“First” Ultrasound

So, today was my first official ultrasound date. My appointment was at 8 a.m., bright and early. Andy and I got up, showered, I drank my obligatory three glasses of water, and my bladder was officially full and ready to go. (Apparently, you need a full bladder so that they can “see through” your bladder to the baby). We get to the Dr.’s office by 7:58. Door’s still locked. Okay, no big deal, we’re early. So we sit outside in hallway and wait. And wait. And wait. Finally, at about 8:15 the nurses tell us that the technician had an emergency plumbing problem and was on her way in a couple minutes. Okay, I can handle that. Although I’m doing the pee-pee dance already. We wait. We wait some more. Nurses keep walking by and saying: “She’s still not here?” Yea, lady, ask my bladder. I was actually in physical pain at this point because I had to go to the bathroom so badly…but knew I couldn’t go. Finally, at 9:00, a nurse comes out and says: ” The tech just called and said she won’t be coming in today after all.” I just about burst into tears. Between the disappointment of not getting to see our little jelly bean (as Andy calls it), my physical discomfort for AN HOUR, and the fact that both Andy and I missed over an hour’s worth of work FOR NO REASON, it was just too much to handle.
To make it worse, I had to re-schedule my appointment…the biggest issue with that is that my work doesn’t know yet. And having a bunch of doctor appointments in such a short period of time, is kind of a GIANT RED BLINKING SPOTLIGHT that something is up.

I’m annoyed.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Jeannett I am sorry! That is SO frustrating, I know what it’s like to have your pre-ultrasound bladder about to explode. When is your next one???

    (Kind of ironic she didn’t make it because of a plumbing problem.)

  2. 2

    We rescheduled to Monday late afternoon.

    Ha! Hadn’t even thought of that!

  3. 3

    Welcome to the blogosphere. . . so happy for you guys.

    Andy says you haven’t “puked” yet. Thats a good thing.

    Can’t wait to meet the “little jelly bean.”
