Tips for Cold and Flu Season


 Remember how I said that Jill has been blurting out words?

“Stuffins” has been one.  It’s one of her favorite shows.  She yells “Stuffins!!!” and points to the TV.

Naturally, I had to get her a little Doc doll.  Naturally.


The toy medical kit has been in pretty heavy rotation recently.


Dolls are examined and prescribed medications.

Lucy often asks if they’ve been “taking their meds”.

On the one hand it’s funny to hear my bigger kids…the ones used to us speaking of medical concerns…but on the other hand, it makes me sad that they even know what it is.


Jilly always says “Owwwwww” when she gives her girls a shot.


We had an eye doctor appointment yesterday…before anyone even touched her, she started whimpering and saying “Owwww”.  People in scrubs hurt.

Or so she believes.


So we’re trying to encourage her and play “doctor” so that she doesn’t always associate everything medical with pain.


We listen to dolly heart beats.

We check their temperature.

We give them band aids.


We make sure their eyes are looking good.


Ariel too.

Because always Ariel. In preparation of the impending cold and flu season, I thought I would share a simple tip for staying even just a little bit more sane. I have this board on Pinterest called Why Didn’t I Think of That?! It’s that stuff you see that so completely, ridiculously simple…yet so Thank You Sweet Baby Jesus This Is Going To Change My Life I Just Can’t Believe It Took Me This Long To Figure It Out stuff. Today, I present to you a gloriously simple, non-earth shattering idea…that just might save your sanity. At least it did mine.

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This house, the one we bought, is the first house I have EVER lived in that is two stories. With that, I have vowed that if I can help it, I will NEVER buy another two story house.  It’s just too much people. Every time I’m upstairs, the thing I need is downstairs.  When I’m downstairs, stuff is upstairs. My phone rarely rings.  When it does?  You can bet it’s on whatever level of the house that I’m NOT on. Every. Single. Time. Fast forward to sick kids.  It’s a miserable thing to have kids that are sick.  The last thing you want to do is hunt down that ONE bottle of baby medicine.  Not only which level of the house it might be in…but also which bathroom you put it last. I know, I know.  #firstworldproblems “I can’t remember which of my multiple bathrooms, in my multi-level home I left my easily accessible medication that I can afford is! It’s kinda gross.  Let’s try to not think about that too much. Moving on… So, you have a hot feverish kid who wants no one but his mama.  He’s whimpering and sad and you motion for your husband to bring you the meds. And then…that moment you dread: “Where is it?” “Um…..I don’t know.  Somewhere.  Maybe in the bathroom.  Or was it the kitchen?  Didn’t I leave it in the master bath?  Or was it the little bathroom downstairs?”  ACK! So he huffs off on a wild goose chase for this elusive little bottle of medication…and then you yell after him “And the thermometer too!” “Where’s THAT?” “I mean, in some of those same places.  I think.” Twenty minutes later he comes back. With gas drops. And the rectal thermometer. For your 6 year old.


Now, I’m convinced one of you will comment “Just buy more than one bottle of medicine and keep one on each level of the house!” Right.  Except that somehow I end up with FOUR mysterious bottles…all of which are somehow in the same cabinet…and which are somehow in the last cabinet I looked in.  Logical answers still elude our family.  We must go even simpler. And so, I invented: The Medicine Basket. I know.  It’s not that exciting.  But LIFE. CHANGING.  Legit. A $1 plastic basket.  Chalk full of every kid medicine you can think of.  Plus tissues.  Plus thermometers.  And vasoline.  And that nasty smelling stuff you rub on their chest at night.  Name it.  It’s in there. And it has a handle.  So your husband can’t possibly bring you the wrong thing because he brought you ALL THE THINGS. It is all, gloriously, there. In one place. “Hey babe, can you bring me the green basket of meds?” “Sure.” He returns. With the right stuff. Marital bliss. And then…get this: if you’re downstairs cuddling your sick babe, and it’s time for bed…you just take the whole basket upstairs with you. It’s like I’m a genius. Do they teach these things in medical school?  Because they should. But really.  I’m totally serious.  The green basket is probably one of my favorite ideas.  It is almost painfully simple, but I couldn’t imagine life without it. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Leave a comment answering the question below for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card!  For real! How do you keep your kids healthy on the go with snack ideas or other fun activities?

Season 2 of Doc McStuffins begins on Disney Junior with new episodes every Friday beginning September 6! Jill is going to be SO excited!  And you can watch tips for keeping your kids healthy from Doc McStuffins herself!


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 51
    Jessica To says:

    I try to carry snacks that don’t require my son to touch them if we have been out and about.

  2. 52

    Fresh fruit and veggies are always accessible and everybody has their own water bottle. Simple. We also have all our sickie stuff corralled in a container. So handy.

  3. 53

    Don’t underestimate the power of the orange. It’s neat that they break into those little encased sections. I carry them around with other stuff like nuts.

  4. 54
  5. 55

    I love taking healthy snacks on the go like the squeezable greek yogurts, string cheese, pretzels and berries. :)

  6. 56

    I keep my children healthy on the go by creating healthy snacks such as almonds, rice cakes, dried fruit and cheese strings and of course water. I make sure they use hand sanitizer wherever we go to ward of nasty germs! I also encourage them to be healthy by taking them for long walks, playing and leading by example.

  7. 57
  8. 58

    We take daily doses of Vitamin D!

  9. 59

    I keep my child healthy by having an available stash of some of the healthier snacks that she likes, such as dried mangos or blueberries.

  10. 60
  11. 61

    We try to stay healthy on the go by not giving in to fast food temptations (easier for them than me!) We haven’t seen Doc McStuffins before but it looks fun.

    chambanachik (at) gmail (dot) com
    Erika´s last blog post ..Holiday

  12. 62

    Hand washing and oranges

  13. 63

    We try to bring full water bottles and simple snacks whenever we go out. I keep a small ball and a frisbee in the car because I love taking the kids to all the different parks around our neighborhood to keep them active. And I always keep a container of hand sanitizing wipes in the car.
    Deece´s last blog post ..We are here.

  14. 64

    My husband and I will be bringing home our first two children (aged 11 and 9, adopted) just after Thanksgiving, and one more item has been added to my pre-homecoming to-do list: make a kid med box. SUCH a good idea! Thank you! I already have the healthy snack thing down b/c hunger is my worst migraine trigger. But my husband and I have awesome immune systems and almost never get sick, so having meds on hand for the kids never even crossed my mind. You just saved us a 3am trip to the neighborhood pharmacy while one of our children is vomiting or running a fever, waiting for us to come back home with medicine. not even kidding. best idea ever. :-)
    Jennifer´s last blog post ..Santiago: First Impressions

  15. 65
    Wild Orchid says:

    We like to keep baggies of fresh cut-up fruits and veggies on hand and within our son reach. They are healthy and easy to grab on the way out the door!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    wildorchid985 at gmail dot com

  16. 66
    Wild Orchid says:


  17. 67

    Wash hands frequently and make it a habit for kids. We also pack our own homemade baking cookies and brownies on the go.
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  18. 68


  19. 69

    wash hands often and use hand sanitizer on the go

  20. 70
  21. 71
    Angela Kinder says:

    We stay healthy by having healthy snacks (i.e. carrot sticks, grapes, or granola bars) in the fridge so that whenever we are heading out the door, we grab them. We also freeze water bottles because living in Texas, the water would get hot too quickly. And everyone can drink the water as it melts.

  22. 72

    for a snack on-the-go we pack organic fruit squeeze pouches

  23. 73
  24. 74

    I make my own snack bags of dried fruits and nuts for snacking on the go.

  25. 75
  26. 76

    Applesauce is a mainstay in my purse. So are wipes for messy hands.
    onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com

  27. 77
  28. 78
    Susan Smith says:

    I always take water or juice and snacks like cheese sticks, raisins, crackers or granola when we are on the go.

  29. 79
    Susan Smith says:
  30. 80

    I have picky eaters so we have to hide the veggies/fruits in fruit juices and veggie sticks.

  31. 81

    we wash our hands and eat fruits on the go!

  32. 82
  33. 83
    Sonya Morris says:

    I try to pack my kid’s favorite snacks so we don’t have to stop and be tempted with unhealthy food choices. I still try to police what they eat if we do stop somewhere for snacks. When we are out we try to use hand sanitizer and most importantly stay away from crowded places where a lot of sick folks are. When we get home we take off our shoes at the door & the little kids take a bubble bath to wash off any germs. Bubble baths sound like fun, right?

  34. 84
    Sonya Morris says:
  35. 85
    amy pugmire says:

    I bring sanitizer and hand wipes. we are constantly washing out hands when possible. We stay hydrated and bundled during the winter!! I also love to bring healthy fingers foods, grapes, crackers, blueberries, cheese! They love it all! I also love to bring books and electronics if we are on the road for a while.

  36. 86
    amy pugmire says:
  37. 87

    i like the green basket idea! we do the same with all the kid-approved snacks. nothing unhealthy in there, just wholesome whole-grain foods with no added sugars.

  38. 88
  39. 89

    i always keep healthy snack options with us when we are on the go!

  40. 90
  41. 91
    Rebecca Graham says:

    I keep a baggie of healthy snacks like nuts and raisins for on the go.

  42. 92

    my nephew loves apple slice in the bag on the go

  43. 93
  44. 94
    Nicole Larsen says:

    We keep antibacterial wipes in the car. We also take pieces of fruit with us wherever we go (ie after school activities, zoo, parks)

  45. 95
    Nicole Larsen says:
  46. 96

    I don’t have kids, but my parents always kept nuts and carrots sticks around for snacks and fresh fruit for my “sweets” cravings :)

  47. 97

    I never kept junk food in the house, instead we always had nuts and fresh fruit around.

  48. 98

    I love taking my kids to the park to play soccer, slide, hide and seek, etc. These are fun activities that they love.

    amy [at] utry [dot] it
    Amy Tong´s last blog post ..How To Make Homemade Hot Oil Hair Treatment

  49. 99


    amy [at] utry [dot] it
    Amy Tong´s last blog post ..How To Make Homemade Hot Oil Hair Treatment

  50. 100
    Robin Wilson says:

    On the go ways to stay healthy: Hand sanitizer, wipes, first aid kit for kids, water, healthy snacks such as carrots, raisins, grapes, apples/celery with peanut butter and lots of water to stay hydrated. Washing hands and keeping them away from your face and coughing/sneezing into your elbow!
