
Check out what I bought yesterday:

I have NO CLUE how to use it.

In fact, I spent over an HOUR pushing buttons, scouring the owner’s manual, googling and swearing…

because all I saw was a menu on the LCD screen.

I tried so so so hard to get rid of that menu.

Turns out, this is a bit more sophisticated than my point & shoot.

You have to actually look through the VIEW FINDER to take a picture!!!

You know, that little tiny square at the top where you have to squint one of your eyes to look through???


You might have a 3 inch LCD screen on the back, but that’s not what you look at to take a picture!


An **hour** people, an HOUR.

Not a few minutes.


Convinced I got a dud.  Would have to call Canon customer support.  Return it to Costco.

No silly girl.  It’s fine.  You’re just not that smart.


There’s gonna be a learning curve on this one.

A big one.

It also came with two lenses.

Which I affectionately refer to as:

the big one.

and the little one.

Because as of this moment, that’s about all I can tell is different about them.


So today, my poor kids are going to shoot me.

Because know that I will be snapping pictures all. day. long.

Did I spend a small fortune on something that fits in the palm of my hand?


On something we don’t NEED?


On something that, let’s face it, is for ME?


And yesterday, as I drove home with it in the back of my car…

I wanted to vomit.  No, really.

I just don’t spend that kind of money.

ON MYSELF of all people!!!

I called Andy and told him that I was taking it back as soon as he got home.  So hurry up.  I was going to have a panic attack.

I just couldn’t keep it.

He reassured me it was fine.  It was okay.  Keep it.  Just don’t let the kids play with it.  Don’t drop it in water.  Don’t spend any money for a while.

I love that man.

It’s not my birthday.  Anniversary.  Mother’s Day.  Nada.

It was just Wednesday.

And I scored a rad camera…that I have AB.SO.LUTE.LY no idea how to use.


I know he said I can’t spend money.

And I won’t.

But in case any of you just want to, oh you know, randomly buy me something…

…you don’t?

Oh, well…just in case you change your mind…

I’d be jazzed if you picked me up one of these

and these…

Just sayin.

{p.s. over in my BlogFrog community…look to your right…in the orange box…yeah…I asked for your 5 fave blogs…really, I want to know!  Tell me!}

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    YAY! You bought your “dream” camera! Good luck on learning how to use it! We have a Nikon D60, and I am STILL trying to figure it out. Maybe you can find a class that teaches you how to use it. I bet a local camera shop has one! :) ENJOY!!!!!!!
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..Well That’s Poopie =-.

  2. 2

    You’re STILL trying to figure it out??? This does not bode well for me. Good thing I’m married to a rocket scientist.

  3. 3

    love the camera bag! why did you have to go and show me that?!! yeah, i have a fancy camera, too. i can use it, but i basically use it as a point and shoot. i have taken out the manual to read, to learn how to really use it. yes, and 5 years later, i still have no clue. good luck! and you are married to a rocket scientist so that’s a good sign.

  4. 4

    GET OUT!!!! I am so jealously happy for you ;)
    Sorry, I have DSLR shutter envy. Just sayin! What better way for you to celebrate National Photography Month?!! You go girl! I wanna see lots of pics of your kiddos on here :)
    .-= Krystina Montemurro´s last blog ..Scrap Crap =-.

  5. 5

    FUN!!!! You are going to LOVE this camera!!! I got my first DSLR almost 3 years ago & it was the Canon Rebel xti. (I have since upgraded since I started doing photography on the side, but the rebel is still my back up) It is a really great camera! In fact, I haven’t used a point & shoot since! My advice to get used to your camera is practice, practice, practice! You will get the hang of it! Feel free to email me if you have any photography questions!
    .-= mel´s last blog ..Unpacking =-.

  6. 6

    soooooo jealous!
    .-= aron´s last blog ..back on track =-.

  7. 7

    Congratulations. It is not as hard as it looks! As an aspiring photographer, I was just telling someone this morning that I can’t use a point and shoot DSLR is much easier to figure out ; )
    Can I tell you about 2 more things to buy that may help you..
    A 50mm 1.8 lens. It is a $100 lens that is magical..really. It works great in low light and will give you that nice blurry background that will make your photos blurry.
    These DVD’s make ISO, Shutter Speed and Apeture very easy to understand.
    You’ll be rocking that camera in no time!

  8. 8

    Oh you lucky girl. :) I have been drooling over the Canon 50D but can’t even begin to justify buying it. I can’t wait to see some of the pictures you take with your new toy.

    I am also drooling over the camera bag/purse. I carry my camera everywhere. I have a Canon Powershot S5is and it takes up half of my purse.

  9. 9

    yay for getting a DSLR and welcome to the canon family!!! camera straps are the best and i totally need a new camera bag like the one you posted!! have fun snapping on!!

  10. 10

    I. Love. The. Camera. Bag.

    This is the strap that I have for my Rebel XSI:

    Me likey likey.

    Don’t worry about the length of time it takes you to figure out the camera. I’ve had mine since a trip overseas in the fall of ’08 and I still haven’t figured the thing out. But grrrrrrl, I sure do love to use that thang…

    It’s part of the fun.


  11. 11

    Oh! I am so jealous! And congrats by the way. You have some great pictures. :)

    I have REALLY been missing my SLR. Especially when we went to the zoo. And especially when my shutter speed was WAY TOO SLOW to catch my son’s first smiles.

    I haven’t had an SLR since my film SLR broke about 6 years ago, and I got a slightly more than point and shoot, but nowhere close to SLR, digital camera. And EVERY YEAR, I say I am going to get one when we get out tax refund. But then we have to fix the car, or we pay off the van or…you get the picture. I am still holding out for this coming year.
    .-= Christy´s last blog ..Needing =-.