Momdom is Funny

I am pretty good about staying on schedule. (Life gets way too crazy otherwise!)

I do not believe in Family Bed.  (although I can see its merits)

I believe breastmilk is best.

I nurse all of my babies.  Even if it means blood, tears, and a pump.  (but only until age 1)

My kids are small on the “charts”.

Henry was walking by 10 months.  Lucy by 9.

My kids are (sorta) bilingual.

I tried to do Baby Signs but none of my kids seemed even remotely interested.

I let my kids watch TV.  (but not all day)

My kids don’t go to preschool.  (but only because we can’t afford it)

I do feed homemade, organic foods as often as possible and make my own baby food.  (but only to make up for all the chicken nuggets I feed them!)

My one year olds are not potty trained.  (Boo)

I cloth diapered my girls….for the first 11 months…now we do disposable.

I vaccinate my kids…but not necesarily on the average schedule.  I delay some of them.  (Hen and Jill were/are so teeny, I wait a bit until they are bigger, but they eventually get all of them)

We give time outs. (and hugs)

BUT you wanna know what?

These are MY mama decisions.  I get mine.  You get yours.  And unless you are doing some harm to your kids, I really don’t care what YOU do with YOUR kids.

I don’t think I’m better than you because I can puree some boiled carrots.

I don’t think my kids’ brains are going to rot because they like Lion King.

I don’t think you are crazy if you don’t vaccinate.


Because they’re YOUR kids.  I get my own to mess up.

Oh, and for the record…no.

Having kids one year apart is not like having twins.  Sorry.

But thanks for playing along.

Because if you can’t laugh at yourself…


you suck.

If you aren’t seeing the whole image, you can watch HERE.  (I don’t know why it’s cut in half?!)

(from my friend Jenny‘s blog).

And don’t forget to enter to win my giveaway!!! I’m closing comments soon! :)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Love this!!! I wish moms and women in general would be more supportive of one another and not so judgmental!
    Amy ~ Eat. Live. Laugh. Shop.´s last blog post ..The 5 Best Parenting Books

  2. 2

    I love this post! I love your honesty, and your humor. And I agree with the previous poster that we as moms need to support each other more and criticize less!
    Alison´s last blog post ..Inspire amp Encourage

  3. 3

    I know… this just cracked me up. Partly because of what they were saying, and partly because it’s common to have these conversations at the PARK, for crying out loud!! Do we have anything else we could talk about?? :-)
    Jenny´s last blog post ..quotDo it again…quot

  4. 4

    ha ha that was funny! did she flip her off at the end?!? ha
    stephanie´s last blog post ..Projects

  5. 5

    I’m not a mom, but I watched this the other day, and it is TOO funny!

  6. 6

    Thanks for this laugh today!

  7. 7

    I hope you don’t mind but….. I blogged about your blog and linked your Pasta e Fagioli recipe because I made it last weekend and it was… mouth watering. Also, I’m totally with you on a lot of your mom-doms. Thanks for refreshing honesty.
    Mari´s last blog post ..Pasta e Fagioli and a Favorite Blog

  8. 8

    Amen, sister! To each her own. We all make what we consider to be the best decisions for our own kids, and that’s all we should be concerned about.
    Jen´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday: Halloween Crafts

  9. 9

    Ha. I took this from Jenny’s blog too. In fact, its the last post I have! Mine cut in half as well.

    Thanks for the post. Sometimes its nice to know that there is someone else out there pureeing food to make up for the frozen “goodies” I give my child! :)
    Katie´s last blog post ..Hilarious.

  10. 10
    Charla Liedahl says:

    Preach it! Why can’t we all just get along?

  11. 11

    Holy S&@%! That was so funny. :) Just kidding about the cursing, just quoting the movie.

  12. 12

    Speak on it! LOL I have a lot of friends who are like blondie, I call them granola. Mind you, I do some of that stuff, but geez, women need to learn how to be supportive, loving and nurturing of other women instead of looking for an artery to nick…


  13. 13

    A to the MEN. What is it about us Mommas that make us feel we are experts in the child rearing of all mankind. And in the blogsphere? I never have understood the audacity to claim we know it all or chastise someone for what they claim to know all about, either. I am thankful for truth and an opportunity to grow in Motherhood and your post offered just that. Thank you!
    Jenni Carlisle´s last blog post made lovely mail

  14. 14

    This is perfect, I am going to link it in a post I am working on.
    Bobbi Janay@When did I go from a kid to a grown up?´s last blog post ..Different Tastes.

  15. 15

    Mique´s last blog post ..Pity Party 10