We have a Bean!

We got to see our baby yesterday! Okay, so it doesn’t look like much, but hey, what can I say? I can’t figure out how to even add an arrow on blogger to point it out, but it’s there, take my word for it. Actually, we bought a video tape and were able to video the ultrasound. At first, I wasn’t going to to do it, because really, when will I ever sit down to watch it? But, we reasoned, the grandma’s would want to see it, regardless of how dumb we may have thought it was. So I was wrong. The video is actually really cool to have because you can see the little heart beat pounding away and then you can make out the shape of this little jelly bean. It’s much harder to tell what’s what even in the original printout.

Either way, it was totally weird. I think it made it so much more real for us. I mean, there is a living thing growing inside of me. I had this weird mix of emotions. I was shocked, amazed, excited, joyful, and almost a little grossed out. I mean, there is something growing inside of me. That’s just kind of gross to think of. I told Andy that I sort of felt like that scene in Alien where the alien comes popping out of the mama’s belly. It’s just weird.

But more than weird, it’s amazing. How on earth does that happen? Okay, I know how it happens, but it’s insane. There’s a human in there. And, it’s going to get bigger and then it’s going to come out and I’m going to have to take care of it. And there’s no return policy.

And you wanna know the weirdest part? I love it. Even though it’s just this little peanut of a blob that kind of freaks me out, I can’t help but be wildly in love with it. I want to take care of it, love it, teach it words in Portuguese that dad won’t understand, how to ride a bike, how to eat sunflower seeds, that you should never order spaghetti on a first date. I can’t wait to meet him (or her). I can’t wait for the dogs to meet the baby and see if they’re protective, annoyed, or aloof. I feel so blessed that I get to experience this whole thing even if we’re not technically out of the miscarriage danger zone. I’m officially 8 weeks today…only 32 left!

Funny side bar: the ultrasound lady said that the baby was the size of a peanut…and I now cannot eat peanuts or anything remotely resembling one for fear that it might be my baby. You know, I’ve gotten really irrational in pregnancy. This can’t be good.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    How cool. I remember my first ultrasound where we saw the heartbeat. Words cannot describe what I felt. It is funny; you seem to say what I said. You are weirded out a little at the whole concept of being able to create and give live to another human. It is simply amazing. Enjoy the whole experience. I will give you a little piece of advise the last 2-3 weeks start waking yourself up every 2 hours and stay up for an hour each time so you will get used to the 100% sleepless nights. I am running off of 5-6 hours and my wife god bless her is running off of 4 hours of sleep. Crazy kids. Good luck and take care.


  2. 2

    What a cute little jelly bean you are cooking up!

  3. 3

    HAHA “this blog does not allow anonymous comments”–this was Andy’s doing perhaps?

    I’m so glad your ultrasound went well! You crack me up comparing the baby to an alien. Congrats!

  4. 4

    Actually, no…I had no idea that it wouldn’t allow annonymous posts, but hey, I guess it’s an omen! I’m still figuring out all the blogger quirks, so bear with me, I’m not the pro like you! :)

  5. 5

    Oh I am definitely no pro. :) One thing I do know is that blogger isn’t always all that user friendly and gets really buggy sometimes. BUT for my simple purposes, it works.

    Will we see you at the Christmas thing tonight?