Ever Had a Migraine? {Excedrin Migraine}

{Giveaway is now closed.  Congrats to Meg, Tina, and Tiffany on winning the Excedrin gift baskets!!!}

If your answer to that question is “No”, I’m happy for you.

Secretly bitter and maybe even a little hateful.  But as happy as I can be in this kind of situation.

If your answer is “Yes”…well, I’m super bummed out for you.

But you’re my people.  We’re all in this wretched little club together…and misery really does love company.

Me and migraines have a long and sordid history.

My grandma says she remembers me coming home from Kindergarten, just a wee 4 year old tyke (I was an early starter) and lying on the couch not wanting to play outside…my little arm draped across my eyes to protect myself from any kind of light.

Because when you have a migraine, it’s not just that your head feels like it’s going to explode into a million tiny pieces all over the living room.

No, because that would be somewhat bearable.

It’s the waves of nausea.  The nausea that you know if you actually did succumb to, would be just the little push your skull needed to do said exploding.

It’s the way that light suddenly turns menacing and hateful.  Natural sunlight that would otherwise be a welcome and beautiful thing?  Worst enemy.  Flourescent overhead lights?  Be gone you dreaded things!  A kid’s flashlight?  Chucked across a room in a split second.

Sound?  Of any kind whatsoever?  Shivers and goosebumps.  The ding of a text message is enough to send the room spinning.

Weird little blobs that make your vision all kaleidoscope scary.

Did I mention this feeling lasts HOURS (and for some people I know, DAYS)?!

I’ve dealt with migraines my whole life.

After I had my girls, I realized I was having them regularly.


In fact, I could actually predict it on a calendar…wait a minute…

I felt silly and ridiculous, but I mean, I’ve googled more ridiculous phrases.

Turns out, there is such a thing as a menstrual migraine.  Lovely.

In other words, not only did I get to experience the always fun and pleasant bloating and moodiness…I now got to look forward to at least a full day of being downright incapcitated.

Did I mention I have three kids?  Three kids who are 4 and under?  Three kids who can’t make their own lunches or wipe their own bottoms?

Migraine days = Movie days.  One movie after another.  Actually, who am I kidding?  It’s the same movie on loop because I can’t imagine getting up from my corpse like pose on the couch.

Where it takes every ounce of me to sort of chuck a slapshot peanut butter and jelly sandwich in their general direction and pray that I can get all the sticky off the furniture.  Tomorrow.  When my head isn’t threatening to kill me.

Over the years, I found that aspirin, ibuprofen…didn’t touch it.  I might as well have eaten a jelly bean for all the good it did.

I went to the doctor and got official migraine meds…but those made me feel weird and loopy and like I needed to lie down for different reasons.  Besides, I’m kinda weird when it comes to taking stuff like that.  I have the prescription in the cupboard for really bad times, but it’s kind of a “break glass in case of emergency” kind of thing.

But you know what I did find once a few years ago and is a STAPLE in my house at all times?

Excedrin Migraine.

Seriously people.

I have one bottle upstairs and one downstairs at any given time…because you know that in the middle of a migraine, having to climb a flight of stairs would be like asking me to run a marathon, climb Mt. Everest and then go chop some logs.

When I got an email asking if I would do a sponsored post for Excedrin Migraine, I thought “Seriously?  Easy.  No problem.  I won’t even have to try.”

I’ve learned that if I take it at the very beginning inkling of a migraine coming on, I can nip it in the bud.  Just like that.  No loopy weirdness.  No feeling drugged.  No lying on the couch all day praying that my kids are all alive and have all of their limbs by the end of it.  Easy peasy.

I remember almost being mad when I first discovered it “Why didn’t they come up with this twenty years ago?!  Dangit.”

Excedrin did a survey and sent along a few of the responses, and a couple of them made me giggle a little.  Not because they’re funny, but because I can SO relate.  I thought I’d share a couple of them with you:

  • A third (33%) would give up five percent of their annual salary rather than suffer from migraine pain
  • Other workers would toss their vacation days (26%) or weekends (17%)
  • And more than half (52%) would rather visit in-laws
  • More than three-quarters (87%) of working Americans would give up something for an entire year to never have to go through the pain of a migraine ever again
  • Eight in ten (83%) migraine sufferers confess that when they have a migraine, their family suffers as much as they do because of the impact it has on their ability to go about their regular routine

The folks at Excedrin sent me this fun gift basket…I like to think of it as a condolense for my suffering or some such thing.

It’s packed full with a bunch of fun stuff:

-A therapeutic neck wrap that can be heated or frozen (yes please)

-A soothing gel eye mask (bet it’ll look creepy but feel heavenly)

-A foot massager (that my son has absconded with and calls his bomb ball)

-A back massager (Andy?  Where’d you go?)

-And the basket itself is really cute too.  (I hate when the basket is ugly.  Don’t you?)

But let’s face it, my favorite are the:

-Coupon for a full sized bottle of Excedrin Migraine  (good thing because I was running low)

-Swarovski Crystal ear buds

-The $15 iTunes gift card

-And the $50 Amex gift card!!!


Don’t be!

Because the best part of this whole thing is that the peeps at Excedrin want me to give away not one, not two, but THREE of these gift baskets!!!

To enter to win one of the three gift baskets, just leave me a comment below telling me if you’re a migraine sufferer, or have one in your family.  Are you in my wretched little Migraine Club?  Or should I be super jealous that you’re not?  (1 entry per person).

I’ll pull three winners on Saturday, December 3.

In the meantime, here’s an Excedrin Migraine printable $1 off coupon.

You can also like their Facebook page where they offer more coupons, information on managing migraines, and even sweepstakes for fancy stuff like trips to spas. (This isn’t a giveaway entry.  Just letting you know.)


“This is a sponsored post.  Migraine relief and relaxation kit were provided by Novartis Consumer Healthcare, the makers of Excedrin® Migraine; my opinions, stories, are 100% my own.”



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 51

    Excedrin Migraine is a staple in our home just like milk, bread and sigar in others. Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone.

  2. 52

    I had one just yesterday. I laid in a dark quiet room whilst myhubby took care of the children… which makes me think I might have another in a few days… wink!

  3. 53

    Sadly I get them also – not often, but boy when I do . . . I have also found that if I take an Excedrin at the first sign of nausea I can head off the worst of it – the headache is still there, but it isn’t the full blown migraine.

  4. 54

    Oh, goodness — yes! I’ve got one today in fact! (And trying to slog through a workday, no less. Ugh.) I’ve actually gotten them since I was 3 years old . . . and that’s a long time! My grandma, mom and sister have all been sufferers at some point in their lives, but I win for lifetime consistency! (Not an honor, actually!)

  5. 55

    I get the monthly migraines too. Sometimes for a couple of days. Ugh. The best thing about being pregnant was that I didn’t have any migraines… headaches yes, but not a single migraine in those nine months times two. Makes me *almost* want to have another baby. Almost ;)
    As much as it sucks, it helps at least a little to know we have company in this! Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!

  6. 56

    I have never had a migraine (thank God), but my brother-in-law has suffered for several years from migraines. He finally has them under control with lots of medication and a sleeping mask. I feel for anyone who suffers. They seem awful!

  7. 57

    i get them….the menstral ones.
    they are sucky.
    i want to have that basket. :)
    thanks jeannett.

  8. 58

    oh yes and double yes. not only do i suffer frequently but our eight year old son does also. he is very active and just had one last sunday. we allowed him to skip church and he laid in bed, completely still with a rag on his eyes until 3:15 in the afternoon. poor fellow.

    i don’t like “heavy” meds and have resisted the prescription migraine medication for years. this excederin stuff just might be the ticket. thanks for the post!

  9. 59

    I just had my second migraine (in my life) a few weeks ago and while this post had me laughing (chucking flashlights) a tiny part of me what pleaded NOT to read on, for me just THINKING about getting another migraine MAKES me nauseous, I swear my hands are clammy just writing this comment. I think my last one was cycle related too, and after a long visit with my migraine doc I realized there was something MORE I could be doing like taking Excedrin BEFORE it got to the PONR (point of no return). With this last one I was out for 3 days, I just could not snap out of the feeling like I had just done a weekend bender in Vegas (not that I would KNOW what that feels like) :D –

    SO THANK YOU Life Rearranged and THANK YOU Excedrin! I think I love you – printing my coupon as we speak!

  10. 60

    Luckily i do not suffer from migraines, but my very good friend does and the poor thing has tried everything-even giving up red wine! I can attest to this Excedrin, it works for non migraines too! love Excedrin!

  11. 61

    I have had three or four migraines in my life and that was enough! EEEE-NUFF, as my 2yo says it. :)

  12. 62

    I sure am a migraine sufferer :( I don’t have it nearly as bad as some unlucky ladies, but it is still not fun at all!

  13. 63

    I have had migraines for the past 3 years.. was on prescription medicine for a while but it stopped working. they are no fun.

  14. 64

    One of my best friends has awful migraine headaches……she has had them since she was 20

  15. 65

    I got my first migraine this year. I didn’t know what was going on. I thought I had a brain tumor. Then when it was over, I did a google search and found out it was indeed a migraine. I had 2 or 3 in the following months, but I’m glad to say they have stopped. I haven’t had any sign of one in the past 6 months or so. Praise God, because I am a wimp to pain. I truely feel for you. I can’t imagine having one every month.

  16. 66

    I get menstrual migraines too. :( And Excedrin Migraine really helps – except sometimes it takes an hour or so to kick in (enough time to take a quiet, dark nap and wake up feeling way better).

  17. 67

    I was first diagnosed with migraines in college, but realized after diagnosis I had been suffering with them for YEARS undiagnosed (so much fun in high school). Now, I tell EVERYONE I know about Excedrine Migraine. It works SO much better for me than prescriptions, and I have no side effects! I’ve turned 2 coworkers onto it so far, and I have a bottle in my upstairs bathroom, downstairs, in my car, and carry it with me in my purse everywhere! LOVE Excedrine Migraine (even did my own blog post on Excedrine Extra Strength 2 weeks ago: http://livingwithoutnets.blogspot.com/2011/11/thankfulness-days-18-19-20.html)

  18. 68

    My son is prone to migraines. The neurologist has suggested Ibuprofen, but I’ll have to ask him about this Excedrine Migraine you speak of.

  19. 69

    I get them just like you, in fact I was totally out of commission on Mon because of one. :(

  20. 70

    I have migraines, although I know my triggers (heat and stress) so I try and keep cool and de-stressed. It’s easier to to the former than the latter. I use Advil Extra Strength and head to bed to cure mine.

  21. 71
    Sara Harris says:

    I have had migraines since junior high. The only time I haven’t suffered from them has been during my 3 pregnancies, because they are menstrual migraines too. One tip I can give is to take a Magnesium supplement.

  22. 72

    I have suffered from migraines for YEARS. husband just recently started getting them and of course his are “way worse”. excedrin migraine was a lifesaver for me when I was pregnant and got MORE headaches, but could take FEWER meds.

  23. 73
    rachel h. says:

    I’ve only had one, and it was only the double vision kind, not the nausea kind. I started seeing a chiropractor regularly and bam, gone. I also used to get bad headaches as a kid and my parents took me to a chiropractor (just once) and it did the trick. As an adult, I now run to the chiropractor before my medical doctor.

  24. 74

    There is nothing worse. Nothing. I get menstral ones too, and they are horrible. I keep exedrin everywhere, purse, diaper bag, car, both bathrooms, kitchen, bedside drawer….

  25. 75

    I’m lucky to not suffer from migraines, but my husband has terrible migraines! Fortunately for him, we discovered Excedrin last year and he hasn’t suffered as much this year. :)

  26. 76

    Never had a migraine but I’ll take the gift basket. So sorry for those who do suffer. Ugh.

  27. 77

    Not only do I get migraines, but I get cluster migraines. I know you must be jealous.

    I don’t know what I would do without Excedrin Migraine.

  28. 78
    Deanna G. says:

    I do get migraines. Luckily, they’re pretty seldom. Like once every 6 months. But when I do get them they last days, it’s pretty miserable. I can’t sleep, don’t want to eat, everything hurts. I haven’t found anything that helps.

  29. 79
    tiffany day says:

    OMG — yes yes and yes – migraine sufferer from childhood – i SO 100% relate to your post! And for many years my family suffered when I had a migraines – they were lasting sometimes 2 days! in bed in a dark room – barely able to function! Excredin Migraine helps me ALOT – but I also found that the Rx Imitrex is a total lifesaver!! it does not make me feel loopy or want to lay down – just in case you havent heard of it or tried – you might for those tough ones Execredin Migraine wont help anyway – sorry this is my first comment on your blog – i have been lurking for quite some time – but given the topic – not just the giveaway – i had to comment!

    oh and my lucky daughter inherited migraines from me! poor thing makes me cry! she takes Execredin migraine – imitrex doesnt work for her!!

    thanks Jeanette – love your blog – love your heart – you are amazing!


  30. 80

    Yep! Both my sister and I suffer from migraines. I esp. hate the little funny eye wigglies I get before they settle in. UGH. They were worse when I was a teenager, but I still get them — had one just two nights ago, as a matter of fact! Mine seem to be stress caused — and what better time to be stressed than the holidays? LOL! The basket and contents look heavenly — have never tried Excedrin migraine — I have a Rx that I use that works, but wouldn’t be opposed to something new! Thanks — and good luck next month!

  31. 81

    I am not a migraine sufferer (thankfully) but my 7 year old has been suffering with migraines for about a year now. It runs on his dad’s side of the family and something I know very little about. I feel so useless when he gets a migraine because I really don’t understand what he’s going through..it’s awful.

  32. 82

    Yep, I get migraines and I love Excedrin Migraine. Thanks for a chance to win their gift!

  33. 83
    Debbi Weeks says:

    I’ve only had a couple migraines in my life, but Seth (my son) has had them since he was very young. One of the few migraines I’ve had I was at the grocery when I realized it wasn’t just a normal headache, I bought Exedrin Migraine, took it, and went out to my car to sleep for an hour. I was able to go back in and do my shopping! Amazing. I’ll share my basket with Seth!

  34. 84

    I get a migraine every once in a while, but reading these comments has made me realize they’re not nearly as severe as some people!

  35. 85

    I get them sometimes but my sister gets them all the time.

  36. 86
    Michelle M says:

    My husband suffers from the occasional migraine, so I’ve seen how debilitating they can be.

  37. 87
    Katherine says:

    Oh, I feel your pain! I had my first migraine when I was 16 and I’ve had them at least once, usually more often, a month since. The only time I get a reprieve is when I’m pregnant– thanks, boys! 9 months of morning sickness with each of you but no migraine pain!

  38. 88

    I do not get migraines but I know so many people close to me that do. This is such a thoughtful basket of love for someone that is suffering! Would love to give this to a loved one.

  39. 89

    Ugh……sounds like me…..except I get them monthlyband mid-monthly. So. Not. Fun. But fun gift basket – might make me feel a little better. Thanks Exedrine and Jennett

  40. 90

    I suffer from migranes which have become more frequent and intense as I have “matured”. I’m hoping they get better after menopause. I haven’t found relief from what I have tried but you can be sure I will be buying Excedrin Migraine to use on the next one.

  41. 91

    My good friend suffers from them and boy it is terriable! Sorry for all of you who have this condition.

  42. 92

    you should be jealous. i’m sorry. i do get headaches often, but never a full migraine thank goodness!!

  43. 93

    Ugh. Yes, count me among the migraine sufferers. Excedrin migraine is a terrific drug that helps me a lot too, but I sometimes have to take a Rx migraine inhibitor as well because my headaches will go on for days at a time. It stinks but at least I don’t have toddlers to feed while babying my skull.

  44. 94

    Today is the first day, out of the last ten, that I haven’t had a migraine.
    It has been miserable.
    They are the bane of my existence.
    I have Excedrin Migraine…and more…in my medicine cabinet at all times.
    {better living through chemistry!}

    My only non-migraine time?
    When I’m pregnant.
    Too bad I can’t convince my husband we need #4. :)

  45. 95
    Jessie C. says:

    I a migraine sufferer, and I usually stay away from light/sound and sleep it off.

  46. 96
    Charlotte says:

    I don’t get migraines, but I get really bad sinus headaches every time the weather changes in the slightest.

  47. 97

    unfortunately i am a migraine sufferer too. i agree that the nausea is the worst. i experience light and smell sensitivity too. bluck to migraines!

  48. 98

    Yuck! I get them- a quiet dark room and a good nap helps. However, those things are hard to find as a mama.

  49. 99

    I LOVE Excedrin Migraine because I’m a menstrual migraine sufferer too. It’s the only thing that really works for me. I’ve had them at other times too – if I eat too much sugar, and last year when I had a pinched nerve in my neck the wrong move would trigger one starting with the scary aura vision. I could feel your pain as I read this post. How nice of those Excedrin folks to care and offer their giveaway.

  50. 100

    I get migranes. Thankfully it’s been a while since I’ve had one. They are usually stress related. I make a list and then take a nap in a dark dark room.