Dear Henry, Lucy & Jill…

There is never a doubt in my mind of the connection the three of you have.

There are sometimes fights and hair pulling and crying over toys…

but above all else, there is a love between these siblings that brings tears to this Mama’s eys.

Most times I come to get you up for naps, I find Jilly like this:

Peering out her crib rails at her sister across the room.

Big blue eyes watching her sister jump like a monkey in her own crib.

Her sister, who positively eats up the giggling she is creating and jumps higher and faster.

The mattress creaks and groans.

I almost feel sorry for it.

The sound of two baby girls giggling.

Heaven on Earth.

Laughing, babbling and goofing around.

A connection between two girls.

Whose entire existence has been spent together.

Until Mama comes in to rescue you from your fashionably padded cells.

Oftentimes Mama will put you girls together.

Oftentimes Lucy wants none of this.

Redfaced and screaming.

No more pictures Mommy!  I want out!

Jill and her unruly bed head is happy as a clam.

Pleased with herself.

Until brother comes in wanting to get in on the action.

“Mama I play with the sisters too!”

Lucy is now done screaming.

Her knight and shining armor is here.

Tears dry up and a grin.

Henry soaks up the baby adoration.

A secret conversation.

An understanding.


Jill…annoyed.  Not pleased.

Her brother’s rambunctious-ness makes her angry.

But the annoyance is short lived.

Because deep down you love each other.

And oh my sweet Jill.  What a big girl you are!

Standing up, holding onto the railing.

You might need help getting up, but how you adore doing the things your brother and sister do.

Your progress is simply amazing.

Thank you for your sweetness.

Thank you for your relationship.

Thank you for being best friends.


Your Mama

* * *

Let’s not forget the fundraiser for this week!

Have you read Kristen‘s life changing story?

Have you given yet?

Please consider it.

You won’t even miss the money.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    ohhh they laaaawwwww, they’re so adorable. those eyes!! the red face!! hahaha! love how henry climbs in to be with his sisters. such an awesome big brother.
    love this post. what a sweet memory to capture.
    purejoy´s last blog post my guest!

  2. 2

    This is lovely. Thanks for taking time to share this wonderful moment between your children. Sometimes we’re in such a hurry, we don’t stop to see the miracle that happens between our children!

  3. 3

    I’m smiling. I can see it. The way they love each other and the way you love them. But, better than that, you’ve encouraged me to think about my kids and their relationships with each other – in a positive light. They’ve been fighting a lot lately. But, they love each other. I’m gonna focus on that and the way they express it.

    GravityofMotion´s last blog post ..I see love

  4. 4

    I love this! They are all so cute and this truly captures them and their personalities! Cherish every second!!!

  5. 5

    Love! They will absolutely treasure this story, Jeannett.
    (Just like the rest of us already are.)

  6. 6

    This made my day!

  7. 7

    This made my day. Simple as that.

  8. 8

    This made my day.

  9. 9

    After twitter, I had to come over and see your sweet twins! And how sweet they are…my girls used to do this – one would wake before the other and stare across the room at her sister’s crib So, so sweet. It’s good you are taking lots of photos :)
    emily freeman´s last blog post ..the sisterhood at incourage