
It’s official.

It’s Summer in these here parts.

Mornings are too warm for my big white minky robe.

The sun wakes everyone far too early.

And 7:00 a.m. is that perfect mix of cool warmth and chirping birds you don’t get at any other time of day.

Last weekend Daddy was gone at a Men’s Retreat.

Which is great because he always comes back all refreshed and re-energized to be a daddy and hubs.

But man…is it a DRAG…for the rest of us.

Weekends are Daddy Time.  Time when we lolly-gag around the house…do yardwork in the backyard…hang out in the garage while dad tinkers…and after a long day of relaxing, we usually do take out.

Because, you know, I’m tired.

Besides, while I adore my kids, and love, love, love being home with them…when Dad is out of town over the weekend…that gives me 12 straight days of no help in the kid department.  Bah.

Saturday morning everyone was wide eyed and bushy tailed much earlier than I wanted.  And it was obvious no one was gonna chill-ax in their beds until the appointed hour of 7.

So, I quickly got everyone dressed, ran a brush through my hair…wait, no…I think I just pulled it back into a ponytail…yeah…

Loaded the girls into their stroller and we walked to Panera for some breakfast.

(We live like oh…a block…from Panera…and Starbucks.  Good.  And bad.)

Did we have bagels at home?

Did I have a freshly brewed pot of coffee on the counter?

Did I have all the makings for chocolate milk?

Yes, yes, and yes.

But sometimes, you just gotta make the most of a gorgeous day and change things up a bit.

Here you see the remnants of a $10 breakfast.  Good grief.

Henry was pretty jazzed about his pumpkin muffie.  Or maybe it was just the powdered sugar on top.


The chocolate milk is organic.  That counts, right?

The girls shared a whole wheat bagel.

And by shared I mean that Jill had to fight for her life to actually keep her own food.

Daily occurrence.  Sorry kid.  You gotta earn your food around here.

Here’s that goofy face again.

The chick is a clown.

And her shirt: seriously couldn’t it be the header for my blog?!  :)

This is a terrible picture of Henry, but I had to include it because of Miss Dorkstar over in the corner.

She just couldn’t get enough of herself that morning.

Then we went home, the girls took naps while mama did some chores and when they woke up we had some sno-cones.

Because does anything signal the start of summer better than blue sno-cones???

I think not.

Lucy isn’t too discriminating about where she scores her food.

It’s all good.

Jill’s not entirely sure she likes it.

Pickiest. Eater. EVER.

She’s gonna drive me batty.

Kid doesn’t like ANYTHING.

Once again, no decent pictures of Lucy.

Because again, she REFUSES to look at the camera.


And that…was our Saturday.

What’d you do?

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    love all the fun pics. what a fun (and not relaxing!) saturday. steve is out of town for two weeks. one week down, one to go!!

  2. 2

    I try to be supportive when Ted wants to go on these weekend things. I understand that men need to be refreshed and spend time together. (Although they’d never say the word “refreshed”.) But when hubs travel for work or spend long days away from the family during the week, it’s hard to put that smile on your face and say, “Go, Dear. Love you. Smooch.” Ugh.
    But I did have to laugh because Ted said he was relegated to the snoring cabin, otherwise known as the “Cabin of Shame.” :-)

  3. 3

    I did four hours of ballet recital practice whilst wrangling my baby boy… I’m so happy that Alex was able to help people and volunteer elsewhere during those 4 hours… {insert sarcastic voice}
    .-= Mari´s last blog ..On Motherhood =-.

  4. 4

    Love that little ham. So cute – and looking like such a big girl, too! When do you get a Mommy-retreat?!?

  5. 5

    Love Panera.
    Love Jill’s shirt.
    Do not love when the mister is gone.
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..oh, the pretty. =-.

  6. 6

    I am so jealous you are only a block from Panera.
    That would be dangerous for me, very, very dangerous.
    I LOVE their cinnamon sugar bagel. YUM!
    It is almost summer here in nor cal, only a few days left of school & I can’t wait! We spent our weekend doing this:
    .-= mel´s last blog ..So close I can taste it…. =-.

  7. 7

    Saturday was easy.
    We all sat around in our pj’s. All. Day Long.
    Me likey.

  8. 8

    Really fun to see pictures of your cute kids. And to hear how things are going. Thanks for sharing and keeping us updated on your life with your darlings. love and hugs
    .-= Robbin´s last blog ..Diabetes, fatty liver, high cholesterol =-.