Just a Quick Note

To say that I reserve the right to change my mind entirely about the dressing alike thing. I'm not saying that I *have* changed my mind (because I haven't), but reading around on some twin sites … [Read more...]

Honesty and a Dance Dance Revolution

I'm all about being honest with your kids. I think it's important to help them embrace their strengths and understand what their weaknesses are...When most kids dance, they kinda bounce in place and … [Read more...]

Just to be clear:

If you buy my little girls the same dress, while I appreciate the generosity...they will be wearing them on different days.They can wear the same dress in different colors, but not the. same. exact. … [Read more...]

Conversations Overheard

"Okay son. It's just me and you now. In four months our life as we know it is going to change forever. We're going to have to stick together...man, I'm so glad you have nuts!" … [Read more...]

I know something you don’t know…

Neener, neener, NEENER!!!!Should I tell?Maybe I should wait until tomorrow....Who am I kidding??? I can't keep it in!It's a GIRL!And another GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm more excited than I … [Read more...]

Hey, guess what???

It's still not Tuesday.And that makes me sad. And antsy. … [Read more...]

Ah, Poop.

We weren't able to find out the sexes today. My OB's office just has a small portable u/s machine (which had to be used again because they couldn't differentiate between the heartbeats)...anyway, the … [Read more...]

How Twins Are Made

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