Midwifery 101

We've officially decided to go with a home birth with a midwife.Quit freaking out, it's really not that weird.Why would we go this route?There's a few reasons, but short of writing a dissertation, … [Read more...]

General Updates

Okay, so Brianna has so kindly reminded me that it has been over a week since posting something, and surely, I wouldn't want to bore my captivated audience...There's not much to report. The nausea I … [Read more...]

Today sucked…

So, I really feel kinda bad complaining, because compared to a lot of my friends who have been, or are currently pregnant, I'm really lucky. Still no throwing up...ever. With that said, today still … [Read more...]

We have a Bean!

We got to see our baby yesterday! Okay, so it doesn't look like much, but hey, what can I say? I can't figure out how to even add an arrow on blogger to point it out, but it's there, take my word for … [Read more...]

“First” Ultrasound

So, today was my first official ultrasound date. My appointment was at 8 a.m., bright and early. Andy and I got up, showered, I drank my obligatory three glasses of water, and my bladder was … [Read more...]


WE'RE HAVING A BABY!Yup, you read that right. I'm pregnant. :0)We found out a couple of weeks ago, and we were originally planning on keeping it a secret until after the first trimester, to be sure … [Read more...]