Clearlake 2010

Not sure if it was obvious or not, but we were out of town last week…actually NINE days…at the annual family trip to the lake.

The kids had a BALL.

15 people.

5 dogs.

Teeny house.

Big lake.

The girls spent *a lot* of time in an inflatable pool…

Jilly got in some celebrity gossip reading in…

The boys used the dock for jumping…

coaxing Henry to follow suit…

and Lucy too?…

and the dogs…

Taking the Sea-Doo out…

and after a little bit, letting Henry rip around…

Eating.  And eating.  And more eating.

Hope everyone had a great week last week!

I’ll be sharing more pics of our adventures over the next few days…be prepared.

OH!  And I almost forgot!

The winner of the $25 shop credit to Four Flights of Fancy is:

Lara Laity!!!!

Don’t forget to read Bianca‘s story and give a little to Compassion here:

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    L.O.V.E that pic of Henry!! It was fun and I’m sad that it is already over :( Looking forward to next year already.

  2. 2

    what gorgeous pictures!! stopping by from SITS!! Glad I did!!
    twincerely,Olga´s last blog post ..Music MondaY!

  3. 3

    If that’s Clearlake in Clearlake then you weren’t to far from me. Great pictures. If that’s the lake I referred to we swam there alot as a kid. Looks like you had a fantastic time!

  4. 4

    mmmm fun times at the lake. great memories. looks like the kids had a blast!
    purejoy´s last blog post ..PINT- the breakup

  5. 5

    That looks like a wonderful, relaxing vacation :) Great pictures!
    Bethany´s last blog post ..No-Go BlogHer