Sweet Yana

Every year I am reminded that the internet can be a beautiful place.

Sure, it can suck up your time.  Distract you.  Overload you with information.  Make you feel overwhelmed.  Inadequate.

And boy, does it looooove to overshare sometimes.  (Facebook, I’m talking to you.)

But, the internet is made up of real people…and sometimes real people suck…but lots of times real people are AWESOME.

Let’s take Yana for instance:

A sweet little girl with Down Syndrome.  No mommy or daddy.  But a whole troupe of bedraggled moms who have rallied and cheered and donated and prayed from thousands of miles away.  She may never know that people she will never meet were rooting for her, but you did.  You were.  You have.

The internet…the very same one that gets the lion’s share of criticism about being narcissistic and a waste of time…helped grow an unknowing little girl’s adoption fund to $7,447.50!!!!  (She started with $2,219 before any of our efforts).

The internet…the same one that people are decreeing they are turning off for New Year’s Resolutions, found those chubby cheeks a family.  I don’t know any details about them…just that Yana’s profile has moved to the “My Family Found Me” page on Reece’s Rainbow.  It will likely be close to a year (or more!) until she is finally home, but she is coming home my friends.  She is coming home.

Yana’s adoption fund is open for donations year round.  But the “official” (which, by the way, are totally unofficial) fundraising efforts from Life Rearranged (aka Jeannett in her bathrobe) end today.  In a few months, we will fundraise for another cause.  Next year we will rally for another sweet face.


Baby steps.

Changing the world is a job reserved for Jesus.  All we can do is make an effort.  Even if it’s teeny and feels like a drop in the bucket.  One blog post, one dollar, one prayer, one tweet at a time.

On another note, some of you may have heard some news about Russia banning adoptions to the United States.  Apparently, Russia got mad at the U.S. because we want to be able to prosecute those who commit crimes against humanity…so Russia was like, ‘Oh no you won’t!  In fact, we’re now going to close international adoption to your country specifically!  So there!”  Because that makes perfect sense.  Nevermind that Eastern Europe as a whole has some of the most horrific accounts of orphan care (and I use the term ‘care’ very, very loosely) in the whole world.  Punish the children.  Great idea.

Hideous.  Filthy.  There is a special place for you Mr. and Mrs. Legislators…yuck.

Many of you have contacted me asking how this would affect our Yana (all of these kids will always have a piece of me…so yes, “our”.)  For starters, all I really know is that Yana is in Eastern Europe…maybe Russia…maybe not.

Well, the “good” news is that it sounds like the Russian government is writing in an amendment that will still allow special needs adoptions to the U.S.  Because that makes perfect sense.  I mean, it’s an awesome loophole for the kids like Yana on RR, but seriously???

It’s so gross.  Thinking about the implications and the hard hearts writing these bills makes me physically ill.

So, let’s continue to rally even though our fundraiser is over.  Let’s pray that all of this is changed/removed.

Control, alt, delete.

Lastly, and on a happier note, I pulled winners for our two giveaways!  Yay!

The winner of the Spread the Word Giveaway is:


The winner of the Got a Blog? Giveaway is:



Emails have gone out to both winners.  If they don’t respond within 72 hours, I’ll have to pick new winners.  Which is sad.






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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    :) for Yana! Praying for the Russian situation. It’s insanity. Great work here, Jeannett!
    Jenny from Mommin’ It Up´s last blog post ..Merry Christmas!

  2. 2

    So happy for Yana – praying only good things continue her way! Bessed by her immensely this Christmas : )
    Kerry @ Made For Real´s last blog post ..Marshmallow Goodness (& more)

  3. 4

    Praise Jesus she has found a home! Praying for all the other sweet littles who need mamas.

  4. 5

    The power of internet is sometimes so destructive but sometimes also so helpful! I wish more people would use it in the good way, not to criticise, mess, trying to talk somebody down – but to help, support, change someone’s life…
    I loved this post, thanks for sharing!
    Alexandra´s last blog post ..Choosing a name for your baby

  5. 6

    I wanted to send out a HUGE THANK YOU for all your efforts on Yana’s behalf. I am the one that is hoping to be Yana’s mommy, and I am so thankful for all the people who have helped us bring our little girl home. Please continue to pray for our little girl and family as we hold out against the Russian ban. (She is from Russia, by the way.) Thank you again, and God bless!