This one is for the grandmas

I’m so so so so SO glad I did a dress rehearsal last week and took costume pictures!

We had a great time last night, but getting decent photos was hard amid all of the other trick or treaters and kids scattered this way and that.

Most of my pictures were of Jilly…simply because she wasn’t squished into a big group of kids vying for candy every second of the night.  :)

We met up with two other families for trick or treating from the shops in the Village.

It was the first time we had ever done anything besides the traditional house to house candy collecting, but we loved it.  No spooky houses, no teenagers in gory costumes, and plenty of people watching.

We’ll definitely be doing it again.

The girls could have just stood here all evening long watching the costumed kids on their way.

We took Jilly’s trike so she could feel a little less contained than she would in a stroller.

Remember Hannah and William?

Last night they made an appearance as the Tortoise and the Hare.

The cheeks.

I die.

Girl was ready.

Waving.  People watching.  She had a BLAST.

The Village is a bitty little town with buildings to look like a town of old.  Shop owners handed out candy.

Lucy had the whole candy gig down like a seasoned pro.

But it wouldn’t distract her from “A plane!  A plane!”.  She sounds exactly like Tattoo from Fantasy Island.

Which is totally awesome.

Our friend Sam wanted to be Moses.

Which cracked me up.

Most 9 year old boys want to be ninjas or dragons.  Love it.

AJ was best served in his daddy’s arms.

Serafina was a zebra.  And a big helper with my girls.

Sleepy bunny.

Sleepy but refuses to sleep tortoise.

There were a couple of tough moments of the night.

Andy told me that one lady (good naturedly) wouldn’t give Jill her candy unless she said ‘trick or treat’.

“No candy until you say it…”

When the nice (and unsuspecting) lady wouldn’t let up, Andy finally had to tell her “She can’t.”


Towards the end of our trick or treating, I carried Jill around.  And at one point, I just started crying.

I was sad.

Sad that she should be running around from store to store with her brother and sister.

Sad that she couldn’t.

She was having SO MUCH FUN.

I wished she could be experiencing it like they were.

I hated that I had to carry her around like a baby.

Because she’s not a baby.

Because most days I don’t notice or remember.

And sometimes it hits me like a freight train.

And it makes my mama heart so so so sad.

So standing next to a knight, Dorothy, and a venus fly trap, I was choking back tears.

Trying to keep it together.

While I had a moment in public.


But it doesn’t matter.

None of it does.

Because this is our family.

Our silly, crazy, loud, out of the ordinary family.

And I’ll take it any way I can get it.



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Jeannett…I may be just the great aunt but seeing those children fills my soul with happiness…and a tear or two for you and Miss Jilly Bean…thanks for sharing your night.

  2. 2

    Delicious! Don’t you just love every crazy moment?

  3. 3

    those moments just seem to sneak up on us, don’t they?
    but you know, she’s not sad at all. and that’s why we wipe away the tears, take a deep breath, and keep on moving.
    sadness and suckage need not apply.
    chin up, little momma.
    you’re doing a heck of a job!

  4. 4

    you have a beautiful family and CUTE, CUTE kids! Your baby girl is perfect. She’s a blessing (and I know you know that, I just had to type it). God’s gonna do some powerful things through her. I can feel it.

  5. 5

    This grandma says thanks -pics are great – and I’m right there with you in the moments for Jillian.

  6. 6

    loved this line “So standing next to a knight, Dorothy, and a venus fly trap, I was choking back tears.”
    because it mademe laugh… and I can SO relate.
    I was at a rehersal dinner for a wedding. Sitting RIGHT IN FRONT of the screen that they used for the slideshow… Everyone, including me was having such a great time…laughing at the pictures of the couple growingup..making stupid faces, wearing funny stuff (you know big bangs and tight-rooled stone-washed jeans)
    and I just lost it.
    I was so sad that I would never have those pictures of Caden… that I would never get to make a slideshow for her wedding… for all the memories I felt cheated of…
    but your right…
    it doesn’t matter… because Heaven is going to be awesome…and she’ll be there
    So I’ll wait.

  7. 7

    Your kiddos looked adorable!!! And I feel you on the suckage lol, my twins still aren’t walking at 2 and couldn’t make it up to the doors of the houses last night so they mainly just watched their big sister trick or treat from their wagon, because you know…I didn’t have enough arms lol. One could walk if he chooses to he’s just not ready yet and the other just got diagnosed as having Autism Spectrum Disorder and has just finally started to pull herself to a stand, she also doen’t speak (thankfully no one asked her to say trick or treat because I was trying to hold it all in already as well). Thanks for sharing, even the sucky parts lo,l as they help this momma know I’m not alone in the special needs see saw, especially on the littles’ special occasions!

  8. 8

    omg these pix are gr8!!! loving all the diff costumes!!

  9. 9

    Oh, Honey, no! I’m sorry it ended that way. It was so, so good to see you in real life. It was just a bit too real later on. I wish your dress rehearsal in the park, perfect light, ethereal princess moment hadn’t been stolen from you. I get what you’re saying even if I couldn’t say I knew exactly how you were feeling. You’re allowed to feel sad on Halloween. You’re allowed to be bummed that it isn’t all you thought it would be. Way back when they were getting big, and your 5’2″ frame was looking tinier each moment. And you had a horrible rash. And you were on bedrest. But they still took a few extra days to bake. Back then, I know you didn’t dream of Halloween being quite like this. I could say, “It’s not so bad.” And “She’s so beautiful.” and “Be grateful for all she can do,” but I know that doesn’t help with wondering what could have been. Or wondering the unknowns that lie before you.

    Ah, Dear Jeannett, thank you for your honesty. I’m sending you another hug today.

  10. 10

    When Ella was 2, 3, and 4 I had those moments when I felt sad because I was carrying her around.
    I hear you, girl.
    I know.

  11. 11

    Your babies are so beautiful…. I think your sweet Jill made the most perfect Tinkerbell! Beautiful! I always show my husband posts about Jill because she touches my heart…. so beautiful on the inside & out. Your an awesome momma!

  12. 12

    Halloween was always a hard one for me too….we finally (around 7) opted to host a costume party for our trio because they LOVED costumes but navigating yards and stairs, etc to trick or treat was making us all a tad bit emotional (ok…more than a tad bit)….now they are older (14) and this year we trick-or-treated with our youngest while the big kids watched scary movies (read: old Wolfman, Abott & Costella meet dracula, etc! ha) with Dad. And guess what, they went to bed saying it was the best day ever! Remember, YOUR paradigm is NOT Jill’s. And remember….you are not alone. Hugs from here! :)

  13. 13

    Its been awhile since I stopped by. The kiddos have gotten big. Both of your girls are just gorgeous. Sometimes you just have to have those moments. Mourning and feeling the lose of what should have been. But the important thing is that she was having SO MUCH FUN! Doesn’t matter to her if its the same, or the should have, but that she is enjoying life to its fullest, the way life has been given to her. Chin up, she is a rock star.

  14. 14

    It does suck. Bad. The moments in there little lives don’t get to me as much as the thoughts that run through my brain as they get older. So scared! I keep praying that God will protect my daughter and give her a strong sense of self-confidence… I do not want her heart to be broken on a daily basis by others. Praying that our home will continue to be filled with laughter and not tears because of things we can’t change. BUT… I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE HOPE OF A MIRACLE! OUR GOD IS WAAAY BIGGER THAN CP OR ANY OTHER DISABILITY! WAY BIGGER!
    Praying for you and your family!