
I am one tired mama.

My kids…all three…have had the stomach flu.

I woke up yesterday to Jill covered in puke, Lu covered in poo, and Henry needing a bucket.

Laundry, laundry, laundry.

And today, Jill had another seizure.


Fire Department.



Fireman: “Hey, where are you guys?”

Three firemen pacing my living room.  Helpless.  While my little girl seizes.  Waiting for the ambulance.

15 minutes later, they arrive.

Turns out they went to Adler Drive.

I live on ALDER.


Jill seized for an hour.

Longest hour of my life.

My patience worn thinner than it likely ever had been.

It took three rounds of meds to get it to stop.

Her poor little body was so worn out.

Worn. Out.

We had been told that seizures were more likely during/after a sickness…because her little system would already be so taxed.

To be on the lookout.

Andy had just said to me yesterday: “we need to keep an eye on Jill since she’s been so sick.”

Thankful I was holding her when it happened.  And that she wasn’t up in her crib upstairs where I may not have noticed right away.

We are home now.

We are tired now.

Jill is exhausted.

Lethargic is an understatment.

A floppy rag doll with heavy lidded eyes.

I’m looking forward to my sweet girl tomorrow morning.

And a good night’s sleep.

And maybe a little less laundry too.

So thankful for my amazing network of friends and family who were prayer warriors during this stressful time.

My mother in law who happened to be in town visiting and could stay with the other two.

Lynette who showed up with soup, cornbread, and fudge.

So thankful for the technology and medicines available to help my baby girl.

Secretly wanting to get one of these.


And now, I’m off to bed.

And yes, it is 7:10 p.m.

And no, I don’t care.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I have several friends whose kids have service dogs, two who have ones for seizures…they are amazing…

    I am glad the drugs worked. I am so sorry for your day!

    Praying for peace and regeneration tonight…

    And less laundry tomorrow!!

  2. 2

    Those dogs are amazing. I know someone whose service dog could detect all kinds of emergencies and saved her life more than once. Hey, three kids, three dogs. It could work. I’m so sorry that it went so horribly with the ambulance, but glad that Jill is okay. Is mama okay?

  3. 3

    I’m so sorry! It sounds rough right now =0( Many hugs and prayers. And I hope you get that dog.


  4. 4

    Wow. There are not adequate words. Praise the Lord she is okay!

  5. 5

    oh my goodness. i’m sorry jeannett. hang in there. sleep well. i hope everyone’s over the stomach bug, too. yuck.
    Kate´s last blog post ..Different

  6. 6

    Oh, that Anonymous was me. Not sure how that happened. Still praying for you!

  7. 7

    OMG, YOU must be exhausted as well. Glad you are resting this evening. Praying for little Jill. Poor baby. : (
    rachel´s last blog post ..hey!

  8. 8

    Oh my goodness! I’m praying she is well and that you all get some rest.
    Kyla´s last blog post ..O Tannenbaum- An Ode to My Christmas Tree

  9. 9

    I am so sorry. Our family will be praying for Jill and the rest of you guys. We enjoyed receiving your card and letter. I am glad you took the time out of your busy schedule to keep us updated on your adventures. : )

    We love you
    Holmes family

  10. 10

    My heart is up in my throat reading this post. I’m so sad that this happened, and sad for the worry you must be going through. Many prayers being sent your way, hope you get some good sleep…or at least moderately good. I wish there was a way to send hugs over email.
    Kirsten´s last blog post ..Busy days

  11. 11

    Praying for your little girl! Hope you all get healthy soon! :-)
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Aquatic Center

  12. 12

    Hi J. Check in on your excellent uplifting site a few times a week. So sorry to hear the kids are sick Christmas week and little Jill had a seizure again. You are an absolute angel to handle all of this, but that’s what mom’s do. May God Bless you all.

  13. 13
    Charla Liedahl says:

    Bless your heart…and little Jilly’s, too! I’ll pray that all is well in your home today.

  14. 14

    hope she’s feeling more energetic today. {and you too!}. love you all. xxooooo

  15. 15

    I hate hate hate seizures. Ours are not the type it seems Jill has, but still, I hate them. We have the rescue meds at home to give when we need to. I hope you can get some of those too! (If you don’t have them already – you should!)
    Jenny´s last blog post ..Caterpillars

  16. 17

    Oh my goodness I can’t believe what your little girl is having to endure. I’ll be thinking of her and holding her in my prayers and hoping she is feeling much better tomorrow.
    Shirley L´s last blog post ..DIY Teacher Gift

  17. 18

    We got rescue meds at 11 months! They can actually dose them for little ones! We had it. (Diastat, of course). Good luck!

  18. 19

    I hope your girl is back to herself today and you got some really deep sleep.
    Selina´s last blog post ..and so this is Christmas

  19. 20

    I also know someone whose little girl gets seizures when she has a fever and/or the stomach flu. Is your daughter allowed to get the annual flu shot to cut down on these episodes?

    Hope she doesn’t get a repeat anytime soon!