Trivia Question:

What is in the photo above and what do you do with it?My guess is that you all answered:a stick of gum. you chew it.Yes, all but ONE person in the world would answer it that way.But not my son.Nope, … [Read more...]

The Henry Show

So, we decided to make the move to Henry's "big boy bed" last week.I know that some people would argue that we should wait to make major changes in his life for a while since the girls are here, but I … [Read more...]

I think I just broke a world record: Call the Guiness Book

For longest number of hours consecutively nursing.99.99999% of the time I tandem nurse (both at the same time).Last night, someone, let's say it was Lucy, I can't remember...woke up about an hour … [Read more...]

How Does One Mom…

...Take three kids under 2 on a walk?Step 1: Put the lightest of the three in your Bjorn (this is the best photo I could get...that's Jill in case you weren't sure by the little bald/blonde … [Read more...]

New Faves

Since I currently spend a lot of time surfing the web (more on that later), I have come across a couple of new websites that I am LOV...ING and thought I would share with my faithful readers.Because, … [Read more...]


Seriously.How did that happen?It feels like it *flew* by......but individual days dragged on.Funny how that is.One month into the adventure that is twins, we are constantly asked:"So, how is it with … [Read more...]

And in this corner…

Weighing in at 8 lbs. 15 oz., 21.5 inches long...Lucy Joy Gibson!!!!(crowd roars)And in the other corner, weighing in at 7 lbs. 9 oz., 20 inches long...Jillian Mary Gibson!!!(crowd goes nuts)***These … [Read more...]

Where’s a Dove Commercial When You Need One?

My mom and I were able to squeeze in a quick trip to Kohl's last week.Where I passed a display for 80% off bikinis."I'll never be shopping THAT rack again!""Yes you will Jeannett. You lost all the … [Read more...]