Christmas Party…a little late.

I know this is like…oh…three weeks late, but you’ll have to give me a break on this one.  :)

I had it all typed up and ready to post…and then Jill had her big seizure and things got a bit crazy.

* * * *

Every year, on the Saturday before Christmas, the extended fam gets together.

It was our turn to host.

I went with a vintage dictionary/typography theme.

Because parties without themes are like peanut butter without jelly.


Invitations were super simple.  A typewriter font and a quick check on for an official looking definition.

I wore my crafty pants and cut up a the most yellowed dictionary I could find at the $1 bookstore  into triangles, cut out letters on my Cricut (this was before I got my Silhouette) and then covered them in Martha glitter.

peace, joy, and merry christmas.

But remind me to just buy pre-glittered scrapbook paper.  I made a colossal mess and the project took me about four times longer than it needed to.

Because that’s what I *always* do to myself.  Always.

Bird cutouts from Mommy Holly.  Love them.  Little bird ornament from Target for $1.  Twine tied mason jars and burlap cut into strips.  Easy.

We gave out bottles of local wine as our gift this year with these tags from Mommy Holly.  Except that I forgot to take a picture.  Bummer.  They were super cute too.

Chicken Tortilla, Pasta e Fagioli, & Potato Cheese soups were the main course.  Soup is such an inexpensive, easy, and filling way to feed a crowd!

Henry’s baby spoon.  I should probably order the girls some too soon.  Lisa kills me with her fabulousness.

Two guitars, an iPad, and beautiful voices.  I loved hearing all the great Christmas carols floating through my house.  Joy to the World, the Lord has COME!  :)


Goofy cousins.

Uncle Duncan and the girls.

My girls.  Who were feeling kinda blah all night.  And woke up the next morning with the stomach flu.  Boo.  (and then Jilly had her seizure…)

Jilly Bean and Tessy.

I think Lu’s glittery tennies funked out her outfit enough so that it fit her personality, don’t you?

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Rachel Slagle says:

    love the theme – so cute! and i totally agree – every party has to have a theme :)

    the girlies look super cute in their dresses! and i love the glittery tennies.

    (and when did duncan get so old? he’s supposed to be like 12! lol)

  2. 2

    The mention of a seizure caught my attention. My little one had two seizures when she was three days old. I am thinking your little one’s was a febrile seizure though. Regardless of the etymology, they are downright scary and hard to get over as a mommy. Please accept my prayers, support and encouragement.

    PS Love your blog and am totally awestruck by all you are able to accomplish!
    Julie Moses´s last blog post ..Oliart

  3. 3

    i love the theme! i am never very creative with mine, but you chose a cool one and then really made it work with all the cute little newspaper deals everything. merry Christmas!

  4. 4

    I love, love, LOVE your theme!!! And I’m now adding the silhouette to my long, long list of “wants” to save up for.

    Your girls are SUPER adorable!!
    Jodi´s last blog post ..2010 – Year in Review

  5. 5

    I wanna be at this par-tay! Love every single detail!

  6. 6
    Betsy Scalzo says:

    Amazing!! You do such a wonderful job! I have to throw a graduation party for my son that is graduating from UCSB in June! Can I please pick your brain for ideas? I want it to be a very special party for him. You gave me ideas once for a bridal shower and it was by far the best party I have ever thrown!!

  7. 7

    aah! thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Those JOY banners totally just inspired me. We have been making banners just like it with the kinder class for the past few years…but with burlap… cute? yes. Messy? very. Will be using dictionary sheets next year!