Yup, you read that right. I’m pregnant. :0)

We found out a couple of weeks ago, and we were originally planning on keeping it a secret until after the first trimester, to be sure that we dodged a possible miscarriage…but, after a couple of weeks, and several (what I think are noticeable) symptoms, we decided to just come right out and tell everyone for two reasons: 1) We’re just too darn excited to not tell people and 2) We’ve decided that if we did have something go wrong, we would need the support of our family and friends. A friend of mine said: “This isn’t a pregnancy. It’s a baby. It’s a part of your life already and you love it. If you lost it, you wouldn’t be able to just go about business as usual…let people rejoice with you, and mourn with you if it comes to that.” I thought that was pretty wise, so I hung up with her and told Andy “k, the cat’s out of the bag, we’re telling everyone”.

I’m due middle of July…around the 17th. So yes, I’ll be big as a house in the middle of summer. Thank God the weather is so mild on the Central Coast. I’m just shy of 7 weeks along, which means that the baby is about the size of a lentil bean and has little nubs for arms. Not so cute, but hopefully it’ll get some of the better DNA from us and we won’t have a monkey for a child.

And no, we weren’t trying. Then again, we weren’t exactly being as careful as we should have been, so I don’t know that we can really say it was a complete accident either. Either way, we are so excited and feel so blessed that God has given us this little baby to love on, even if we’re not entirely sure that it will “stick”.

-Nausea in the morning (no puking though)
-Bone numbingly tired (I even took a nap sitting on the toilet at work with my head against the stall wall, I was so tired one day!)
-Coffee and chocolate taste AWFUL. I spit it out it’s so terrible.
-I can smell EVERYTHING. Good and bad. Frosting and anything with sugar makes my stomach do flip flops.
-All other foods taste sinfully good.
-I drink orange juice like nobody’s business.
-I’m an emotional trainwreck.
-Is it just me or are my pants already a little snug around the waist?

I had my first Doctor appointment on Monday. Pretty boring stuff, just took my blood pressure, weighed in, and told them I’d never had an abortion or genital herpes. (The things they ask you! I’m so naive!)

While we were waiting to be called in to the Dr. office, Andy looked at me and goes: “You look terrible. You look like you haven’t slept in WEEKS.” Nice, thanks dear. I love you too. :0) Four people at church on Sunday asked me if I was sick or if I was okay…apparently, I look awful. Not to mention the giant zit on my chin. This kid is already grounded.

So, there you have it. Our big announcement. We’re mainly starting this blog to keep folks updated, since we have no family nearby and this might be a fun way for people to keep track of what’s going on. Keep checking in. I’m sure I’ll have lots to say.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Congrats! I think I’m just excited as you guys are!!! :)

  2. 2


  3. 3

    I can’t believe I’m going to be a Grandma! I’m so excited, and so is Brian. Love you!

  4. 4

    Congrats! So happy for you guys–what a blessing!!!!!

  5. 5

    Yea! Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to meet your little “bean”. No it’s not just you. I’m pretty sure I gained 5 lbs the second I got pregnant so my jeans were tight really early as well.