I think I just broke a world record: Call the Guiness Book

For longest number of hours consecutively nursing.

99.99999% of the time I tandem nurse (both at the same time).

Last night, someone, let’s say it was Lucy, I can’t remember…woke up about an hour after the last feeding and wanted to eat. So, I figured that she was just extra hungry so I didn’t bother waking up her sister since it hadn’t been very long…I would just re-sync them back up at the next feeding. No problem.

About 15 minutes after Lucy was done, asleep and back in bed…Jill wakes up screaming: wanting to eat. Huh? So, I feed Jill. (And remember, nuring sessions are still a 30-40 minute ordeal this early on). Don’t bother to wake up Lucy…because…well, she just ate.

Fifteen minutes later…Lucy wakes up…wants to eat.

And on and on it goes. It started at about 1:00 a.m. and continued CONSTANTLY with only short little 15-20 minute breaks until…6:27 a.m. Yeah, that would be 5.5 hours of almost continuous nursing.

6:43 a.m: “Mommy! Daddy!” My bright eyed, well rested two year old is up and ready for the day. Sigh…

Thankfully I have an amazing husband and even though he has to work today, he got up with Henry so that I could sneak a couple of hours of sleep…because, you know, the girls were PASSED.OUT. now that it was daytime.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Oh, Jeannett. Wish I could help you. Thankfully, Andy can at least take care of the boy when he can. Praying the schedule gets a little more balanced.

  2. 2

    WOW!! That is something else!! I guess since you were on such a great schedule with the girls, they just had to let you know who is REALLY in control LOL (with a whimper and a sigh)!

  3. 3

    Rough! You know, we're all healthy, and only 20 minutes from you if you need more sleep…

  4. 4

    I can't believe you even had milk for 5.5 hours. I cannot imagine exclusively nursing twins. Of course, it took two hands and complete concentration for me to have one latched, so the thought of feeding two at once is scary.

  5. 5

    I'm starting to think you're like superhuman or something. You and your superhuman boobage. I'm exhausted just READING THIS POST. I shake my head in amazement…

  6. 6

    wow! you really are super mom!!! seriously! i am praying for those nights for you. really i am! i promise. my sweetest memories with jeremy were his 3 am feedings (ash never woke up in the middle of the night. seriously never… no wonder i wanted a second child. it was deception). hope you are rested. hugs.

  7. 7

    No not superhuman…I was just super SORE! :)