even imagine. you are a supermom! praying for wisdom from the doctors, fast recovery for your sweet baby girl, and peace that surpasses all understanding. and happy anniversary. bet you’ll never forget this one. ;)

  16. 16

    I was in tears and literally had goose bumps reading this. It always brings things so close to home when it’s a child like ours. I am totally thinking of your baby girl and glad to know she was smiling. I will keep you in my thoughts, thanks for sharing :)

  17. 17

    Thinking of you and praying for your sweet girl.

  18. 18

    Just about to go to bed and saw your post so I thought I’d hop over. I am so sorry about today. I know we don’t know each other well, but please know that if you need anything and I mean, anything, please do not hesitate to ask, okay? We live in the same town for heaven’s sake. I will be praying for your sweet girl tonight!

    Sending hugs!
    .-= Veronica´s last blog ..Bittersweet =-.

  19. 19

    Praying for you guys! So scary!

  20. 20

    in tears. wow, jeannett. you’ve been through more trauma than most people i know. i am so sorry. oh, so sorry. praying and thinking of you and andy and darling jillian. love you.

  21. 21

    Wow, how scary for you!
    Hope it is a one off and all is well with wee Jill.
    In New Zealand, we say ‘Kia Kaha’ which means ‘Be Strong’ in Maori language.
    So Kia Kaha Jeannett and Andy, sending you love and thoughts from little old New Zealand! xx
    .-= Stef´s last blog ..Weekend….. =-.

  22. 22

    Many thoughts and prayers for you. Hoping today is better.

  23. 23
    Shannon says:

    Praying for you and your family!!

  24. 24

    Oh my. God is with you always, and He is so good. I teared up when I read this. So glad she is acting herself again. Praying for you and your family!!
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..Your pregnancy: 32 weeks =-.

  25. 25

    Wow! Praying for you and precious Jill! What a DAY!
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..worn out warrior =-.

  26. 26

    Oh my goodness that sounds frightening. I will certainly keep Jilly and your family in my prayers.

  27. 27
    rachel heldt says:

    Praying this was an isolated event. I am so thankful she is acting like herself again. The book of john is full of stories where people question Jesus with “why?” His response is the same time and time again, So the glory of God can be seen. I pray that Jill thrives and shows everyone who meets her God’s glory!

  28. 28

    Oh hun. I’m so sorry you guys are going through this. You and your precious Jill are in my prayers.
    My Princess Z has seizures – so far, they’re calling them febrile seizures {due to fever}. She’s had about 15 of them in her short life. She’d actually gone 1 1/2 years without one but had yet another one last week. They’re terrifying and scary. She’s disoriented, out of focus and lost for up to an hour afterwards. And – she’s soooo sleepy. The doctors tell me that’s normal. It doesn’t feel normal though. Nothing about seizures feel normal. My heart breaks for you. I still go insane every time Princess Z has one. She’s had test and it’s been inconclusive for epilepsy. Now they’re sending her to a pediatric endocrinologist.
    Wishing you God’s perfect healing grace and that you receive easy answers soon. Hugs and love.
    .-= Shelle´s last blog ..Make your own apothecary jars =-.

  29. 29

    Will be praying for her. I cannot even imagine how scared you must have been. Glad to hear that she is somewhat back to her old self. :) that is good to hear.

    Happy Anniversary!!!!!
    .-= JJ´s last blog ..WW – I so dig the colors of summer…. =-.

  30. 30

    oh, jeanett!!! sending SERIOUS prayers and hugs your way…

  31. 31

    can’t even imagine the panic… what a day. what a GOD!!
    so glad things are improving… thanks for posting your heart so we know how to pray.

    and happy anniversary. having your baby back i’m sure was a sweet gift.
    .-= purejoy´s last blog ..laughing on the inside, sweating on the outside =-.

  32. 32

    I’ll be thinking and praying for your family.
    .-= Stephanie´s last blog ..The Great Outdoors =-.

  33. 33

    Oh Jeannett, we’re praying. So glad that Jill is back to her sweet, happy self!
    .-= Brianna´s last blog ..{8} years =-.

  34. 34

    reminding me clearly of when my son was 10 days old and having fabrile seizures, rushed to ER, 5 days in the hospital. Such a scary thing. Our parent hearts can’t take too much of this. You brought tears once again, Jeannette, to a mom who usually doesn’t cry at reading blogs -even emotional, sappy blogs. Glad to hear she is Jill again; those hours of the unknown are torturous.
    .-= Krystina Montemurro´s last blog ..Digital Camera Shoot-Out: dSLR vs. EVF =-.

  35. 35
    Brenda W says:

    Oh you guys, that is terrifying! So glad that she is bouncing back, and praying that the cause and the solution can be found real soon. I’ve seen two baby seizures; one was a baby that I was holding when I was a teen volunteer at a hospital, and one was my sweet Shannon who had a febrile seizure. It is one of the most horrific things to witness.
    If you need anything or a place to crash in SLO let us know!

  36. 36

    so scary! praying for all of you :)

  37. 37

    I will be praying for your family.

  38. 38

    oh man, my heart was up in my throat just at the TITLE. Good Lord woman, I can’t even imagine what a wreck I’d be in this situation. Thank GOD she’s back to herself – so scary – many prayers being sent your way!
    .-= Kirsten´s last blog ..To the SNOW Jeeves… =-.

  39. 39
    Kristen says:

    Praying for your little one and for you!

  40. 40

    Imagine in you will for a moment, at my shock upon reading this post. It was OUR anniversary yesterday, too. And yesterday I spent 2 hours in the clinic with my soon to be 11 month old…..because of seizures. I can’t make this stuff up, nor does God. At first I was a bit jaded with this whole blog thing a few years back, but I truly believe that God even works in people through blogs. I teared up reading this, obviously. I will be praying for you and your family. Hang in there – I’m all too familiar with the “freak-outs” – something you can only understand if you’ve been through it. Praying.
    .-= Lindsay´s last blog ..Seven {Years} =-.

  41. 41

    I will pray for Jilly!
    .-= Kristen Borland´s last blog ..For You, Mikie =-.

  42. 42

    wow! i can’t even imagine that happening to your child. the hubs used to have seizures and that was horrible – what you went through must’ve been a gazillion times worse. i am praying for jilly and all of you.
    .-= cathy´s last blog ..Free Therapy!!! =-.