Walking By Faith…or trying to anyway

Our Pastor is doing a series of interviews at the front of church showing how different people are walking by faith. So, he asked us if we would mind answering a few questions about some of the stuff going on in our lives lately.

I was a bit hesitant.

Not because I have stage fright. Nah, I did presentations for work.

Not because I didn’t want to “air” our families’ challenges…I do that on my blog regularly.

But, I was afraid that talking about my kids in front of a bunch of people would turn me into a blubbering mess.

And I really don’t like being a blubbering mess in front of people.

I’m not nearly as tough as the characters I play on TV.

Besides, I’m not sure how well we walk by faith anyway. In fact, I think I kinda suck at it.

But, I knew it was the right thing to do.

If you can encourage someone else, let them know that “hey…your walk may look different, but you’re not the only one who doesn’t have it all together!”…well, I think that’s important sometimes.

Anyway, it’s torture for me to watch this video clip.

Fidgeting, swaying, looking at my feet, playing with my hair.

My voice even cracks at one point.

Terrible, terrible, terrible.

NOT the kind of composure I had for work meetings.

Not one bit.

But this was different.

This was about my family.

And I was vulnerable.

So I apologize in advance for the horrific speech composure (or lack thereof).

(In fact, I was so mortified by my delivery that I seriously debated posting this…there’s that vanity again…!)


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    i don't think anyone with half a brain is critiquing public speaking skills while listening to you guys talk about real stuff up there. i did however, notice your cute shoes, dress and coat. i guess i was using the other half of my brain. anyway, i totally admired and appreciated you guys for going up there and sharing with the congregation!

  2. 2

    YOU ROCK! Sharing your story of faith and letting people know your daily challenges really help them appreciate when your girls are happy at church, or when Henry is running down the aisle! You are an awesome family! Just like God planned!

  3. 3

    I am so proud of both of you. What an awesome testimony to the faithfulness of God. I know you will be blessed for your reliance on Him. Your kids are so lucky! Love you all.

  4. 4

    Sharing what God is doing in your life doesn't have to be perfect…just honest and from the heart. And if you didn't post, I actually saw it on Tim's post. :) Thanks for sharing.

  5. 5

    You did fine… sharing what God is doing and being honest about that is all that matters. Well done!

  6. 6

    You two are amazing. First of all – I wouldn't even have the cojones to STAND up there, much less talk – so kudos to you for that! And second…you look GREAT! and you talking up there makes you a REAL PERSON. I swear, I just wanna hug you right now! I really admire your strength and ability to talk about everything you've been through. You should be so proud of yourself…seriously.