On Sharing

I just ushered my daughter back into her bed for the 7th time tonight.

Her sister, who shares a room, has been tucked back in as many times.

Scratch that… make it 8 times.

I’ve read 6 bedtime stories, thrown a load of laundry in the wash, been to the grocery store, bandaged a wound, slapped together dinner, and stepped on a Lego creation that took hours to build, but only moments to pierce my foot. Cue tears from the boy.

I’ve also hosted a birthday party and gotten into a Super Soaker water gun fight with my son in the middle of the street.

And that doesn’t include the everyday basics of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, diapers, noses, scrapes, bruises, and assorted tears.

And the chickens. Fed those too. And the dogs. And the cat. And Abraham. The goldfish that won’t die.

Read the rest of the post at The Writer Revived where I’m guest posting today…

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    GREAT post!! Parents definitely need to be thoughtful about what they say and how they say it. What I might say to a Bestie is certainly not what I would post on my blog. That said, I am terrible about “keeping it real” and have some heavy real life stuff that I have been contemplating writing about, but can’t decide if I should go there. I’m going to take some time to process your words to balance my need to write to unload/process while also protecting my son. Thank you for your perspective – it came at the perfect time for me.
    Shawna´s last blog post ..Biking 100 Miles! {Fun for kids}

    • 2

      It’s a tough balance. And I’m not sure I’ll ever perfect it. Having a child with special needs and wanting to serve as a resource for other parents…while at the same time maintaining her privacy and (more importantly) her dignity…is the one I struggle with most. There’s power in camaraderie…but it cannot be done at the expense of the individual. I guess I just try to put myself in her shoes…would I mind that level of detail exposed at the school yard?…it may be that I’m guessing wrong, but for as much as I share, there’s a lot I keep private. Because at some point, it’s really HER story to tell.

  2. 3

    Great post. Yes, yes, yes!

    My kids do, actually, read my blog. (well, maybe not my teenage son…) For me, on my own blog, the whole reason I blog is actually for family. To collect my story. Our story. So that my kids have a record of their mom’s days and thoughts. I want them to know the good & the bad because I think it’s important to know both. But I try to be really careful about the bad. That is so important. xo, ab
    Anne @ anne b. good´s last blog post ..my week in review: 5/31-6/6

  3. 4


  4. 5

    I love this post, Jeannett! Such an important topic, and a great message! Thank you so much for participating in my Summer Series!

  5. 6

    Very nice! Timely, too. Parenting is rugged business. As usual, thanks for keeping it real.