A Life of Its Own

This little blog of mine has seemingly taken on a life of its own lately.

It all started way back in 2006 when we found out we were pregnant with Henry.

Being that the nearest family member lives over 200 miles away, and quickly finding that I was answering the same questions over and over and over again…I decided that a blog was a good way to keep everyone updated on the pregnancy and eventually the little boy that would soon make his grand debut.

That’s it.

Hey Grandma! Check out pictures of the little bean!

Nothing more.

And then something happened over the months and years…

I don’t know when exactly, but at some point this little silly blog of mine became like an open faced, intimate journal. I’ve noticed that many of my posts lately are pretty personal. I lay it all out there…in the vast world wide web…exposed for anyone who cares to look.

The funny thing is…that doesn’t bother me. I have no problem being transparent.

It’s who I am anyway. You know, in real life.

The thing that bugs me is wondering if it’s even *worth* it.

I find myself asking:
What are you doing? Why are you doing this?

Look, what I’m saying is this: I don’t mind pouring out my heart and soul if someone is actually READING this. If someone is actually gleaning something from it. If it helps someone, somehow, someway.

But if I’m just lobbing this stuff out into the depths of the Internet and it’s floating out in cyberspace with no purpose…well, that’s lame. And not worth my time, energy, or emotional output.

So, as I type this to an unknown (and possibly non-existent) audience, I’m trying to make a decision:

Do I continue this online diary under the assumption that someone is being encouraged or whatever by my ramblings…

…or do I go back to more of a “Hey look how cute my kid is Grandma!” kind of blog?

If I ask “Hello? Is anyone there?” Do I get a response…

…or a few crickets?


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

Latest posts by jeannett (see all)


  1. 1

    you should go back through and read the comments on those "personal posts". If you have a large readership and you can use it as a platform of godly encouragement, why not? Do I get a vote? keep it the way it is!

  2. 2

    Hi – Allison again…I was commenting on your previous post when you posted this one. It's crazy that you posted this today because I was just thinking about how much I love your blog…even thought we've never met…but I didnt say why…

    I hate my job…I'm bored and think about my poor little baby boy who's at daycare all day…but it's a paycheck that we cant do without just yet. The worst thing about being bored (other than thinking about the fun things I'm missing with my son) is that most of the internet is BLOCKED at work…so, no shopping for cute onesies for my baby, no reading celebrity gossip, no blogging etc. But luckily, "Google reader" isnt blocked…if you dont know, reader pulls/compiles all of the blogs that you are "following" into one place….so YOUR blog is one of the few things that keeps me sane at work! THANK YOU! Your children are precious and I love all of your stories about them and life,marriage and motherhood…and I LOVE your writing style…I find myself laughing and crying and feeling like I've known you for years. :)

    So believe it or not, it's not just grandma reading, but a stressed out working mom in Louisiana who waits anxiously for your next post…and who finds comfort and inspiration in your words!

    I could go on and on…

  3. 3

    keep it up! i may only have one kiddo but i can't tell you how many days i feel overwhelmed. it's nice to know that i'm not the only one.

  4. 4

    I say keep it!!! I love your blog I check it everyday
    I know so does mom Karrie grandma frNk and i saved it to carlos new laptop and he checks it often to he said…

  5. 5

    I like your thoughts, seeing your creativity, hearing your perspective, and being reminded that God calls me to be faithful and content regardless of my stage of life (because most days I'd trade my to-do list with marriage/family for anything).

    Oh, and even if you blog for a readership of 1 (ie yourself), it is really cool to go back and see what you did a year ago (or more). Your kids will thank you later, I'm sure.

  6. 6

    I'm here. I read every post and I'm very encouraged by your open honesty and transparency. I'm trying to get up the guts to be just as transparent. It's not easy.

  7. 7

    What do you mean is anyone there?? People read and love you… me being one of them. Keep it up.

  8. 8

    I like it the way it is- some encouragement and personal and some look Grandma at how cute the kids are! Your blog is one I check everyday. Keep going.

  9. 9

    I really like your blog! I read it everyday too! I think you are soooo funny.

  10. 10

    Keep writing! I found your blog a long time ago and have really enjoyed reading about how your life has changed with the twins. I had my second about a year ago and became a stay at home mom then. I found so much of what you said in your recent posts so true and very relate-able.

  11. 11

    I'm one of the grandmas, so I do love the posts with pics, of course. But I love the life lessons posts just as much, and have to say how much I am encouraged by what you choose to put on the blog. Your faith walk is an inspiration.

    Love you all – kiss kids from me!

  12. 12

    I love you blog. I stumbled apon it when a friend of mines blog linked to yours, and while I have stopped reading her blog (she posts very rarely) I read your every.single.day. I started reading right about the time you found out you were having twins and I have been coming back here ever since. Please don't stop blogging the way you do, you're funny, honest, and tell it like it is. Keep up the good work!

  13. 13

    I "met" you at TS and check your blog every day and LOVE it!! I feel so alone in this new life with twins (and I have other kids so what's up with that?) I guess its cuz not many people "get" how hard it is (or care to) but other twins moms do. I love your honesty, I wish I could be more honest. In fact I have been wanting to start an anonymous blog to be just that because I need to vent and rant haha, so I admire your courage to do it with your name attached. Plus I love all the cute kids pics too. ;) I love your blog and sincerely hope you decide to keep it up! :)


  14. 14

    I found you via the Heldts blog, which I read because we are planning on adopting from Ethiopia. I was clicking on her links and found you by chance when you were pregnant with the twins. I felt so much sympathy for you and that huge belly! I kept checking all through the delivery process and felt like a close friend was delivering any minute! I have a 22 month old son at home, and I am a stay at home mom in an area with few others. Blogs are my therapy! Keep writing, I love reading about all your adventures and it is a fantastic way of recording a major part of our lives that otherwise would get awfully faded and forgotten over the years!

  15. 15

    i agree–keep it the way it is. just because people don't leave comments doesn't mean they aren't reading. besides, one day, you can have your blog compiled into a book for your kids and then maybe you won't have to feel guilty about not keeping up on baby books or photo albums. unless, of course, your albums are all up to date :)

  16. 16

    I found your blog after seeing you on TS. I have a 3yr old son and 1 week old twin girls and reading about your experiences helps me realize that I'm not the only one going through these things. I don't often comment but I read every post.

  17. 17

    From the comments I see from time to time, I think you should continue as you are because people are being blessed by your words. I love that you are honest with your words and with your feelings. Even though we didn't really hang out, I feel I got to know you little by little and now, being far away, reading your blog lets me know you even more. And I love seeing how God is shaping you and growing you and how much you depend on Him. So, Jeannett, thanks for your stories and pictures. Whatever you decide to do, I know it will be best for you, but like Jacquelyn said (and I'm sure a host of others), "keep it the way it is!"

  18. 18

    Keep it the way it is…I love it!! We only have one boy, but we're trying for more…and guess what I so desperately want…TWIN GIRLS! Twins run in the family and I've always wanted to have them…*sigh* so when I read your blog it makes me smile and even gives me a good dose of reality…life with three is hard! :) But God is working through you to speak to so many of us…Thank you for your transparency…for "putting it all out there"…for making us feel as though we are not alone in this thing called "motherhood"… :)

  19. 19

    I read every post, even if I don't always comment. And I can't tell you how many times a day I think about you – when I get frustrated or stressed, or Adam is just generally being a pill…I remind myself what you are doing over there in that house of yours and tell myself to suck it up :)
    KEEP the blog – you are so encouraging and hilarious and I love to read your posts. Besides, what would you do while nursing? hehehe

  20. 20

    I'm here reading, everyday actually. I have a 4 y/o son and 11 wk old twin girls so you bet I'm reading and nodding my head. Keep it the way it is pretty please:)

  21. 21

    I lurk, but I am here reading {at 4AM} and enjoying every minute of it. I am mother to four, two of them are 7+ months old twin girls. I like your blog, it's honest and funny. It's nice to know that I am not the only mom with a shoe fetish {especially for the pricey, impractical, unaffordable ones} who gets asked stupid questions about my baby girls' genders when they are both always dressed as girls. You're making a difference so please keep your blog the way it is.

  22. 22

    No giving up on the good stuff. I commend you for doing something that I really don't have the courage to do. I feel I am getting better at it because I read blogs like yours. Thank you for the joys, the ugly truth and the laughs!

  23. 23

    No giving up on the good stuff. I commend you for doing something that I really don't have the courage to do. I feel I am getting better at it because I read blogs like yours. Thank you for the joys, the ugly truth and the laughs!

  24. 24

    I really think you should blog what YOU want to. Whether you get comments or not, whether people make you feel appreciated or not. I think that's the beauty of blogging, sharing whatever it is you have to share. I'm reading!

  25. 25

    So, do you get the point? You need to keep blogging! Besides, it's as good for you as for all these readers who anxiously await your next post. Everyone has issues in life, good, stressful, happy, sad, but it's all LIFE! This is such a wonderful way to journal it all and you will be so glad you did! There are so many things that we forget as our kids get older and you will have records of it all. Today's technology is wonderul for you kids! Besides, how can you not post pictures of those kids? They are toooooooooooo cute NOT to!

  26. 26

    Hi I just wanted to say that I read your blog a lot… I have a 23month old son and I work full time teaching, and its tough. I really connect with what you are saying I usually sit there nodding my head. Have also just found out my close friend who was a bridesmaid at our wedding is expecting twins in June and have mentioned your blog to her, its her first pregnancy and she is pretty freaked out by it all. Your words of positive but realistic wisdom are heartening. And I live in Australia! Thanks again

  27. 27

    Hi! I read your blog daily, I have 15 month old twin boys and came across your blog from another blog. I even read some of them to my husband and we both laugh at your humor when it comes to twins. We totally relate, keep blogging!

  28. 28

    Hi! I found your blog about a month ago and have checked in every couple of days since, but haven't commented before now, sorry!

    I just wanted to let you know that I love reading your posts and looking at the photos you take – I don't have kids yet but Iove hearing about the reality of family life and how you get on!

    Don't go changing! Your blog is fab just the way it is!

  29. 29

    ok, i'm a little late on this one, but i absolutely love your blog. i have said it before, but i love how i can so clearly hear your voice through your writing, that you write the way you talk, which is really hard to do. can't wait to see what's up your sleeve!