My Life in the 1%

Chances of having a child with a congenital heart defect: 1%

Chances of having naturally occurring twins: 1%

Chance of getting PUPPPS during said twin pregnancy: 1%

And now.


Henry’s birthday is next Tuesday.  His birthday party will be on Saturday, where he will get his birthday present (a basketball hoop…shhhh, don’t tell!).

But in our family, we have a tradition, where you get to open your gifts *first* thing in the morning, still in bed, before you’ve even finished stretching.

(This applies to anniversaries, birthdays, etc.)

So, I wanted to pick him up something little to be able to open in bed the morning of his birthday.

Hot Wheels has these really cute cars that are fashioned after Toy Story 3 characters.  And since he’s obsessed with all things Toy Story, I figured these were a good bet.

As I walked up to the display last night, I saw That Guy.

You know the guy.  Glasses, Star Wars T-shirt…mid thirties.

“Oh good grief.  I bet he’s collecting those.”  Was my thought.

As I browsed the selection, he suddenly handed me a package:

“You have to get this one.”


Awkward much?

“No, you don’t understand.  It’s really really rare.  They only send one Hammie per case.  They’re hard to find.  I already have 3.  You can have that one.”

“Um, thanks.”

So I decide to buy Hammie.  Because he’s cute.

Not because he’s rare.

As the (adult) woman is ringing me up, she suddenly freezes…gasps…

“YOU GOT HAMMIE??!!!  Do you realize how LUCKY you are????!!!”

“Um, yeah.  The guy over there said something about them being rare.”

“No.  You don’t understand.  These are so. hard. to find.  There are people who come in every day looking for these.  People who ask what time our trucks come in so they can be here when we open the cases.  You are so so LUCKY.”

“Wow.  I had no idea.”

She looked around.  Leaned in.  Whispered.

“Do you know if there were anymore?”

“No.  I don’t.  The guy just handed this to me.”

She set down her scanner…and started walking away.

“Oh wait, I should finish ringing you up first.”

“Yeah, that would be good.”

So apparently I’m crazy lucky.

I’m tempted to keep Hammie and sell him on ebay in a few months.

Send Henry to college as a belated 3rd birthday present.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    For your entertainment:
    .-= Julie´s last blog ..grillin like a villain. =-.

  2. 2

    Hahaha! I totally thought of the SNL “Teerget” skit too! So funny! Happy birthday to your little guy.
    .-= Shanna´s last blog ..Great Strides 2010… =-.

  3. 3

    Ugh. I had PUPPPS with my first pregnancy and I wanted to DIE! It started in my 34th week and continued up until a week after I delivered.

    Love the Hammie car! Kinda makes it worth it! Kind of.
    .-= Sunday´s last blog ..Something is not right =-.

  4. 4

    whatever you do, DON’T OPEN THE BOX! instant devaluation.

  5. 5

    Ummm…yeah. Leave it in the box, eBay it, and put part of the profits in a “guilt-free gift-buying fund” for your kids. :) Chances are, he won’t enjoy playing with Hammie any more than some other Toy Story car from the dollar store, and you’ll love the feeling of being able to get “THE” toy for him whenever it comes along someday, thanks to your “investment” here. :) My Toy Story fanatic has his fourth birthday next month.
    .-= KatrinkaJane´s last blog ..the CSI project: dollar store challenge, entry #1 =-.

  6. 6

    Amazing! Your idea for possibly keeping Hammie and getting Henry a different present might not be a bad one afterall!

    It’s party weekend for us over here too. My big girl is turning five!
    .-= Veronica´s last blog ..Two months! =-.

  7. 7

    I would totally keep it and sell it later! That’s crazy! Thank you Lord for the weird guys in Star Wars t-shirts! :)
    .-= Kelly´s last blog ..Breaking News =-.