It’s my bloggy birthday! {giveaway} CLOSED



I’ve been blogging since 2006, when I got pregnant with Henry and wanted an easy way to keep in touch with family.

But this latest adventure that is Life.Rearranged is ONE YEAR OLD today!!!

::cue singing::

I CAN.NOT BEEE-LIEVE IT! (if your kids watch Little Einsteins, you totally know how to read that).

This crazy, hair brained idea…that terrified me…that had me lying awake in bed at night wondering if I wanted to take on a long term fundraising project…

…wondering if I could get people to guest blog…

…the idea that had me second guessing every step…

…the idea that would be a VERY public failure if it didn’t work out…

ONE YEAR LATER…we’re still here!  Woohoo!!!

Can you believe that in ONE YEAR this little corner of the internet has:


The end.

There’s just no other way to put it.

Okay, not really.  You know I’m more long winded than that, right?


Every party needs presents, right?


And balloons.


And cake.  Always, always, always cake.

Because heaven will be filled with little moutains of cake that we will nibble on as we please.  And that cake will be fat free, calorie free.  (In case you were wondering).

I’m pretty sure of all this too.  ;)

But since this is all virtual and such, you’ll have to settle for pictures of balloons and cake…


I thought that for my bloggy birthday, I’d give y’all a chance to win a couple of my favorite things lately!

May Your Cup Overflow - Psalm 23:5 Framed Canvas Print

And I’ve told y’all before how much I lovey love love my May Your Cup Overflow Canvas Print, right?

As in, I just kinda stand in my kitchen and stare at it sometimes.  Which I realize is borderline creepy.

One Thousand Gifts - Ann Voskamp

And I’ve raved to the moon and back about how much I want to sit in a coffee shop for hours and be besties with Ann Voskamp after reading her ah-mazing book, right?

Well, DaySpringhas so graciously agreed to give one of the gorgeous, HUGE, *already framed* canvas ($54.99 value) AND Ann’s book ($12.99 value) to one of you!!!

(Isn’t DaySpringawesome?!…Everyone say: “Thank you Dayspring….!”)

I’d really love it if you subscribed to my feed.  But I won’t make that a requirement.

And I’d really love if you took the ultra quick survey if you haven’t already.  But that’s not an entry either.

And I’d be STOKED if you gave a buck or two to the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation.  But that won’t make your chances of winning any better.  ;)

All you have to do is a leave a comment telling me what your favorite birthday memory is.  That’s it.  One entry per person.  Crazy easy.

I hope y’all have enjoyed the last year as much as I have.  I’m SUPER excited for this next one!

(I don’t really say “y’all” in real life, but for some reason it seems to be really appropriate for blogging.  I’m weird.  Just go with it.)



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

Latest posts by jeannett (see all)


  1. 1

    My 40th…. Yea, I’m old…….and having all eight (I have nine now) kids together on our boat and then out to our favorite throw down crab shack on the Chesapeake Bay. Cupcakes and crabs go great together.

  2. 2

    My Favorite birthday memory is from my tenth birthday. I woke up really early and snuck into my parent’s room. My Mother gave me a gorgeous watch and we lay there talking about how exciting it was to reach “double figures” and all my ten-year-old hopes and dreams. and she told me she was proud of me. I cherish that memory.

  3. 3
    Cindy M. says:

    My 30th… I had just found out the day before that based on some fertility tests, it looked like my husband and I would be unable to conceive naturally. We had already planned a romantic weekend away and we went anyway despite feeling a tad sad. Two weeks later, I finally saw that little positive sign on the pregnancy test. Four weeks after that… we found out my pregnancy was twins, ID twins to be found out later. All totally naturally, and all God. Now my girls are almost 2. Knowing the miraculous conception of my twin daughters occurred on my birthday when all hope seemed lost is such an amazing memory that I can celebrate every year! God is good!

  4. 4

    My favorite birthday was my 14th birthday. I grew up in a middle class home, but we never really took extravagant vacations. Think: 3 day weekends to Six Flags kind of stuff. On 8/25/1996, I turned 14. My parents woke me up super early (I’m talking 4 a.m.) and told me to shower and come out to the car. The car? I’m too young to drive! After pitching a small fit, I did as directed. My sister, parents, and a bunch of stuff was loaded into the car, and off we went. It took me about a half hour to figure out we were headed East on the New York State Thruway. And then it hit me. We were going to NYC! And not just for site-seeing. We were going to Yankee Stadium! Once we arrived, my Dad showed me a sheet cake (literally) that had been packed securely in a cooler. It was the best birthday ever, the Yankees won, and I didn’t get car sick on the 5.5 hour drive from Central New York. :)

  5. 5

    My favorite birthday memory is from just a few years ago. I was living with friends and I didn’t really want to do anything big for my birthday but they wouldn’t listen. Instead, they planned a surprise birthday party for me and a friend whose birthday is 5 days after mine. Although I had said I didn’t really want to do anything for my birthday, I was happy that they didn’t forget and did something really simple and nice.
    Jen´s last blog post ..A Million Miles

  6. 6

    My favorite birthday memory isn’t mine…and it hasn’t happened yet! My hubby’s birthday is the 30th of this month, and it’s going to be the BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! We almost lost him this weekend!! He get’s released from the hospital today. Crazily enough, I had finished Ann’s book HOURS before all the drama ensued. It was a HUGE help in keeping the faith; knowing God only has good for His children. So yep, number 31 for Erick is going to be spectacularly awesome. :)
    Jennifer´s last blog post ..Today’s the day I hope!

  7. 7

    For my 30th my husband threw me a big surprise party, that was honestly a surprise. I had no clue. He put so much thought & effort into making it a special birthday for me.
    Alison´s last blog post ..New Product

  8. 8
    Adrienne S says:

    My favorite birthday memory was when I was 8. We went to my grandmas in Florida and I had a Smurf themed birthday. Smurf ice-cream cake, smurf plates/cups. I also received so many smurfs that I still have. Now they are making a comeback and my kids love to play with them!

  9. 9

    My little sister was born on my 7th birthday by far making it my favorite. She is truly a gift and I love sharing the same birthday with her.

  10. 10

    When I turned 30, it snowed and snowed…and it was the end of April in Ohio. :) We had planned a big family birthday cookout with all of my extended family. They all still came. And my husband grilled anyway, on the back porch, in a parka!
    Jennifer´s last blog post ..Make It Happen Monday – last weeks progress and this weeks list!

  11. 11

    My favorite birthday memory was when I turned 30. I work at a school, and my seniors wore buttons that day that said “Who’s 30?!” They decorated my door, brought cake and balloons, and then I was able to share that evening with my family. It was a great day and time in my life! My 30’s have been so good to me!

    Happy Bloggy Birthday to you!
    Paige´s last blog post ..Top 2 Tuesday- Random Facts

  12. 12

    Happy bloggy birthday!!!

    My favorite birthday was just last Wednesday. It was the first with my little guy. He was sick, so I stayed home from work with him. Hubby brought home Thai food, and I fell asleep at 9:00 p.m. After praying for our little guy for over 4 years, and finally having him here with us, I am so thankful I got to spend my birthday with him and my hubby!
    tina´s last blog post ..brilliant

  13. 13

    One of my favorite birthday moments is from my 21st birthday. I had gone home with my best friend for Thanksgiving and we were driving back from Cleveland to Greenville, IL on Sunday night, my birthday. At the OH/IN border we stopped at a Burger King for a while because the traffic wasn’t moving AT ALL. So, for my 21st birthday, I got a Scooby Doo crown and had my soda in a Rugrats cup. I felt all grown up!
    Heather Irene´s last blog post ..Back to Work Monday- Monday

  14. 14

    I love birthdays. My favorite birthday memory is from my 18th birthday. My then high school sweetheart now husband has a birthday 15 days before mine. Both of our mothers threw us a joint surprise 18th birthday party. Now that we are 30, it is fun to look back at all of the pictures from the party. Some day, it will be really fun to share those images with our kids.

  15. 15

    On my 33rd birthday I was hugely pregnant with my first child and completely happy, excited, anxious and in love all at the same time. Thankfully he arrive 6 days later so I didn’t explode with all of that emotion going on!

  16. 16

    Happy Blog Birthday! Thank you for lifting my spirits and making me laugh, reminders to be thankful and sharing your heart.
    Favorite birthday was my 18th when my new boyfriend (now husband)arranged for me to go swimming with dolphins.

  17. 17

    My favorite birthday memory was a few years ago when my teenage daughter made and decorated a cake for me. She has since moved far from me and I miss her terribly.

  18. 18
    Kristi DB says:

    My favorite birthday memory was my 29th birthday. It was my first birthday as a momma and I got to spend the evening with my husband and our (at the time) 8 month old twins. For my 30th birthday I’ll get to share cake with them! (and like their momma they lOVE cake!!)

  19. 19

    Great post, you always crack me. My favorite birthday was my 22nd, I had just entered my fsecond trimester in my first pregnancy, nothing could bring me down! I was so ecited to become mom.

  20. 20

    hmmm fav. memory…well when i was little the local radio station would do the daily birthday wishes and I used to love getting up early to hear them say Happy Birthday to me-I thought it was so coo.!
    Stephanie´s last blog post ..Stubborn Principle

  21. 21

    I think my favorite birthday memory happened when I was 10. My mom set up a “real” tea party for me at a “real” tea house. I got to help plan the menu, get dressed up, get my hair curled, and had a great time feeling fancy and special.
    Sarah´s last blog post ..Hey- There

  22. 22

    My favorite birthday isn’t mine but my daughters’. My husband was in Iraq and coming home on R&R (rest and relaxation) leave right during my daughter’s birthday. So, we didn’t tell the kids he was coming. When she got home from school that day, there was a huge box waiting for her. Her present from Daddy. She was so excited, and when she opened it, out springs Daddy! She was beside herself, crying and laughing. Me, too, by the way! Best birthday ever!

  23. 23

    Oh my – I. Love. You! Your writing is so fun and you bring a smile to my face.

    As I’m reading your post and I see that print, I say out loud – I’d love that for my kitchen – and I wonder how I could *find it*…and then, I keep reading…and see that I *could* possibly win it. The liklihood is slim, I’m sure…I’ve never won a thing. I could buy it, of course, and maybe *someday* I will – but for now I’ve got piano lessons and lacrosse to pay for…and groceries that just keep on having to be bought week after blessed week.

    Alas, I’m giving this a go…my favorite birthday memory is the one I had one month after my son was born. I was weary of being up in the night. Having hated my birthday for ten years before the little dude was born, this year my husband tried hard to help me see *purpose* in my life. He kissed me as he left for work and I was trying to get the second nap of the morning in after a long night. I struggled downstairs by myself, feeling all sad he was gone and I was tired…and there – right on the table – unwrapped and standing in its beauty – was a framed picture of my son and *our* boy, with a note that talked about my life having *purpose* and how my groom hoped I’d *see* it beginning this year. That gift – that birthday – was the bestest ever. I spent all day with our son, and that night, too, as my groom had a team of girls to coach. I just held our boy and gave thanks for the sweetness of my life, and the life that happened because of mine.
    Amy´s last blog post ..needing sustenance

  24. 24

    Love you blog. I’ve been a subscriber for several months and I took the survey. It’s the least I can do to repay you for all the smiles and tears you’ve delivered through my computer screen. My favorite birthday memory is from this year. Our recently adopted daughter chose something special from her own precious belongings and gifted it to me.

  25. 25

    Favorite birthday memory, hmmmm. Probably the year Kevin and I were dating. He was my first boyfriend so my birthday that year was so, so special–out to dinner, gifts, etc. Hope I win! :)
    Brianna´s last blog post ..Why we school at home

  26. 26

    Can I say this year was my favorite? As in like 3 weeks ago this year? My bestest Alabama friend and my bestest (and only) hubby teamed up to secretly sneak one of my bestest Hawaii friends who is now living in Cali aaaaalll the way to Alabama to visit me on my birthday. I was sick and my baby boy was having a small surgery the day before my actual birthday but having my BFF to sit and do nothing on the couch while we ate and drank wine and sewed random things was the best gift in the world!
    Megan´s last blog post ..Cabin Fever

  27. 27

    happy bloggy birthday!! my favorite memory…one year i had just two friends over and we were able to actually talk and laugh and we stayed up til about 4 in the morning. simple and wonderful.

  28. 28

    On my 21st birthday I was away from my family at training to join Campus Crusade for Christ. My husband and I were in a small group with 5 other newly married couples. Beforehand, they decided to each do something for me on the hour, every hour after I woke up.

    My door and our hallway was all decorated when I got up for our seminary class at 8:00. From then on, I got notes, raps written for me (mind you by the whitest Christian people I know haha), pictures, Scripture and so much more. This all ended with the Happy Birthday song and a vanilla pudding pie with candles. Seeing how we didn’t have an oven and vanilla pudding makes my heart swoon.

    I was wonderful to be celebrated and appreciated on my birthday. Best. Day. Ever.

  29. 29
    Carrie H says:

    I had a Minnie Mouse cake on my 4th or 5th birthday, it was glorious, big ol’ Minnie head in the middle of the cake. When my mom asked me what piece I wanted, I told her “the head!”. Sadly, I did not get the whole head to myself, but it is one of my most vivid birthday memories!

  30. 30
    Carrie R. says:

    Happy Blogging Birthday!!

    Hands down, my favorite birthday memories are the days my sons were born. My oldest was born a week after my 26th birthday and my youngest was born 3 days after my 28th. All 3 of us have birthdays within a weeks time.

  31. 31

    I love all of my birthdays. When I was younger, my sister and I had our parties together (we’re two years and two days apart..I’m Dec 27 and she’s Dec 29) and it was always a blast. Now, I just love getting to go to my parents’ house and eating dinner and hanging out. If I had to pick my favorite birthday, I’d probably have to say my 21st because Mom and I made homemade Apple Cider and invited a few of my friends who were in town over for dinner. It would be my favorite birthday because that was the last birthday where I had all of my grandparents. If I had realized it then, I probably would have been really really sad, but instead, I was just loving being at home, being able to visit my family. Two days earlier, my Paw-Paw gave me a necklace for Christmas and said, “It’s something to remember me by.” I almost cried then, because I didn’t want to think about the fact that he may be gone one day. Fast forward to the following July. July 14th his doctor told him that his lung cancer was gone. July 15th he celebrated his 80th birthday. I didn’t get to be there, but I called him afterwards and he said it was by far the best birthday he’d ever had. The following October, he moved home to be with Jesus, and I’m quite sure the party was even bigger and better there. :)

  32. 32

    done. done. done. But, that’s just cuz I {heart} you. I must say I am stunned you have only been blogging for a year! You jam this baby chalk full of life experience, your heart, truth, love, I could go on and on that each post lingers for days…even the random…for me. I adore this little slice of the internet! Happy, happy birthday Life Rearranged…you are needed so very, very much! XO
    Jenni Carlisle´s last blog post ..Happy Sunday

  33. 33

    happy bloggy birthday Jeannett! I would love a copy of Ann’s book – it’s next on my list to read. Have you been to my blog or something and read my fantasy? -sitting in a coffee shop with besties ;) here’s to another wonderful life rearranged bloggy year! xoxo
    Krystina / lollipops´s last blog post ..Tuesday Tutorial i collect jars

  34. 34

    My favorite birthday memory was my 30th. My husband took me shopping in Chicago and then planned a surprise party for me the next day. It was fun just hanging out with friends and celebrating the big 3-0! I’ll never forget it because I showed up to the party in my PJ’s! Yep, it was at a good friends house and I figured we were just going to lay around and watch football so I didn’t dress up! Oops! It was fun though!

    Happy Birthday, Blog! :)

  35. 35

    My childhood friend Lori and I had a joint sleepover birthday party when we were about 10. She lived on a farm with a pond, so we were able to both ice skate and decorat our own dome-shaped cakes with real cake decor tools, then top them with Barbie picks. Priceless!

  36. 36

    My birthday is in January, and I remember having sleepover parties and sneaking out in the snow in our pajamas and running down the street. Life used to be so simple :)
    Rebecca´s last blog post ..Another quilt out of my UFO pile!

  37. 37

    My favorite birthday was my 7th birthday. My mom ordered a gorgeous train cake, each compartment was filled with candy, the room was full of balloons and candy in bowls everywhere. There were about 25 friends and all kinds of fun games. My mom gave us great parties!

  38. 38

    When I turned 19 my dad bought my Mom and I tickets to stay with my Grandma in Florida. We got up early, spent the day on the beach, went out for dinner, went to bed, and repeated for 8 days. It was the best birthday ever!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Counter Surfing

  39. 39

    My favorite birthday memory was a surprise 23rd birthday. I had just returned from a few months in Prague and all my friends and some of my family were there to surprise me. It was awesome!

  40. 40

    One of my favorite birthday memories is from grade school. My parents surprised me with a bubble gum pink, banana seat bike. The seat had bright balloons on it and there was a white basket on the front with bright flowers. It is my favorite memory because even at that young age I knew it was a “big” gift for my parents to be able to afford at that time. How they made it happen I still don’t know. But, I loved that bike!
    Nicole´s last blog post ..Now it Springs UpThoughtful on a Tuesday

  41. 41

    My 21st… I was in Japan (where the drinking age is 20), so it wasn’t a big deal and no one tried to buy me shots or anything… just a nice classy lunch out with coworkers and I got to leave work early and watch the sun set over the river near my apartment. (Also I may have sung karaoke until the wee hours with friends. It’s possible.)

  42. 42

    happy blogiversary! :)
    my favorite birthday memory? i think i’d have to say all those birthday parties i had at my then favorite venue — the roller rink! SO fun :)
    Grace´s last blog post ..rock on

  43. 43

    Last year was my 50th, My husband went on e-bay & got me a painting I loved back when we were dating & still missed! I think it was the sweetest thing anyone has done for me. : )

  44. 44
    Leigh Ann says:

    My mom always made such a big deal about birthdays growing up. We had big bashes with everyone we knew. It included balloons, cake, presents, and usually a sleepover. One of the best memories is just being overwhelmed at seeing how many people obviously loved me (and my mom’s organization skills and food) to come to my parties every year.

  45. 45
    Erin Van Vleet says:

    I love birthdays! Although, I prefer to celebrate other people’s birthdays more! I just remember being a kid and watching my mom make me my special cake. I have vivid memories of the mickey mouse cake she made me when I was 4 or 5. I was so impressed by her cake making skills and beamed with pride when we showed my friends!

  46. 46

    My 21st was the best and most memorable, it was also my wedding day. Everyone who means the world to me, was there. Even my big brother flew in from Japan to surprise me! It is one birthday that will never ever be forgotten, the memories are truly wonderful!
    Stef´s last blog post ..We heart books

  47. 47

    Happy Blog Birthday! I think I too have much more fun celebrating other birthdays, my sons on earth and in heaven get the most amazing birthdays! I had a wonderful 30th birthday this year, a dinner with amazing family and friends and I am from Wisconsin so a win from the Packers in the Superbowl was pretty great. Thank you for the chance to win!

  48. 48

    Hands down, last year. My birthday last year was the day before my third child was going to be induced. Just knowing that we were finally going to meet him. The anticipation of having a family of five… I didn’t need the induction after all, he waited until 1am the day after my birthday to begin his way into the world. But I will never forget going to sleep last year on my birthday. And waking up the next morning with my precious baby boy.

  49. 49

    Hmmm….favorite birthday memory….probably on my eighteenth birthday. I got out of school and walked down to my car to find if filled with balloons and a few fun presents all from my best friend Beth. The presents were all related to the fact that now at age 18 I was free to go on road trips. I remember opening a few maps and a cute new tank top. There were other things too. It was so thoughtful and personal. I felt so loved and known. Needless to say, Beth is still my best friend.
    Lara´s last blog post ..Trying Again

  50. 50
    Rachel Slagle says:

    congratulations on one year!! :)one of my fav memories was getting to go to benihana each year for my birthday dinner – one year i got to go twice in the same week :)

    (oh and i totally say y’all all the time in real life haha)