In Which I Go Running.

You know those people who talk about a “runner’s high”?

Those people who get all jazzed about exercising?

People who feel like their whole day is off kilter if they don’t get their heart pumping and move their limbs?

People who have Garmins?

People who laugh about how their toenails are falling off AND YET THEY KEEP RUNNING?

Or even those people who say that they don’t like to get going, but once they’re out there they are glad they did?


I, am one of those people that likes to sit.

I like to read.


I didn’t grow up playing sports.

I didn’t ride my bike a whole lot.

I didn’t even secretly wish to do those things.

I spent much of my childhood with my nose in a book.

As it should be.

But, at 32 years old, and five pregnancies in 5 years…I gotta do SOMETHING.  Plus, I want my kids to live healthy lifestyles when they are older…and there’s this whole “theory” out there that says that kids learn more from watching what you DO than what you SAY.  It’s really an annoying theory.  And I seeeeerrrrioussssly hope it’s wrong, because the things I say and things I do…somedays…

I’ve tried Jillian Michaels.  I cannot.  I just can’t.  I think the furthest I’ve gotten is 10 days of Shred.  The other 20 days couldn’t happen.  Just couldn’t.

I’ve tried some random yoga on a big bouncy ball DVD thing.  Nope.

I’m boooooored like 16 seconds in.

I really, truly, deeply wish I could enjoy exercising.  I wish I could get into a groove and say it’s something fun.

The fact that I 100%, honestly, truly, no contest hate every single millisecond of it is a source of shame.  Like there’s something wrong with me.  I want to like healthy food.  I want to eat whole grain, organic, grass fed, vegan bacon…but really, I just want to eat BACON dipped in cheese with a side of chocolate.  And a glass of red wine.  While not moving.

And sweating?  So gross.

But, like I said, I’m 32 and while I’ve been lucky enough to lose most of my baby weight, it ain’t pretty.  You know how your kids get their grubby hands on a balloon and they blow it up real big?  And then they let it go and all the air flies out and the thing is flapping and slapping and flipping through your living room, bouncing off the walls, flinging spit particles all over EVERYTHING…the kids squeal with delight hunt it down and then blow it back up?  AND THEN THEY DO THIS A TOTAL OF FIVE TIMES?

You know what that balloon looks like after all that commotion?

Exhibit A, my friends.  Exhibit A.

My case here is closed.

Girlfriend needs to TONE.


Morning is my love language, and when the kids heard I’d be getting up in the wee hours of the day to go jogging, they begged me to wake them up and let them ride their bikes alongside me.

This is us.

At 5:37 am.

All sleep swollen and looking like hot messes.

Whatever, it’s dark outside.


And so we go.

The Bigs on their bikes, streetlights still on, and my bumbling, huffing and puffing self plodding along behind them.

I’m using the Couch 2 5K app on my phone.  Because without someone giving me VERY SPECIFIC DIRECTION, I’m a mess.  I go all out, running hard as I can, only to run out of steam like, I don’t know, half way down the block, and then I’m just panting my way around town like a dying giraffe.

Or I do the opposite, and my definition of “pacing myself” really means Don’t Break A Sweat Because Sweating is Nasty.


I have JT crooning in my ear and a very attractive sounding woman tells me when it’s time to “begin walking”…and after a while, she interrupts my boyfriend to coo in my ear that it’s time to “start running”, and so on.

It’s simple.  No complicated moves.  No proclamations that my “neck isn’t invited to this party”.


I have visions of this woman.  All perky and cute.  In designer workout gear.  Black with pink piping.  With matching pink and black running shoes that she bought at an actual running store.  She has a perfect ponytail bobbing up and down as she jogs in place without even breaking a sweat.  With a cute pink ribbon all tied up in a bow.  And she smiles this big, colgate smile at me, encouraging me along.

Like my Guardian Angel of Physical Fitness.


And then this is me.

Hair looking all janky.

Yesterday’s mascara still smudged on my bagged eyes.

All hot and red and sweaty and MISERABLE.

Not even my ponytail is cute.  How can I not even have a cute ponytail?!  It’s like a whole other level of pathetic when you can’t even pull off a cute ponytail.

Plus, I think I have deformed inner ears.  Every pair of ear buds I’ve ever tried hurt me.

Maybe it’s a sign from God to just give up now.

I’m forever looking for signs from God.  Specifically, the type that says that running is really unnecessary.


But I chug along, with Pretty Sounding 5K Lady whispering sweet nothings of fitness in my ear, and I lament how out of shape I am.  How I have no self-control.  No motivation.  No will power.  How self-discipline is not my gig.

And I think: I’m going to push myself.  I’m going to SPRINT.  As hard as I can.  As fast as I can.  I’m gonna just GO.  They’ll see.  I can push myself.  I can go balls to the wall.  I’m NOT pathetic!

I pick a random light pole and make that my fake finish line.

And I go.  And I start thinking, “Hey, look at me!  I’m doing it!  I’m running!  Like, FAST!”

I’m going, and I’m busting past the kids on their bikes, and they’re like “Hey!  Look at Mom!  We better catch up with her!”

And I’m running, all fast and such, when I suddenly realize I can’t really feel my legs anymore.  Is this Runner’s High?  Like I’m floating on water…running on clouds or something.  Runner’s High!  I think I found it!  Woohoo!

It’s like I’m the Stay At Home Mom version of Usain Bolt.

Dude, I am hauling.  And I’m kinda feeling cocky and proud of myself for actually doing MORE than Pretty Perky Girl in Pink is even asking of me.

But soon, I feel a tingling…wait, no…that’s jiggling.  Oh yeah.  Definitely jiggling.

That’s my butt flailing around and my thighs doing acrobatics that they have no business doing.

But I keep hauling and even the jiggling seems to go away until I really, truly cannot feel my legs.  In fact, I can’t feel ANYTHING.  I THINK MY BONES ARE LIQUEFYING!  MY BONES ARE LIQUID.  THEY’VE MELTED UNDER THE EXTREME PRESSURE.  I’ve gone and done it now.

It’s bad.  I’m huffing and puffing and I’m running as hard as the legs I can’t feel can carry me.  And I’m seriously convinced that I’m going to just collapse.  Either because my lungs explode, my heart shuts down, or my liquefied bones give in.  Also, it kinda feels like my eyeballs might fall out of their sockets somehow.

And how did I manage to pick the light pole in SIBERIA?

Why isn’t it getting any closer?  It’s like a carrot on a stick.

And I really can’t stand carrots.

I make it, and the kids laugh at me.

Attractive 5K Lady is probably giggling her perfect, schoolgirl giggle at me too.

Whatever.  I did it.  I’m half dead, but I sprinted.  For like a whole half a block.


People often ask why I take my kids.

They motivate me to go again.

And by motivate, I mean they ask me 2,965 times every hour on the hour if I’m going running and when.  I wanted to gouge my eyes out on the days I skipped.

So basically, it’s less miserable to go jogging than it is to listen to them harass me about it.

And that’s saying A LOT.


We make it home.

And this girl is tired.

A sleepy, she’s gonna need a nap later, tired.


I’m on day 4 of running.

This is a personal record.

I still hate it.

But taking the kids makes it more enjoyable.  I’m not lonely that way, and I like seeing them have fun.  I like having them with me as we watch the town wake up.

What starts as dark and silent, slowly lightens and bustles.


Sweaty and wide awake, we sit in the backyard together for just a few more minutes to cool down.

Dad and the Littles are still in bed asleep.  Mom has her coffee as a reward, and the kids get hot cocoa.  And find a chicken egg.

It’s basically perfect.

Except for that whole running and liquid bones part.








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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Well, I just laughed my booty off! Now I guess I don’t need to go for my run. Thank you!

  2. 2

    OMG. I am so. with. you. I love it. I just started working out too, when my daughter went back to school at the beginning of August (I know crazy, balanced schedule). I hate it, I will NEVER love cardio, but I’m trying to be healthy. Well, said, my friend, well said.

  3. 3

    This is probably the best workout post I’ve read in forever. I feel your pain, for real. The other day I made myself promise to just do one set of exercises a day, just one. And then I’ll add something, not another chocolate bar, another exercise. I’m pathetic.
    Tricia @ The Domestic Fringe´s last blog post ..Must Have APPS

  4. 4

    I can relate. I never played sports and I don’t intend to take them up now. I hate exercise but my family medical history is crap so I need to really take better care of myself. I am not a morning person so 5 am is not happening at my house. We’ve had every piece of exercise equipment known to man in our house at one time or another and I can’t make myself use them. I need to be out of the house if I have an hope of sticking to a plan. There is a nice park with a walking track between our house and my daughter’s school. Since school started I’ve been walking after I drop her off. I missed three days last week due to a sick kid and other morning conflicts so today it was really hard to get back into it. But, I’m determined and I’ve promised myself a new pair of shoes.

  5. 5

    “your neck is not invited to this party!”. wow- just had shredding flashbacks.

    i remember following anita, the j.v. workout girl for those “just starting out” on the 30-day shred, and she would occasionally shake her head like “woah this is hard!”. and every watching that dang video everywhere for all time knew she was just patronizing us. it wasn’t hard for her at all…

    way to go. getting up in the 5’s is NO JOKE.
    Katherine´s last blog post ..I’m Baaaack

  6. 6

    So freakin hilarious. Wish I didn’t relate quite so much ;) thanks for sharing real stuff.

  7. 7

    my life.
    this could be my life.
    if…i ever actually did run and took my kids anywhere, etc etc.
    if i did, this is totes my life.
    and my liquid bones.
    amy jupin´s last blog post ..what now?

  8. 8

    So many things about this post that I love. I tried that couch 2 5K app and at first I thought it might make me like running, but after a few times I stopped. Because, running. I didn’t like running back when I didn’t jiggle. Now? Fah-getaboutit! So, congratulations to you for sticking with it! You are an inspiration. Maybe I might even try it again after reading this. (Notice how non-committal that was though. Because, running.) Another thing that I love about this post: last night’s smeared mascara. Such a relateable visual. And I love that photo of Lucy sucking her 2 fingers. Precious! xoxo
    Anne´s last blog post ..a complete stranger sent me this mug

  9. 9

    I feel your pain! I tried multiple types of physical activity, but either got bored or just downright hated them. Last summer a friend and I used the C25K program and..wait for it…I’m still running 18 months later! Are there days I hate it? Absolutely! Most days though I am thrilled that I went for a run…for myself, and as you said, for the example it sets for my girls. When I was younger I used to joke that I “wouldn’t run anywhere unless something really scary was chasing me.” I finally decided middle-age was scary enough!

  10. 10

    “Black with pink piping”… I die! Just how I ALWAYS picture perky workout girls in perfect shape.
    Amy´s last blog post ..On God’s faithfulness [part one]

  11. 13

    This is great! I’m now a runner. I used to be in the same boat you are. Except I was active as a child and heavily in sports as a teen. I began running last spring with the couch 2 5k plan. Next thing you know I was running a 10k and am training for a half marathon next summer. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I hate it but once I get past 3 miles, I feel like I’m in a rhythm and can keep going. I hate it, but love how I feel afterward. Too it helps me sleep every night. I’m so proud of you. You have inspired me to get a run in tomorrow morning.
    Amy´s last blog post ..What I’ve been up to…

  12. 16

    You go girl! You found something that works for you. Stick with it. I can’t run due to asthma. I might literally die if I did. But cycling I can do. It gets my heart and lungs working without triggering an attack. Then there is the added bonus of not being sweaty – sorta. I hate feeling all sweaty and gross. But on a bike I am flying down the street, wind in my hair and all is quiet and well. The whoosh of the air blocks out a lot of noise – no music and I can clear my head. When I get off of the bike I am sweaty and gross and only have to walk a few steps into the house and head straight for the shower. It works for me. I can’t wait to get back out there (c section recovery right now)

  13. 17

    I have to reply, because I am on day 4 too! This is also a record.

    Thanks for your encouragement, and I look forward to hearing more updates!

  14. 18

    Haha! Awesome! I too have tried to love running, but it just has never happened. I hate it. Oh do I hate it. But I imagine one day soon I will probably try again. Because 36. How did that happen????

  15. 19

    This made me laugh!! But, only because today will be my fourth day ‘running’ and that is a huge accomplishment for me as well (oh I’m 41). I am not, nor have I ever been an athlete, but I want to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded, so I am doing it and I hate it. I want to like it, but I don’t anticipate that happening :) Good for you for getting out there, and what a sweet time with your kiddos!!
    Denise´s last blog post ..No Spend September

  16. 20

    Awesome!!! I love it! This post reminds me of how my friend and I felt when she first started running and I first started getting back into it. We looked at each other after our first time out where we walked way more than we ran and said “only crazy people run those full marathons a 5K is a sane goal”. Now 7 years later both of us have done at least one full marathon (with walking breaks) as well as several 1/2 marathons and numerous 5 Ks. Keep it up girl! eventually the jiggle will just wiggle (at least that is what my running partner keeps telling me).
    Victoria´s last blog post ..I Have A Goal So Now What: 10 Ways To Make Your Goals Reality

  17. 21
    Jacqueline R says:

    Hilarious! And mostly because I could have written it myself (minus the 5am part). I am on my third attempt at C25K. I have injured my ankle twice and had to stop, and that is with the fancy running store shoes. Fortunately, the injury wasn’t severe, just needed time to rest and heal….but it set me back to the beginning each time. So, be careful with running too fast too soon. I am definitely taking it slower this round. My Type-A, listy personality wants to accomplish this goal, but man is it a TOUGH battle!

    And ditto to the craziness of “once I get past 3 miles”. 3 miles is actually my “pie in the sky” goal. I simply want to be able to go out and run 3 miles without dying. I don’t have any desire to go beyond that. So, I may be completely missing out on that whole runner’s euphoria thing….and I think I am okay with. Die for 3 miles AND then keep going?!? No thanks, I will head back home to my book and chocolate.

  18. 22

    Love everything about this post. Seriously, thank you for saying it out loud. I am not, nor could I ever be a runner but in the name of teaching my kids good habits (oh, and my health), I do go to the gym on a regular basis. Still hate it almost 2 years later but I go! I have the same deformed inner ear issue as you and found the best earbuds for me…one of my best investments ever ($30)|SubCategoryWidget|809330p&catId=

  19. 23

    So So So Sweet! Keep up the good work mama!
    Katie´s last blog post ..August 2013 Recap

  20. 24

    Your thoughts are my thoughts on the whole exercise ordeal. Just ride a bike with the kids. It will totally tone you up and the bonus is – the breeze will dry any sweat you manufacture and pedaling seems to make the time go by faster (i.e., not so torturious). yes I made up that word. AND… if you bike you can call yourself a ‘biker chick’. :)

  21. 25

    This is so great! I am soooo not a running type, so I am really impressed at you!
    tacy´s last blog post ..Anders is all Smiles :)

  22. 26

    Apple ear buds – SUCK! They don’t stay in my ears even when I’m not running. Definitely look into getting different ones – for the life of me I cannot think of the ones that I have but they came with different size rubber things so they’ll stay in.

    Running is definitely an acquired taste. I’m still not a fan of it but will run the occasional 5k. For a fun work out try Zumba!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Who Am I?

  23. 27

    You are the best! If you ran like pink perfection we’d have missed all of this. Besides she’s a myth…I’m sure of it. Thanks for sharing and making fun out of the realities of life. I really enjoy your blog. probably needed to tell you that sooner than I have….thanks!
    Lisa Quick´s last blog post ..easy fridge picker upper

  24. 28

    Completely relate to this post. I did the color run in August and I ran for a couple minutes ummm total. Walked the rest of it. Tried jogging for a little bit the other day and hurt my knee. But since I am pushing 40 now I have to lose this weight and feel better. I think though the only time you will see me running is if someone is chasing me.

  25. 29

    I laughed out loud at this mostly because I can relate on some level. If it’s any encouragement I started on the C25K and can now run 3-4 miles. It took me far longer than the actual plan, but who cares about that. Good for you!
    Lindsay@littlehousebigworld´s last blog post ..How Child Sponsorship Changed My Life

  26. 30

    i SO feel you on the “can’t i just read and never exercise?” bit. BUT i finally–FINALLY–found a workout program that really works for me. Focus T25, a beachbody program, by the guy who does the Insanity workouts. It’s only 25 minutes a day, doesn’t let me get bored, and has already given me great results only 5.5 weeks in. Good luck on your fitness journey!
    b @ then there was we´s last blog post ..asamushi aquarium

  27. 31

    Thanks! I laughed out LOUD. This is so me. Im 43 and detest sweating and running, in particular. My friends croon the same encouragements about getting a high, a rhythm that makes them feel wonderful. NEVER happened here.
    thanks for keeping it real.
    And good luck; you’ve got some cute motivators keeping you company.
    Susan´s last blog post ..Vintage Hankie Table Runner {make it}

  28. 32

    I love you! I swear we would be best friends if we didn’t live on opposite sides of the country. You write exactly. how. i. talk. And I ran. for like 2 weeks. A few years ago. c25k. No lady in my ear, but I did the plan. Then, I got a massive head cold. Game o-va. The only time I run now is when I’m playing kickball at AWANA. And I pant the entire time and the kids ask me if I”m okay. :) Keep it up! And you might have inspired me to go back to c25k after I have my gallbladder out next month! :D

  29. 33

    I can’t help but smile reading your post. I feel like reading facts about myself. We have same thoughts about exercising. What is your best distance so far?


  1. […] In Which I Go Running: Life Rearranged […]