Just to be clear:

If you buy my little girls the same dress, while I appreciate the generosity…they will be wearing them on different days.

They can wear the same dress in different colors, but not the. same. exact. outfit. Yes, they are twins…but they aren’t dollies, and they aren’t a freak show.

I know you might think it’s cute, but well…this mama doesn’t.

I’m sorry if you had visions of exact replicas, but you’ll have to wait to have your own twin girls for that. :)

(And for the record, obviously Stephen King agrees with me…the photo above is from The Shining. A horror movie. My point EXACTLY.)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    We’ll see… I love dressing my girls in same/similar outfits. I didn’t think I would, but it is just so stinking cute. But no, I don’t think I would give 2 identical outfits to a parent of twins. Similar yes, same no.

  2. 2

    my boys have on occasion (less so as they’ve gotten older) worn the same outfit, but they don’t look a thing alike so i don’t think it’s creepy. :) i find i do like them to match each other/coordinate to some extent. maybe that’s weird–but so are any number of the things i do. :)

    if your girls start looking like the kids from the shining, i’ll be sure to let you know. ’cause that’s scary.

  3. 3

    For the record, my girls ASK to match. It really threw off the “we’ll save money on Marissa because she can have Sedona’s old clothes” argument. Well, she still wears hand-me-downs, but I did indulge her with some matching outfits. And it it SO MUCH FUN!

    But your request has been duly noted. And we understand. How are you on the pink thing? (Again something that especially Sedona loves.)

    Congrats on your two little girls and that they are healthy – YAY!

  4. 4

    OK, as long as they don’t wear their hair like that freak-show picture, either.

  5. 5

    To answer Joanie’s question…pink is perfectly fine. :)

  6. 6

    Jeannett – Peggy and I used be dressed alike on occasion since we were only 13 months apart. It might be fun once in a while?

    Do we have nursery colors yet? I have two quilts to make!

    Love you all.

  7. 7

    The Fugler boys wore different color trim on their shoes. When I was first getting to know them, I knew red was Trav and blue was Tommy – or was that red was Tommy and blue was Trav? My girls weren’t twins, but people thought they were. They did wear similar outfits, but different colors just because they liked the same outfit. I LOVE shopping for girl things. I miss it.

  8. 8

    Can’t wait until I babysit, then they will match!

  9. 9

    Good for you – it always bugs me that the kids on Jon and Kate + 8 are always matching. Course I guess if you have that many it’s like taking a field trip with a class of kids….so easier to round them all up.
    At any rate – are you into the matchy name thing? I went to school with girls named Harmony and Symphony *shaking my head*

  10. 10

    I wasn’t into the matching outfits thing either but my mom thought it was cute to buy my girls matching dresses now and again.

    Well now my eldest LOVES to match her sister and will change her clothes to wear the exact same dress that the little one has on. Or shoes. Or pajama’s.

    So it might start out with you deciding what they will wear, but before too long they have opinions of their own.

    And for the record I hate the color pink and refused to put my eldest in pink, guess what her favorite color is now? You guessed it. Pink.

  11. 11

    well atleast i can get same outfit differnt color!! kind of sad but ill live… we even dressed alike, same outfits and we’re 6 years apart lol…

  12. 12


    Let me clarify my MUCH older sister ;-). We did dress alike, BUT most of the time we had different colored dresses–just the same style and of course I was always the cutest.

    Peg :-)

  13. 13

    My daughters want the same shoes (different sizes of course) and like to wear their hair the same way. Aubrey was in tears on Wednesday because she was wearing jeans and a blue shirt and I dressed Ainsley in pink pants and a pink shirt. They love to coordinate colors. It is a crazy thing, but they love it.