Water Fun

We took the family to a water slide park nearby with our church.

We live in California, but this summer has been less than hot.

And this was evening.

And the water was COLD.

You know water is cold when even kids feel it.

So it’s a really good thing their dad is a good sport.

Because there was *no way* this mama was getting in that water.

While Lucy and Henry played in the arctic waters, Jilly and I sat and gabbed.

Well, I gabbed.

Jill just practiced looking pretty in a yellow swimsuit.

While these three splashed in the frigid wet…

eyelashes stuck together…

Mutual adoration.

Love. It.

Jilly tried desparately to catch the little baby reflected in my sunglasses.

And then we chowed on pizza.

Because water makes you hungry.

Or is that just me?

Oh wait, I didn’t even get in.


I’m fairly certain she found that piece on the floor somewhere.

Or stole it off someone’s unsupervised plate.

Cuz that’s how Lucy rolls.

And finally we were tired.

Warm baths.

Cozy pj’s.

Sleeping babes.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Do you read Pioneer Woman?? She does photography Assignments and about 40,000 people or more participate… but anyway… you win money and new cameras if you win!! she is doing LOVE right now.. and your wet baby daddy picture should be entered!! She would swoon over that pic!! ;) just sayin… might be worth it! he he!

    Now I want pizza! hm… maybe that should be dinner tonight!

    My kids have a bad history of fear with water… now ages 8 & 9 they are LOVING it this year… yippie!! we have been going to the pool A LOT! =) I admire that you go with 3 littles… it is hard with 2!! esp. when one has extra needs! =)
    Just Jenn´s last blog post ..B is for …

  2. 2

    every time i read about lucy, i like her even more. my kinda girl. and the pictures of you and jilly are to die for! love love LOVE!
    Grace´s last blog post ..just what i needed

  3. 3

    Ohh you kids are adorable. I have twins too, B/G, and they are 4 months and a 2 year old. Loved reading your updates!
    Liz´s last blog post ..I Heart These