Craigslist Ad

So, this is the ad I'm dying to post on Craigslist.Feedback is welcome."Free to good home. Three children. Two girls, one boy. Must be taken as a group. They are adorably cute. They will make you … [Read more...]

4 month check up

Lucy: 50% for both height and weight.Jill: 10% for weight, 25% for height.I can't remember how much they actually weigh. And I can't find the little paper where they wrote it down...but it was like … [Read more...]

Lucy is my favorite

I'm not gonna lie.It's totally true.You're shocked, huh?Maybe even gasped aloud at my title.HOW COULD SHE?Yeah, well, I'll tell you EXACTLY how:LuLu goes to bed at 5:30 p.m.Yes, 5:30.Sleeps and sleeps … [Read more...]

Walking By Faith…or trying to anyway

Our Pastor is doing a series of interviews at the front of church showing how different people are walking by faith. So, he asked us if we would mind answering a few questions about some of the stuff … [Read more...]

Brotherly Love

I spent some of my afternoon pulling Henry and one of the girls in a little plastic wagon around the yard."Mama I want two sisters!"Sadly his wagon won't accomodate the whole clan so they had to take … [Read more...]


Thought I'd share with you a glimpse into my morning and in general, a typical day in my life lately.For background, the girls got their first vaccine shots yesterday. Both are running fevers and … [Read more...]

Mommy Time

I've found that Henry's behavior for the entire day is largely dependent upon whether or not he gets some one on one time with Mommy. I try to get that in during the girls' morning nap.Some days we … [Read more...]

Adventures in Cloth – Part 2

So, remember how I was having trouble with leaking and I had to strip my diapers?Well, it worked. No more leaks!Oh wait.Except at nighttime.No matter what I did...doubled the inserts...etc...the … [Read more...]