How I Spent My 30th Birthday

Our family tradition, is that you get birthday gifts FIRST thing in the morning.

Before you’ve gotten out of bed.

Before anything has so much as happened.

And the trick for the gift giver is to anticipate when you will wake up so that you can have their present waiting as they open their eyes.

The birthday boy/girl can’t get out of bed until gifts are opened.  It’s just not right.

Hubs scored this year.

I got me a new lens for my camera.

Which I then played with all day long.

AND I got 6 of these beauties.

Eye candy.

A few days earlier, Andy asked what I wanted him to cook me for breakfast.

But, see…I’m not a breakfast person.

So, I asked if in lieu of a big country meal, I’d rather hide out upstairs…do whatever…while he had solo kid morning duty.

And oh. LET. ME. TELL. YOU.

My birthday could have ended there and I would have been content.

I don’t sleep in, but instead I drank coffee, surfed the web, fiddled with my new lens, finished reading a book, showered, and absolutely dawdled for…um…HOURS.


All the while, I could hear “Lucy!  Stop rubbing your food in your hair!” “Henry, get off the counter!” “Jill, I’m getting your milk!  Be patient!”

(The baby monitor picked up the sound so I could hear everything).

A few times I wondered if I should go down and help.

Breakfast time with three kids 3 and under is no easy task.

But instead, I hid out and giggled a little at the pandemonium downstairs.

When Andy had asked what I wanted to do for my birthday I knew without hesitation:

I want a day to myself.

“Do you want a party?  Friends over?”

Nope.  I want to leave the house in the morning and be gone until I get bored.  It might be an hour, it might be all day.

“Do you want me to go with you?”

Not really.

“You don’t even want a FRIEND to go with you?”

Nope.  Just me.  Myself.  And I.  No girlfriends, no husbands, no kids.  Although I love them all dearly, I wanted to dawdle.  Drag my feet.  Take my time.  No one else’s opinions or feelings to consider.

So after spending the entire morning upstairs lolly gagging, I headed out.

And stopped at Panera for a fresh bagel, smathered with cream cheese.

I got my haircut at one of those fancy places where everyone wears all black.

And my stylist explained that he spends 20 minutes every morning doing his hair to make it look like he just rolled out of bed.

And went on to tell me that his Halloween costume was “Marie Antoinette meets Donnie Darko meets Harajuku”.

I can’t make this stuff up people.

And then I went to the fabric store.

And looked at all the pretty colors.

And stacked a bunch together.

And put it all back because I didn’t feel like waiting in the crazy College-kids-last-minute-Halloween-costume-shopping-line.

I fell in love with this monochrome white on white Christmas display.

I gawked at pretty things.

And wondered if I could possibly think of an excuse to buy this funky chandelier.

But couldn’t think of anything.  So in the store it stayed.


I had lunch (a caesar salad in case you were wondering).

And topped it off with a towering mound of deliciousness.

That I didn’t have to share.

Not even one tiny bite.

But at this point in the day, was when I started feeling a little homesick.

And I texted Andy telling him I missed them.

And seriously considered packing up and going home.

Because I’m not used to being away from my kids.

And I felt a little guilty.

Because being a mom does that to you.

But I pressed onward and spent an hour in the local camera shop.

With an enthusiastic employee who was in camera geekdom heaven with this newbie who owns a fancy camera and has no idea how to use it.

Then I headed over to the bookstore.

If I get to pick my own version of Heaven (which I’m fairly sure I don’t), it would have aisles and aisles of cookbooks.

Because next to a fancy kitchen store, the cookbook section holds a close second in my heart.

P.S. don’t let anyone tell you that blogging is a waste of time.

Ms. Pioneer Woman’s book.  Right there.  Front and center in a chain book store.

I found myself a cozy spot on the floor and flipped through cookbooks, wishing I had the time to make all the decadent recipes.

Until I got a phone call that Tess had gotten into a car accident just down the road from where I was, so I packed up and headed out to meet her on the side of the freeway.

She was fine, albeit a rattled.

And finally, I headed home.

Where I had dinner with this handsome fellow.

And brought home leftovers because I had completely pigged out on my day alone.  Oops.

And as any good and perfect day should end, we stopped into Target to pick up a few things.

Bought a bag of food for the homeless guy outside, and went home.

To find Henry still up and very excited to see his mama.

It was simple.

It was perfect.

It was just what I needed.

Thank you husband for pampering me on my day.  You are amazing.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Sounds perfect to me….mine will be spent cleaning up after yet another busy weekend and then going to and running our Church’s Food Pantry this evening. But I digress. Glad you had a great day!

  2. 2

    What a wonderful day (minus car accident of course)! I think we could be great friends – the day sounded perfect. Belated happy birthday. And thanks for sharing on your blog – I really enjoy reading it.

  3. 3

    That sounds like THE BEST birthday ever! Ever. I love being alone too, having a day all to myself. Heavenly. Happy 30th!

  4. 4

    That is my-kinda-birthday … awesome. (well, aside from that wee little car accident…)! They say silence is golden – well, so is aloneness. (:

  5. 5

    OOOOH. AHHHHH. Bliss. This is great Jeannett! I feel more relaxed just for reading it! So glad you had a nice day all to yourself. Mommies NEED to recharge. Yay, you!

  6. 6

    Sounds like you had a perfect birthday and 30’s are great!

  7. 7

    That sounds like my kind of wonderful birthday day!! Like you, I love those closest to me and am blessed beyond measure with wonderful family and friends, but sometimes a day of doing whatever you feel like, eating whenever you feel like and taking as much time as you feel like is just what you need to re-charge you for another year ;).

    Welcome to the 30’s … I’m 3 years in and think it’s pretty great so far!! ;).

  8. 8

    yummmo. sounds like the absolute perfectest day ever.
    seriously… hook me up. i’m already making plans for my birthday in two months… and i don’t even have three kids to escape from!
    purejoy´s last blog post ..rocky top fun with a little roll tide on the side…

  9. 9

    So stealing this…my bday is three days after Christmas and after spending all that time with family, a day alone will be the perfect mini vacay. Thanks for sharing your day!
    Jenni Carlisle´s last blog post ..Life Made Lovely with my Sissy

  10. 10

    hey u didnt mention the cute apron u got in the mail from mom!

  11. 11

    Sounds like it was a good day, being able to do what you wanted, when you wanted. What a good hubby you have to let you have your day. And they all survived. But I’m sure it was good to see them all again. Glad you got that time away. You do need that once in awhile. love you
    Robbin´s last blog post ..The Great Physician

  12. 12

    That sounds like the perfect day. The last time I had a day like that it was for a happy reason, I dawdled and shopped and things after heading to the ob’s where they confirmed a chemical pregnancy. I am glad you had an amazing birthday.
    Bobbi Janay@When did I go from a kid to a grown up?´s last blog post ..Different Tastes.

  13. 13

    Oh, that sounds like a perfect day to me, too!! Happy (belated) birthday!!
    Lindsay´s last blog post ..First Snow Storm Fall 2010

  14. 14
    Erika bumgardner says:

    So I’m kinda late to the game, but happy 30th!! And congrats on the new lens! Love the 50mm :)


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