Tips for Cold and Flu Season


 Remember how I said that Jill has been blurting out words?

“Stuffins” has been one.  It’s one of her favorite shows.  She yells “Stuffins!!!” and points to the TV.

Naturally, I had to get her a little Doc doll.  Naturally.


The toy medical kit has been in pretty heavy rotation recently.


Dolls are examined and prescribed medications.

Lucy often asks if they’ve been “taking their meds”.

On the one hand it’s funny to hear my bigger kids…the ones used to us speaking of medical concerns…but on the other hand, it makes me sad that they even know what it is.


Jilly always says “Owwwwww” when she gives her girls a shot.


We had an eye doctor appointment yesterday…before anyone even touched her, she started whimpering and saying “Owwww”.  People in scrubs hurt.

Or so she believes.


So we’re trying to encourage her and play “doctor” so that she doesn’t always associate everything medical with pain.


We listen to dolly heart beats.

We check their temperature.

We give them band aids.


We make sure their eyes are looking good.


Ariel too.

Because always Ariel. In preparation of the impending cold and flu season, I thought I would share a simple tip for staying even just a little bit more sane. I have this board on Pinterest called Why Didn’t I Think of That?! It’s that stuff you see that so completely, ridiculously simple…yet so Thank You Sweet Baby Jesus This Is Going To Change My Life I Just Can’t Believe It Took Me This Long To Figure It Out stuff. Today, I present to you a gloriously simple, non-earth shattering idea…that just might save your sanity. At least it did mine.

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This house, the one we bought, is the first house I have EVER lived in that is two stories. With that, I have vowed that if I can help it, I will NEVER buy another two story house.  It’s just too much people. Every time I’m upstairs, the thing I need is downstairs.  When I’m downstairs, stuff is upstairs. My phone rarely rings.  When it does?  You can bet it’s on whatever level of the house that I’m NOT on. Every. Single. Time. Fast forward to sick kids.  It’s a miserable thing to have kids that are sick.  The last thing you want to do is hunt down that ONE bottle of baby medicine.  Not only which level of the house it might be in…but also which bathroom you put it last. I know, I know.  #firstworldproblems “I can’t remember which of my multiple bathrooms, in my multi-level home I left my easily accessible medication that I can afford is! It’s kinda gross.  Let’s try to not think about that too much. Moving on… So, you have a hot feverish kid who wants no one but his mama.  He’s whimpering and sad and you motion for your husband to bring you the meds. And then…that moment you dread: “Where is it?” “Um…..I don’t know.  Somewhere.  Maybe in the bathroom.  Or was it the kitchen?  Didn’t I leave it in the master bath?  Or was it the little bathroom downstairs?”  ACK! So he huffs off on a wild goose chase for this elusive little bottle of medication…and then you yell after him “And the thermometer too!” “Where’s THAT?” “I mean, in some of those same places.  I think.” Twenty minutes later he comes back. With gas drops. And the rectal thermometer. For your 6 year old.


Now, I’m convinced one of you will comment “Just buy more than one bottle of medicine and keep one on each level of the house!” Right.  Except that somehow I end up with FOUR mysterious bottles…all of which are somehow in the same cabinet…and which are somehow in the last cabinet I looked in.  Logical answers still elude our family.  We must go even simpler. And so, I invented: The Medicine Basket. I know.  It’s not that exciting.  But LIFE. CHANGING.  Legit. A $1 plastic basket.  Chalk full of every kid medicine you can think of.  Plus tissues.  Plus thermometers.  And vasoline.  And that nasty smelling stuff you rub on their chest at night.  Name it.  It’s in there. And it has a handle.  So your husband can’t possibly bring you the wrong thing because he brought you ALL THE THINGS. It is all, gloriously, there. In one place. “Hey babe, can you bring me the green basket of meds?” “Sure.” He returns. With the right stuff. Marital bliss. And then…get this: if you’re downstairs cuddling your sick babe, and it’s time for bed…you just take the whole basket upstairs with you. It’s like I’m a genius. Do they teach these things in medical school?  Because they should. But really.  I’m totally serious.  The green basket is probably one of my favorite ideas.  It is almost painfully simple, but I couldn’t imagine life without it. BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Leave a comment answering the question below for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card!  For real! How do you keep your kids healthy on the go with snack ideas or other fun activities?

Season 2 of Doc McStuffins begins on Disney Junior with new episodes every Friday beginning September 6! Jill is going to be SO excited!  And you can watch tips for keeping your kids healthy from Doc McStuffins herself!


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    We had a toy doctor kit too, and it was a lot of fun. When my brother was little his ears hurt a lot. My grandpa was a doctor, so my brother would tell him “get the odoscope” it was adorable and sad at the same time. Also, when john has treatments and has to give blood or get a shot, he says “its okay” because thats what my mom used to say to him when he was younger. Its so heart breaking that he learned to say “its okay” while in pain, but also very sweet at the same time.
    Katie´s last blog post ..Looking Back: Moving Back

  2. 2

    I have one of these med kits and it is soooo helpful! I got myself a tupperware bin and put all of our medications in it. I also ordered some “Mr. Yuk” stickers (remember those?) and put them all over it so the kids knew that they were medicines and not to be messed with. It’s so nice to know exactly where to find everything, and I keep it on the highest shelf in our linen closet away from little hands.

  3. 3

    My little one love orange juice so I always keep a sippy cup handy and since he hate for me to do anything for him, I eventually end up giving him the baby wipe or germ-x and we patty-cake in order to get those hands rubbed together.

  4. 4
  5. 5

    I have a green basket of meds, except, I don’t. I put it all in a soft sided lunchbox. It closes, there are two zippers that can be locked together to keep my littles out. And I always take it with me when we travel. I never have to pack anything. I just grab it and go.
    Angie´s last blog post ..Mother’s Day Tradition 2013

  6. 6

    I have a medicine basket too! And a first aid one. I started with just one basket for everything, but then we had twins. Boom. Two baskets.

    I “keep” my kids healthy by trying to make sure they wash hands. A lot. But I get them back to healthy by mixing medicine in applesauce with cinnamon. Usually works.
    Megan B´s last blog post ..Then this happened

  7. 7

    We love Doc McStuffins at our house. I have an almost 3 yr old son and he loves it, then he plays dr with daddy (but using his play home depot tools set) we really should get him a dr set.

  8. 8
    Tiffany Underwood says:

    We play doctor to keep fear at bay, too…also to prep for expectations…it’s amazing and sad all at the same time…

  9. 9

    We love ‘stuffins too!

  10. 10
    Christine Mayfield says:

    I keep my kids healthy on the go by feeding lots of healthy foods and carrying wipes or hand sanitizers when we go out and about. I also make sure they get plenty of exercise and outdoor activities.

  11. 11

    We like to have healthy on the go snacks like baby carrots and grapes

  12. 12
  13. 13
    Christine Mayfield says:
  14. 14

    Doc McStuffins is so cute! We play doctor a lot at our house. Those dolls are pretty accident prone.

  15. 15

    I keep wipes and tissues in the vehicles and ibuprofen in the glove box for Mama! =)

  16. 16

    We stay healthy on the go with healthy snacks and drinks in the car at all times. My kids always seem to want a snack or drink every time we leave the house. Instead of stopping at a convenience store or fast food joint, we have snacks like veggies, fruit, granola, etc packed in the cooler.

  17. 17

    We always have snacks on the go. My 3-yr-old is a diva when he’s hungry…our favs are the apple sauce pouches.
    shannon´s last blog post ..Cousin Bloopers

  18. 18
    Carrie R. says:

    Vitamin C and hand sanitizer/wet wipes are a staple in my house or even on the go when the “sick season” arrives. Orange juice, orange slices, strawberries, or whatever else I can get my kids to eat. I also look for multivitamins that have extra Vitamin C.

  19. 19
    Robin Canter says:

    Always keep Pedialyte in the frig during cold/flu season. sometimes it’s the only thing my little one would drink/eat. LIFESAVER.

  20. 20
    Carrie R. says:
  21. 21

    Well, my kid is only 10 days old so we aren’t really “on the go” yet. But to stay healthy, I have hand sanitizer and a separate changing station (pad, diapers, wipes) for each if the 3 possible places we might change him in ou house. This way we always have the fit tools in hand and can clean up afterwards!
    Christy´s last blog post ..10 days old

  22. 22

    Totally stealing this idea. I’m a fan of simple & super smart :)

  23. 23

    My kids are grown, so we make sure we’re stocked with Emergen-C packets for cold & flu season, as well as all the basic OTC meds. I pass out the Emergen-C to anyone who even THINKS of sniffling! We also keep hand sanitizer in all the cars & everyone’s bedroom. I’m big on hand washing, but if there’s no water available, we’re prepared.

    Sorry you didn’t know about the meds basket~ I’ve been doing that for years. We’re in a 1 story house, but we keep ours in the kitchen where it’s readily available to everyone. We have multiple baskets~ 1 for injuries (bandaids, gauze pads, steroid cream, neosporin, etc), 1 for vitamins & supplements & 1 for OTC meds. It WORKS! Glad you figured it out! :-)

  24. 24

    Here goes. ..second time, lol. Thanks tor the opportunity! A Visa gift card would be great!!

  25. 25

    LOL … I was wondering if “post” meant FB or the bog! :-)

    Thanks again for the chance to win! Doc McStuffins is too cute!!

  26. 26

    My son is 8 and LOVES doc too! He has spent a lot of time at dr offices for multiple medical issues so it does help. I just wish the would add a male dr to the mix as well.

  27. 27

    Healthy on the go? Hmmmm starting to think that I need to work on this since I can’t come up with anything! I do however have a dollar store life saver…your $1 med bin made me think of it! Kitchen timer. My kids are always brushing their teeth for like 5 seconds and claiming they are done. I taught them how to set the timer for 2 minutes. Now there is no more “is that long enough?” My four year old loves it. My seven year old…not so much. Ha!

  28. 28
    Vicki Miller says:

    We use a large ziplock for my sons allergy meds with directions written on the bags. They are in all vehicles too due to my sons deadly peanut allergy. We are also big fans of DM!!

  29. 29

    Is this where I promise you the unicorn if I win? It’s still here and now hiding for you.

  30. 30
    Betsy Scalzo says:

    Love the idea of everything handy and in one spot. Who wants to go hunting for something when you are not feeling well. I did something like this for all my kids when they headed off to college. Would love the Visa gift card, could order some bakers twine and straws for Karlee’s wedding and maybe have a bit left over for me :).

  31. 31

    We take fruit and yogurt with us as on the go snacks.

  32. 32


  33. 33

    We use a water bottle from home and avoid public drinking fountains especially during flu season.

  34. 34
    Marcia Rocha says:

    Entered !

  35. 35
    Jennifer Sims says:

    I freeze grapes & take them with me for snacks on the go.

  36. 36

    Hooray for Doc McStuffins! She is the reason my kids take hand washing extremely seriously now!

  37. 37
    Kristin Neubecker says:

    Yay for giveaways!

  38. 38

    We have a medicine basket too… but lo and behold, what I need is either missing or empty :-( Such is life. YAY for giveaways. We pretty much hang on for dear life once school starts. Washing hands A LOT now.

  39. 39

    I always pack P&J sandwiches, bananas and granola bars so my kids can eat healthy food when we are on the go.

  40. 40

    We eat healthy snacks and was our hands a lot. My daughter automatically washes her hands every time we walk in the door.

  41. 41
  42. 42

    We LOVE Doc McStuffins at our house too. I think its one of the best ideas that Disney has done. The idea of making the Dr. not so scary is brilliant. Just about as brilliant as BRINGING ALL THE THINGS! We have one floor and one bathroom that we use, and I still can’t keep it together. :) Yea for contests, I would love a gift card. Maybe I could afford one of those emergency food supply buckets then :)
    Ceri´s last blog post ..Grilled Pizza with a little help from my Winco!

  43. 43

    We keep healthy on the go by remembering to wash after using the bathroom and packing healthy snacks.

  44. 44

    My 3 year old twins LOVE Doc McStuffins! As my girls have gotten older, I have a “snack box” in the pantry filled with healthy snacks. They can reach it and pick their own snack whenever they are hungry! I’m also a big believer in good sleep habits for staying healthy.

  45. 45

    That picture of Jill right above “we listen to dolly heartbeats” is beautiful. I love it.

    We try to stay healthy in our home through diet, clearly we aren’t always successfull. So when they get sick I try to stop them from sharing things like drinks.
    Gwendolyn T´s last blog post ..Last Weeks Class Disaster

  46. 46

    My kids take a multivitamin and a separate vitamin c supplement. I don’t have them buy lunch at school so I can pack their lunch and know just what the are (and aren’t) eating! Of course, we try to get plenty of sleep too!

  47. 47
    Lisa Brown says:

    I carry with me grapes, cheese crackers, water or juice when we are out and about.
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

  48. 48
    Lisa Brown says:

    tweet –
    jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

  49. 49

    I want to win!!


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