Flashback Happiness

Yesterday’s post was kinda Heavy, and while this blog is no stranger to Heavy, I wanted to balance it with some ridiculous cute for today.

Because that’s Life, right?

A string of moments.  Some good, some bad, some innocuous.  All together painting a picture more breathtaking than you could have ever dared to imagine.

Stand too close to a Monet, and all you see is a bunch of unintelligible dots and lines. It’s a mess of nothing.  Garbage even.

Stand back…readjust your focus…and you’re captivated.

And that’s my life.

It would be far too easy to dwell on the Heavy.  The Hard.  The Rearranged.

But then I’d be missing it.

And what a shame that would be.

I often have to pinch myself.  How has so much blessing and sweetness been bestowed on little old me?  The beauty in my home often overwhelms me.  Even if it’s sometimes interrupted with Heavy.  Because the Heavy makes the Beauty so much more palpable.  So much sweeter.

This morning I was clicking around at old files on the computer, and found these. They’re nothing fancy. Just a simple moment in an otherwise normal day. Joy. Pure joy for this mama’s heart.


Honey, I tell you.

*P.S. I don’t think the close up of the Monet brush strokes is actually from that specific painting…but it was the best Google would give me this morning.  Just go with it, kay?

**Also, there were many comments on yesterday’s post of women sharing their own journey of miscarriage.  If you are new here, you might find solace in the words of the women who participated in our Infant Loss/Miscarriage series last year.



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Precious. Your kids made m smile today ~ and for that, thank you!!!
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