Ah, Bummer

I guess it doesn’t really matter, but the official top names of the year 2008 have been published. Henry is #84. That’s still pretty low on the list, but when I chose it, I didn’t realize it was anywhere near the top 100 names. I don’t know why that bothers me, but it kinda does. Is that silly of me?

Baby Names of 2008

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I just looked at that last night. Aubrey has moved up about 30 spots from 2005 when we named her and passed Audrey, it bothered me too. I was happy to see Ainsley didn’t make the list. When we named her, she was in the 600’s and then when 2007 posted, 9 months later, it was on the list. Yeah, it’s okay to be bummed. It would be interesting to see how our kids names ranked regionally.

  2. 2

    Double Darn! 3 of our favorite potential names are on the list too. And who would have thought that Xavier and Cadence would be on the list?

  3. 3

    (not that Xavier and Cadence were anything were considering)

  4. 4

    i feel the same way. i looked at the top names so i would know what not to pick. i didn’t want names that were too common. i totally understand where you’re coming from.

  5. 5

    It’s Julia Robert’s fault. Hollywood sucks.

  6. 6

    Ha, Ha, I love andy’s comment. I’m right there with you. My daughters name is Caedra after all.

  7. 7

    I really don’t mind if my kids’ names are common, if I like the name, I like it. My name was very UNcommon when I was growing up, and it’s been mispronounced and misspelled my entire life…so there’s no perfect way to do it, I guess!

    It’s funny too b/c in mainstream American culture, my sons’ names are obviously uncommon, but they’re very common among Ethiopians–I have friends who have sons with both of my boys’ names!

  8. 8

    i am so right there with you. although, my name has floated around in the top 100 since i was born and i rarely ever meet other people with the same name.