Trivia Question:

What is in the photo above and what do you do with it?

My guess is that you all answered:

a stick of gum. you chew it.

Yes, all but ONE person in the world would answer it that way.

But not my son.

Nope, he has a whole different outlook on it.

The other day, he found a gum wrapper on the floor.

He picked it up and proudly announced:

“For Daddy to kill the dopher! See mama…”

and he led me out to the latest of Andy’s gopher traps in the yard.

Apparently you can use a stick of gum as bait…it’s sticky peppermint smell will lure the creepy little rodents right to their death…

I suddenly pictured Andy like a modern day warrior…readied for battle…pack of Juicy Fruit in his tightly clenched fist…

I mean, really, you should see the celebration that happens around here whenever he catches one…fist pumps, high fives…if he were big enough, he’d give Henry a mid-air chest bump…

Henry is still in full Daddy Worship mode as it is…killing dophers with a stick of gum only solidifies it.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    ugh i cant believe you freakin posted that picture of the dead gopher that's so unnecessary, and cruel…you've already killed it! you don't need to showcase it..and that's not manly, its actually quite the opposite! but whatever there just animals right!

  2. 2

    Look at you Miss PETA California. They are rodents that are an infestation here and destroy my lawn and garden. Hell no. And besides, that's not one I killed, the last one I killed was much bigger than that. It was really old. Maybe it was a girl and was pregnant?

  3. 3

    Whatever I understand about your lawn but why showcase!
    You've already killed it! That's so unecessary disrespectful and cruel! And not PETA more like ASPCA that's where 10% of my paychecks go! Haha!

  4. 4

    oh for pete's sake you two…

    as for the photo it's from google images…do you really think i have the time to sit and chalk outline a gopher, photograph it and then upload??? not so much.

    so let's not be lame and start debating…go do that somewhere else…God help us if "Truth" comes back!

    besides, it's not the point of the post…it's how cute my kid is! Ha!!!

  5. 5
    BeckyandTroy says:

    So Andy, barbecue this weekend? I'll bring the gum…..

  6. 6

    i'm calling PETA. do you kill flys, too?!