General Updates

Okay, so Brianna has so kindly reminded me that it has been over a week since posting something, and surely, I wouldn’t want to bore my captivated audience…

There’s not much to report. The nausea I had experienced is now gone. I am still utterly exhausted by 10 am and have no interest in getting up and going to work every morning. I have 13 people for Christmas at my house this year…while this would normally be exciting because I just love to entertain…of all the years for Christmas to be at our house, this is the one year that I have the least amount of energy to devote to pie baking, christmas cookies, wrapping gifts, and just being a happy and smiley hostess. This isn’t to say that I don’t want these people to come, because I do, I just fear that I’ll be a lousy hostess and spend at least some of the day napping instead of doing my best impression of Martha.

I have weird food issues. One night I will absolutely grub on something, and the next night, the very thought of those same leftovers makes me gag. Andy was eating some leftovers from the company christmas party and I literally had to leave the room…the night before I had completely pigged out on the same things. My major craving has been spicy foods. Hot wings, peppers, anything with tabasco. Poor kid is going to come out pickled.

Tomorrow night we have our first orientation with our midwife. We have not quite decided if this is the route we will take, but I am certainly leaning that way. I have some questions, and provided that I am happy with the answers, I would bet that we will proceed with a home birth. I know, I know, a lot of you are probably gasping and thinking the worst of the worst. I could sit here and defend it, but I just don’t have the energy for it right now. Maybe after tomorrow’s meeting I will write out all the reasons.

Today I am officially 10 weeks along. According to my book, the baby is the size of a small plum and will grow from 1″ to 3″ by the end of the week. My belly is beginning to bulge, but not enough to think I was pregnant. In fact, I basically just look like I’m getting fat. I can’t wait for my belly to “pop”, then at least, I won’t feel like such a moose.

Each day, more minute details — including tiny fingernails, toenails, and peach-fuzz hair — start to appear on her body. Her fingers are now completely separated; her arms bend at the elbow and curve slightly; her hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over her heart; her legs are lengthening; and her feet may be long enough to meet in front of her body. She is busily swallowing amniotic fluid and kicking her legs”

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Thanks for the updates! I’m glad the nausea is somewhat better but it stinks being so tired. Do you need any help getting ready for this weekend? Wrapping gifts, baking something, whatever let me know. I’d be more than happy to help.

    No need to defend your decision to do a home birth with a midwife–I think it’s great! (And of course therefore, what I say goes…)

  2. 2

    The irony of a 7 month pregnant woman with three toddlers asking my 10 week self if I need help!

    Thanks, but I’ll manage. I’m kinda just complaining to complain. I’ll be fine.

  3. 3

    Early pregnancy is much harder (in my opinion) than later pregnancy, so no irony there!!! Plus I’m home all day. If you run into a jam let me know.

    (Blogs were invented, I do believe, for the very purpose of complaining, venting and ranting. And speaking of which did your power go out two nights ago? The kids got to use the flashlights you got them, it was sweet!)