
Remember this post where I *swore* I wouldn’t dress my girls alike?

Eating crow.


But do I dress them alike because I think it’s cute?

Not really.

Because it’s easier than picking out two different outfits?


I do it because people are dumb.


Pretend, for a moment, that we are out and about.  Shopping at Target.  At the park.  Whatevs.

“How far apart are they?…Twins?…Really?…But they look so DIFFERENT.”

“Oh, they are twins?…I thought you were babysitting that one…”  (pointing to my blonde blue eyed Jill…and no, because babysitting would imply I am getting paid for this…)

“Oh…really?…because that one is so much smaller….?….”

“Twins?  Seriously?  Wow, but that one has darker hair…”

Some people really go all out and start rattling off all the ways they don’t look alike…they get all worked up…like they are working through an old Highlights magazine in the dentist office…you know those “how are these pictures different?” pages?…

“really?!  Twins?!  Wow…that one has dark hair and that one is blonde…and she’s bigger…and their eye shape is different…and they even have different skin tone…and their faces…and and and…”

Or, my all. time. favorite.

Ready for it?

“Twins?  ARE YOU SURE?”

Are you sure????  Are you SURE???  Are you #*&*%^ kidding me????  Am I SURE????



My friend Brianna adopted twin boys from Ethiopia a few years ago.

Fraternal twins.

Who, also admittedly, look nothing alike.

When I was pregnant with the girls, she once left a comment on my blog that she hoped for my sake that they were identical because of the things people would say.

I kinda laughed it off, but I knew why she said that.

Over the years, I have read her stories of down-right arguments and debates she has had with complete strangers about whether or not her boys, were in fact, related.

Because, you know, those shady African countries…they can’t keep paperwork straight right?

But fine…since she didn’t physically birth them, I *suppose* I can understand a teeny tiny bit how people might think they weren’t actually twins.

Still ridiculous to argue with the mom, biological or adoptive, but fine.

But to argue with ME about it?????  Seriously people???? Seriously???

{Here is your science lesson for the day: fraternal twins are created when mom drops 2 eggs…and 2 different sperm do their magic…so, fraternal twins are genuinely no different than any other sibling set…except that they share the same womb and the same birthday.  So, just like there are families where the brothers really look nothing alike…same thing can happen even though they stretched their mamas belly beyond recognition.  Fancy those genetics.}

And somehow, even in all their blonde/brunette, blue/green eyed, ghost white/peach skinned, big/small glory…

dressing them alike ceases all debates as to their DNA.

Suddenly, putting them in matching pink shirts…

“Oh TWINS!  How cute!”

“Oh you have TWINS!”

“Wow!  TWINS!”

Not a *word* about their hair, skin, size, eyes…nada.

Now suddenly, they are twins.

Except that the people stay stupid.

“Are they identical?”


Okay folks…today is the LAST DAY to donate to the National Down Syndrome Society and enter to win a $35 Shop Credit to The Pleated Poppy!!!

A winner will be chosen first thing tomorrow morning!!!

If you haven’t donated yet, could you find the $5 and help bump up our total to $500????

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Mary Kay says:

    They look so cute in their matching shirts! Glad they had the two sizes. Loving your posts lately.

  2. 2

    oh my gosh I was laughing out loud at my computer screen! Are you sure?!?! That is hysterical! The other day someone asked me if my son’s curly hair was natural. Um, he’s 2 lady?!? Do you think I’m taking in my 2 year old SON to get a body wave? People are so stupid sometimes!

  3. 3

    Ha Ha! you could always say, “No they aren’t twins, just roommates in my uterus”
    .-= jacquelyn´s last blog ..Status Report =-.

  4. 4

    I have identicals… and get dumb comments too. We hear “Are they twins?” all the time. Uh…?

  5. 5

    ha ha ha ha. for sure.

  6. 6

    This is hilarious. Gosh… they sure are darn cute. Bella has that exact onesie and I think it’s adorable. Maybe she can wear the same one on the same day and they can be triplets. :-)
    .-= Jenny´s last blog ..found it =-.

  7. 7

    Those two make the cutest pair! Can’t believe how much they have grown.

  8. 8

    Oh my goodness that’s hilarious!!!! “Are you sure?” Still laughing about it. Sorry, it must be really irritating, but wow, that’s funny!
    .-= Mari´s last blog ..So Long Insecurity =-.

  9. 9

    Oops…can you think about removing the “r” word (“….hoped for my sake that they were identical because people were…”) when the end of the post mentions donating to the National Down Syndrome Society.
    Just trying to save you some upset readers.

  10. 10

    I understand my step siblings are boy, girl twins.
    .-= Bobbi Janay@When did I go from a kid to a grown up?´s last blog ..Sneak Peak =-.

  11. 11

    Thank you sooo much for pointing that out to me! You are totally right, I need to be better about my choice of words…especially considering how I’m one to talk about the power of words! Will definately be changing it and working on not using it in my everyday life too!

    Thanks again for being so gracious about it. :)

  12. 12

    That’s just hilarious. Especially the part asking if you are sure they’re twins.
    I once had someone ask me “Can you live without that?” when I was telling them about a medical procedure to remove an organ that I had done 10 years prior to the conversation…umm…do you see me here standing, breathing, talking and generally living my life?
    .-= Christy´s last blog ..It’s All About the Timing =-.

  13. 13
    Kristi DB says:

    You had me laughing out loud – mostly because you’re exactly right! I started reading your blog when I was pregnant with my twins and have been an avid fan ever since. At the time I laughed at your stories about leaving the house and all the attention you got – little did I know you were not exaggerating one bit. (even here in small-town Iowa!) I have 4 month old boy/girl twins and I dress them so it is obvious Brady’s a boy, Brooke’s a girl. My favorite question is “Are they identical?” Seriously?

  14. 14

    My girls have that same shirt only in bigger sizes than your two girls are wearing. So cute!!

    And we get the twins comment also, only my girls are three years apart. Seriously people don’t think. They just spout out whatever comes into their heads.

  15. 15

    I get all of the same questions, stares, etc! I used to get really annoyed by it, but now I just give the onlookers and gawkers a big smile! It’s so nice to know there is someone who can relate! Thanks for posting this!

    .-= Carly´s last blog ..Family pics coming soon!! =-.

  16. 16

    Lost the post. The girlies are super cute! And those big eyes! OMG can you say ‘fall into these and love me forever?’

    People used to ask if my brother and I were twins. Um. Yeah. We’re three years apart.

  17. 17

    Love the post. The girlies are super cute! And those big eyes! OMG can you say ‘fall into these and love me forever?’

    People used to ask if my brother and I were twins. Um. Yeah. We’re three years apart.

  18. 18

    Making me laugh out loud…I loved the comments about my triplets like “Were you trying for triplets?” and “I don’t mean to get personal but how did you get pregnant with three?!” Really, not personal? How is asking about my conception NOT PERSONAL????? And yes, even though I have two boys and one girl, people STILL want to know if they are identical! Really…well, if you don’t know the answer….
    .-= Carol´s last blog ..A guest blogger today… =-.

  19. 19

    Hilarious. This just concludes what I think on a daily basis: people really are stupid. While it’s really unreal that you have to listen to those ridiculous comments, it’s really not surprising.

  20. 20

    LOL! My girls are identical to the point that I lose track of who is who all the time. I always dress them alike (said I wouldn’t, but just can’t stop doing it). I get, “Twins…are they identical?” and then even after I say yes, I get “How perfect…a boy and a girl!” Some people aren’t bright.
    .-= Jodi´s last blog ..Free Storage Containers – Thrifty Thursday =-.

  21. 21

    “People stay stupid.” I need to embroider that on a pillow. Classic, though unfortunately true.

  22. 22

    Hilarious. Twins or not they are DIVINE AND GORGEOUS. There really isn’t a font big enough to emphasize how breathtaking these children are.

    People ask all the time if mine are twins. I love it!

  23. 23
    michelle says:

    I get the identical question all the time and I have boy girl twins, I cannot believe people don’t get that one!! Or when they say they look identical I am thinking yes cuz the red hair and fair white skin and blues eyes looks exactly like the one with dark brown hair and green eyes and peachy complexion not to mention the shape of their faces hahahaha. I just smile and talk about them later hahaha! Your girls are adorable as always!!!

  24. 24

    People would ask me if jacob & nathan were twins! btw, you’ve got to check out, “here’s your sign” bill engvall a comedian who makes jokes about stupid people. catch it on netflix instant play, it’s hilarious.

  25. 25

    Ha! ARE YOU SURE?! Wow. … Wow.
    .-= Kristen Borland´s last blog ..Picture of the Kittens =-.

  26. 26

    Cute story!! Loved it :-) You have such a fun way of writing!!
    .-= Charissa Steyn´s last blog ..Christmas is Today! =-.

  27. 27

    My mom was a twin – brown hair, brown eyes. Her sister – very blonde hair, very blue eyes. Unfortunately, I never met Aunt Erna. My girls looked alike for so many years when they were little. People asked all the time if they were twins. I finally made a shirt that said, “No – We are not twins” and on the back (since the obvious next question was “How many months apart?), “22 months apart”. THEN I puff painted “Oldest” and “Youngest” on each shirt. It is funny how they do question you after what you went through with them. They are beautiful girls.
    .-= Robbin´s last blog ..HAPPY 27th TO MY OLDEST =-.

  28. 28

    I found this post so funny because I too have fraternal twins, one daughter(2 mins older) and a son. The were blond and light brown headed. And I still had people ask if they were identical!! But the best question to this day (and they are soon to be 26 years old)one day an older lady walked up and ask “are they boy/girl or girl/boy??”

    Great stuff. Love your blog, Kathy
    .-= Kathy´s last blog ..5 Things =-.

  29. 29

    My best friend is a twin. With her twin brother. BROTHER. Yet constantly she is still asked if they are identical. Because that is possible. I was also asked if Janey and Lucy were twins. FOR REALS. When Janey was like 6 months in the infant carseat and Lucy was 3, running loose. Twins. Yes. Totally twins. Lucy was just born early. People are crazy.
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..My baby can’t read. =-.

  30. 30
    Kirsten B says:

    The stupid comments are not any better regarding identical twins. Everywhere we go we are asked if they are twins. I do often dress them alike. These are the same people who ask me if they are boys even when they are dressed in pink and purple. They just don’t have a lot of hair. When asked how I tell them apart I like to shock people by telling the truth- one was born with 2 thumbs and the other has extra large thumbs. This makes them feel awkward. Ha! I also have fraternal twin niece and nefew. The dumbest question regarding them has been, “are they identical?” Seriously, boy… girl… duh….

  31. 31

    As we were growing up, I can’t believe how many people asked my mom or us if my twin brother and I are IDENTICAL twins. Boy. Girl. Sheesh. Clear through high school. I guess a ton of people think you just have to look a lot alike to be “identical”.

  32. 32

    Haha I just read this…hilarious!! I am so sorry people give you so much grief.
    Kara @ Just1Step´s last blog post ..Love – Breaking It Down

  33. 33

    Generally I do not read article on blogs, however I wish to say that this write-up very forced me to check out and do so! Your writing taste has been amazed me. Thanks, very great post.