Personality tests are stressful…or is that just me?

The last few posts have been kinda heavy, so today I’m gonna talk about something less controversial.  I think.  Although, nowadays who knows.  But still, something I’m curious about.  So there.


Are you guys into personality types?

As in, I have friends who are all about Facebook statuses that have a picture of a cup of coffee and say stuff like “Perfect for this INTJ girl.”

Or something.

I don’t even know.

For a few years now, I’ve been really curious what my personality supposedly is.  Where it falls on the Myers Briggs, or Enneagram, or Penguin Feet.  (I don’t think there’s anything about penguins…but it seems about as relevant as far as I’m concerned).

More than a dozen times, I’ve popped on to one of the free online tests.  More than a dozen times, I’ve groaned and clicked off the page by the time I got to question #8.

I’m a navel gazer by nature.  In fact, I’d bet it’s a job requirement to like to muse about all manner of random if you’re inclined to be a blogger at all.  So the idea that I can further gaze at my doughy, pasty white navel with science behind it is extremely appealing to me.  And then I can even go on and read all about myself.  Read entire books describing ME.  Kinda like a horoscope, but more legit.  And without the chagrin and drawings of moons.

But my problem is the danged tests.  First of all, they tell me I need 15 minutes to complete, and somehow, that sounds like an eternity.  (Yet, I churn out blog posts that take hours to write.  Is that a question on the personality test?  Because it totally needs to be.)  Then, I start second guessing all of my answers.  Is this what I’m REALLY like?  Or just what I hope I’m like?  Or what I THINK I’m like?  Am I answering from a depraved, skewed sense of self…the Jeannett that lives in my head…or is this answer representative of the skin and bones real Jeannett that lives in, you know, real life?  Because I am here to tell you that I’ve met many a people who describe themselves and the whole time I’m thinking “Weird.  Cause that’s not at all how I’d describe you.  But okay.”  (Note: Thinking.  In my head.  Not out loud.  Because there is nothing more likely to trigger drama than telling the person who goes on and on about how much she can’t stand drama, that she’s basically the most dramatic person you have ever met in the history of ever.)

So, while I’m second guessing all of my answers, I start over analyzing the questions.  “I mean, I’ll go to a party.  I like people.  But only if I already know them.  If it’s a bunch of strangers, I’ll stay home with my book thankyouverymuch.  So, describe this party to me Mr. Personality Test.  Because the type of party very much matters.  Also, does this party serve hors d’hoeuvers or appetizers?  Because the way fried cheese is described at a party MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD. ”  Am I right?  (In case you’re wondering, I like appetizers.  You start getting French on me and I retreat.  Hastily.)

AND THEN, all the questions start to sound exactly the same.  Didn’t I answer this one already?  Should I go back and check my answer or is that cheating?  I feel like I’m going in circles.  I’m annoyed.

Buuuuut, I want to be able to be all smart like and have conversations that are all “Yeah, I’m a LXUP so that totally wouldn’t work for me.”  And “I so totally knew we would be friends because you’re a RPGK and that’s a perfect compliment to my HBCE nature.”  And then we’d talk all science-y personality stuff at cocktail parties in little black dresses and toss our heads back in that smart academic way you see in movies.

(But only parties where we know everyone already.  No small talk.  Small talk is basically the worst thing I can think of.  Ever.  Small talk makes me want to crawl behind that fake potted fern in a hotel lobby and hide.  No lie.  And appetizers.)

I feel like maybe the first question in personality tests should be: “Do you want to know your personality type, but you don’t have the patience to take this test?  If yes, click Submit and we’ll have your results momentarily.  If no, continue on to questions 2-846.”

Or, that someone else should be answering the questions for you.  Wouldn’t that be fascinating?  Get your husband or your best friend (ooohhhh or your worst enemy!) to answer the questions about you.  See what that says about your personality?  (Incidentally, I would bet that would be the most accurate, don’t you?)

ANYWAY, my friend Megan is all into this sorta gig and she finally convinced me to grin and bear it through a test.  So off to 16 Personalities I went.  And I got through the whole cotton pickin’ thing.  So now, I can  be all fancy-like and talk about my personality with people.  Because, I, dear reader, am a INFJ.  Apparently.

I’m not 100% sure what that really means (or even what the letters actually stand for), but here was the description:

The INFJ type is believed to be very rare (less than 1 percent of the population) and it has an unusual set of traits. Even though their presence can be described as very quiet, INFJ personalities usually have many strong opinions, especially when it comes to issues they consider really important in life. If an INFJ is fighting for something, this is because they believe in the idea itself, not because of some selfish reasons.

INFJ personalities are drawn towards helping those in need – they may rush to the place of a major disaster, participate in rescue efforts, do charity work etc. INFJs see this as their duty and their purpose in life – people with this personality type firmly believe that nothing else would help the world as much as getting rid of all the tyrants. Karma and similar concepts are very attractive to INFJs.

I can see that in me.  I suppose.  But then I wonder if I read all the other personality types would I think those were me too?  Don’t know.  Also, anytime I see something that says 1%, I laugh.  Because this.

All I know is that it goes on to say that Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela were INFJs too.

So from now on, any argument I get in with Andy, I’m gonna be all “Look, there’s no use arguing with me.  I’M BASICALLY THE SAME AS MOTHER FRICKIN’ TERESA AND MLK JR.  SO BACK OFF.”

Because I’m sure that is exactly how it works.

So, how about you?  Do you know your personality type?  Are you into this thing?  



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I am an ENFJ. Taken the test countless times and it always comes back the same. I don’t watch Downton Abbey, though. Is being like Sybil good or bad? ;)

    I’m actually running a series on personality type and writing on my blog. And have a Google+ Hangout On Air coming up on this topic. We have an INFJ on our panel. You should watch! ;)

  2. 2

    I’m ENFJ (but only 1% more Extrovert than Introvert),so I’m thinking I’m either E or I depending on what kind of day I’m having. :)

  3. 3

    Oh! I’m an infj!

    In reading that makes perfect sense. A lot of times people have accused me of being extroverted, but I definitely don’t feel that way about myself and find the energy of others around me exhausting physically, mentally, and emotionally.
    melle e´s last blog post ..Buzzz…. Buzzzz… It’s swarming Bumblebees!

  4. 4

    Ohmygosh. I’m going to make my hubby read this. He is building an app and a business around discovering your personality traits as well as your co-workers’ in order to work better together… OK, he can describe it much better than that, but basically you just answer around 15 questions and it tells you EXACTLY who you are. It’s spooky. Seriously. But it goes further- if everyone in, say, your family answered the questions, you’d get this feedback shtetl detailing everyone’s personality and how to best communicate with each other… When I read the results for some friends of ours who did it, I got goosebumps because the descriptions NAILED them, and the person writing it had never met them!!! He based it on those simple 15 questions!! I’m totally going to ask Ted if I can pass this thing on to you- it’s dang cool.

  5. 5

    I’m an INJF, too! My husband and I laugh about how the descriptions fit us so well! It’s fun to understand why certain things are what they are, but I try to not let it define me. I am who I am. Sometimes that fits into a category, other times, not. :)
    Kindel´s last blog post ..High Five for InstaFriday!

  6. 6

    I just took the test, because I’ve had the same problem, with not wanting to answer a million questions. It was a quick and easy test, and I am an INFP, which completely fits with me.
    Dawn´s last blog post ..Going,going, gone….

  7. 7

    I’m an INFP.

  8. 8

    Your post totally made me think of this article that I just shared on Facebook with my FB friends…. so interesting because it’s me too. You”ll probably read it and see yourself.

  9. 9

    I’m so glad to hear that I’m not the only one who feels this way! Personality tests (even things like the “Love Languages” drive me crazy. Even when I try to do them on behalf of my son. They seem to want to put people into a box, and some people can’t be put into a box (apparently I’m one of them).

  10. 10

    Thanks for sharing this! It was so interesting to take the test. I’m an ESFJ, which I would say is completely accurate.

  11. 11

    I’m an INFJ too!

  12. 12

    I am an INTJ. Someone was just speaking about this at our church women’s group. I liked the advice she gave people. She said that the tests can help you figure out what you are, but they are not failproof. You should read the descriptions and read descriptions of I vs. E and the other pairs to validate your results (if you care). While we might feel like all of the descriptions describe us to some extent or in some situation, your actual type describes your comfort zone- how you are when you’re not trying.

  13. 13

    I LOVE personality inventories-they are so useful in every area of life! I think we should all be knowledgeable about our own personalities and those of our close friends and family. Truly invaluable!

    I’m an ISFJ. I’ve taken the test numerous time in various stages of life, and the results are always the same. Funny though, every single one of my best friends is an ENTP. Opposites attract!

  14. 14
    Carrie R. says:

    I’ve always been interested in these types of things, well curious at least. I took the test twice. The first time it came up as ISFP which is nothing like me. I took it again and got ISFJ, closer but still not much like me. So I read through all of them and I can see a little of myself in 3 of them. Maybe I just don’t fit in a mold. ;o)

  15. 15

    i’ve been an INFJ my whole life, probably in the 1000th percentile. (i was a psych major in college and have, therefore, taken a thousand personality tests.) personality tests are funny things–and mostly fun things. though i never needed a test to tell me that i’d rather be alone with a book than doing almost anything else.
    b @ then there was we´s last blog post ..birthdays and family

  16. 16
    Joanie Fugitt says:

    Hahahaha! Hilarious. I did this in the summer, misplaced it, and found out once again that I am an ENFP. And though I am very new to Downton Abbey, Anna is the character I most identified with. So there you have it. Science.

  17. 17

    So, I love taking these things–maybe I’m super narcissistic, I’m not sure–but I’ve taken several over the years. The thing that’s crazy to me is that I am totally becoming and introvert. I used to be an E all the way, and now I’m an I. I mean my Downton character is Lord Grantham! So, whoa, personality change! I wonder how often this happens for other people–totally filing this to take again in 5 years and see what’s happened since then…
    Elizabeth´s last blog post ..Almost Ripe