I know something you don’t know…

Neener, neener, NEENER!!!!

Should I tell?

Maybe I should wait until tomorrow….

Who am I kidding??? I can’t keep it in!

It’s a GIRL!

And another GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I’m more excited than I thought I would be (I really wanted a boy/girl combo) and Andy is in the fetal position crying in a corner somewhere. His mouth literally hung OPEN for a good minute…and then when he finally spoke he said “That’s two weddings and two prom dresses and two boyfriends to bury!…I did NOT expect that AT ALL.”

Babies look great, healthy, nothing out of the ordinary. They definately have separate placentas, which is REALLY REALLY REALLY good. Pretty much all twin complications are now a moot point…that’s not to say that mommy might not have complications, but as far as between the babies themselves, everything couldn’t be more perfect. YAY! We still don’t know if they are identical or fraternal…fraternal twins ALWAYS have separate placentas…and if the egg split early enough in the pregnancy (I think before day 8), then they could be identical. We won’t know for sure until they are born…either they definately look different or have different blood types. If they look alike and have the same blood type, a simple DNA blood test will be necessary to make the final determination.

I got my ultrasound on DVD, so I’m gonna fiddle with it tonight at home and see if I can upload a portion of it so that you guys can get a taste of what it’s like to see TWO baby (girls!) up on that screen!

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    yea for girls! i had a feeling that was what you were having :) congrats you guys!!

  2. 2

    Whoo Hoo!!! Twin girls!
    Poor Andy. =)

    SOOO glad they are healthy!
    I’m looking forward to meeting them.

  3. 3


  4. 4

    you are going to love having daughters.

  5. 5

    woohoo!! two girls! how fun and they do have a big brother, so andy won’t have to bury the boyfriends all by himself. just make sure henry has ugly friends:)

  6. 6

    Ha Ha!! That sounds like Phillip’s response when we found out that Eliannah was going to be a girl. He wrote up a list of all the reasons he would need to go out an exercise his second amendment right (mostly to prevent future boyfriends from getting any ideas.) Andy will get over the shock and then get wrapped around two sets of pinkies! So excited for you guys!! Glad everyone is healthy :)

  7. 7

    Yay! Congratulations!!

    Little girls are so awesome. Different than boys, but lots of fun too.


  8. 8

    AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! the hormones that will be running through your house in 13 years! oh my goodness! i am beyond excited for you and cannot wait to buy cute little matching things for the girls. the girls! so fun to say!

  9. 9

    I am so excited for you! I have been reading your blog for sometime. Congratulations.

  10. 10

    Sugar and spice and everything nice times two!! Excellent. Girls are a blast once you get used to all the drama!!

  11. 11


  12. 12

    YIPPIE!!! I’m so excited for you… I can’t wait to see Andy tonight!!!

  13. 13

    eeeee!! !girls!!!! So exciting!!!! can’t wait to meet them!

  14. 14

    Yay! This grandma never got to have girls as a mommy! Here comes the pink! Love you all

  15. 15

    That’s so awesome!!

  16. 16

    Yay! Little girls are AMAZING!!! And there is NOTHING like the special relationship that they have with their daddy. (So tell Andy to get out of the fetal position!)

  17. 17

    yay!! congratulations!!!

    wow, andy’s going to have two girls! he may not think it now, but they are simply going to melt him! there’s something about the way lola looks at mike…

  18. 18

    yeah!! how fun!! do you have anyway of knowing if they are identical or not? maybe you already answered that question, but i can’t remember…