Two Month Check Up Stats

Two months.I know. I know.I don't know how it happened either.Crazy.Lucy: 9/14: 11 lb. 5 oz. 75% (8/10: 8 lb. 15 oz. )Jill: 9/14: 8 lb. 16 oz. 25% (8/10: 7 lb. 9 … [Read more...]

Adventures in Cloth – Part 1

I finished doing a simple strip of my diapers, and got the inserts re-stuffed into the covers. (I was interuppted about 400 times, but I think the stuffing took all of 10 minutes to do all 42 … [Read more...]

Let the Experiment BEGIN!

6729 WeeksThat's how many diapers we've gone through so far.And that doesn't count Henry.Remember this post way back in the day when I said we were going to try cloth diapers?Well, I wasn't kidding. … [Read more...]

A Little Story

So, I was reminded of this little story the other day that I thought you might enjoy:I'm 38+ weeks pregnant.With twins.It's 1:30 in the afternoon and my water breaks. I call the husband at work."Are … [Read more...]


Recently, I saw this little set of three whitewashed pots at an estate sale and thought they would look great in my kitchen window.I stood in the sunny line and as I waited, two different women asked … [Read more...]

How Does One Nurse Two?

When I was still pregnant, I devoured any book that was twin related. I couldn't get enough information from moms who had been there, done that. Every book had an obligatory chapter on feeding, and … [Read more...]


102.2 fever.Chills.Nausea.I'd totally give up. But I only stick it out because I honestly cannot afford formula for two.No grand and noble reason that would make the La Leche League proud.Just simple … [Read more...]


Seriously.How did that happen?It feels like it *flew* by......but individual days dragged on.Funny how that is.One month into the adventure that is twins, we are constantly asked:"So, how is it with … [Read more...]