Halloween 2014

THIS POST IS JUST ABOUT COSTUMES. There is no take away.  Nothing inspirational.  No life lessons or funny anecdotes. IT'S JUST COSTUMES. And lots of them.  Because Grandmas. Thank you for … [Read more...]

Putting together a Jesse Advent.

Long time readers: I post this every year.  Lo siento. I know.  I know. I'm one of those people right now. It drives me batty when people leap frog right over holidays, but in this case, … [Read more...]

Giving Up Self: A Kindness Project for Kids {and parents too!}

I had an idea this morning. As in, like 6:27 this morning. It all started when a friend shared that March is National Reading Month, so Amazon had a variety of Kindle books for $1 (and lots of other … [Read more...]

Christmas 2013

 Many moons ago, we declared that when we had kids, Christmas would be at our house. Anyone who wanted could come over, but we didn't want to travel for the holidays. It was important to us that … [Read more...]

This one is for the grandmas

I'm so so so so SO glad I did a dress rehearsal last week and took costume pictures! We had a great time last night, but getting decent photos was hard amid all of the other trick or treaters and … [Read more...]

Dress Up

Halloween with kids is so. much. fun. I get to dress them up in ridiculous outfits like little dolls and get my craft on while I'm at it. I had decided early on that Jill would be Tinkerbell, … [Read more...]

Fall Love

I decided that Fall is my favorite season. Sure, Summer is fun with its sticky popsicles and trips to the lake, but it's also notoriously busy.  And makes for lots and lots and lots of laundry for … [Read more...]

Fourth Of July 2011

Our church hosts a big family picnic every year. Every year, it gets better and better. Nothing changes with the picnic so much as that my kids get older and they enjoy it so much more. And … [Read more...]