Today sucked…

So, I really feel kinda bad complaining, because compared to a lot of my friends who have been, or are currently pregnant, I’m really lucky. Still no throwing up…ever. With that said, today still sucked. We had to get all dressed up for work today in business suits because we were taking new photos for the company website. First, my pants were so snug, I thought I was going to suffocate the minute I sat down. Then, my button up shirt looked like the buttons were about to burst and take someone’s eye out. I’m nauseous, I feel like a fat hog and I can hardly breathe, but somehow, I manage to leave the house and get to work.

At 10:00 a.m. we have this big meeting with a new client and this giant 1,400 unit housing project. As I sat through this meeting, I literally started nodding off. Like, my eyes were drooping uncontrollably and my head was bobbing. It was horrific. I kept trying to bounce my legs, shift my weight in my chair, and just plain pray as hard as I could: “Dear God, please don’t let me fall asleep right here in this meeting!”. I didn’t fall asleep, but boy, was it close for a second there! I have NEVER had that happen before. Sure, I’ve almost nodded off reading through a 300 page environmental document or on a long drive home…but NEVER while talking to someone! I genuinely thought I was going to have to get up and splash cold water on my face…except that that would have ruined my makeup, and that may have just made matters worse. Luckily, my boss laughed it off and just said “I could see you in my periphery vision and I didn’t know what was happening, but I could tell something was wrong. I thought I was going to lose you for a second there!” The worst part was that it wasn’t like I had been up until the wee hours the night before. I had fallen asleep on the 1/2 hour drive home from church, I took an hour and a half nap a little later, and I was asleep for the night by 8:30 and slept until 6:00. How much more sleep can a girl possibly need???

And then there’s the neurosis. I am ultra sensitive to other people’s kids and their assorted behavioral issues. I went to the mall the other day and just about burst into tears as I witnessed all these kids running around, screaming, throwing themselves on the floor in tantrums, and just plain being insane. All I could think was: “What on Earth are we doing???” Then I saw this 16 year old kid with long dyed black hair, skate boarding and smoking a cigarette…once again, I thought I was going to start balling. What if MY kid is like that? I don’t have the energy for all of that nonsense!

One of my “favorite” (insert sarcasm here) parts of pregnancy is how everyone (both male and female) feel the dire need to tell you of their wife/sister/mother/neighbor/mailman who had this horrific labor and all of the gory details. Why would you tell me all of this? Do you really think I’ll think you’re cool or that I’ll be thankful for the frightfest? Is this your misguided attempt at being “helpful”? Well, clue one: You’re not. Tell me happy, fuzzy stories with unicorns and rainbows. Don’t tell me how your wife went through 36 hours of labor, while throwing up, and ended up with a c-section. Usually, I’m pretty good at not being sensitive to this kind of stuff, but for now, I’m pretty overwhelmed with the whole thing, so knock it off.

What’s nice though, is that tomorrow I’ll be 9 weeks along. Only 3 weeks until my second trimester and some of this drama fades. My husband is a saint. Tell him to remind me I said that when I’m in labor…I’m sure I’ll be describing him with other adjectives at that point. My new favorite thing to tell him is: “I love you even though you knocked me up”. I just think it sounds funny.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Ha! You’re awesome. I took an hour nap everyday during my first trimester too, along with 8 hours every night. And to hopefully make you feel better, labor isn’t always terrible. I actually enjoyed my labor (once I had the epidural). It was hard work, but extremely rewarding. It may be weird to say but I actually have fond memories of most of the process. -Lara

  2. 2

    isn’t pregnancy glorious? :) hee, hee!

    well, i finally signed up for blogging (since you don’t accept anonymous comments!) just so i can comment on you hilarious blogs. sheesh, girl, are you going to make it through this? :) and all i can say is, i look at those annoying, misbehaved kids and punk teens and am more determined than ever to, one, give my kids over to the Lord, and, two, discipline, discipline, discipline. despite what a lot of people think these days, children do respond very well to discipline, boundaries, and structure.

    hang in there, “captain saucy”. and, oh yes, during my pregnancy with zeb i slept like 18 hrs a day. i promise to try to hold my tongue and not tell you about my labor experiences, except to say i had an epidural with zeb and was, like lara, quite giddy at times. :)

  3. 3

    You crack me up. I love readinf your blog, it is my entertainment for the week! I rememeber sleeping away my first trimester as well. (although your discribtion definitly helped bring back thoughs memories as it was so discriptive).
    As for birth stories, I have no horrible ones to share with you. I loved my labor, I loved my birth, I would be a surogate because it was such a great experice and I didnt use any drugs. So everyones experince is differnent, people just never tell you the good!
    No matter it what you forget it all when you see that little baby. AHHHH..

  4. 4

    Will this let me post finally? I don’t know. I wouldn’t worry about the horror stories, like everything there’s always a few exceptions to the norm and of course you’re more likely to hear the bad ones ’cause they make for more interesting conversation!

    Funny about being sensitive to misbehaving children, better steer clear of our house…:)

  5. 5

    Got your Christmas card and letter. Congradulations on your surprise. You both look great. My email address is Love, Uncle Ron

    PS: Pictures at

  6. 6

    Now Jeannett it’s been over a week since you posted…you don’t want to be “that” type of blogger, do you???? :)