In honor of WIWW.

WIWW.  You’ve heard of it, right?

My in real life friend Lindsey hosts a weekly link up called What I Wore Wednesday.  It’s uber popular.  I think she’s averaging like 400 link ups per week!  She’s basically famous.  Basically.

She teases me asking when I’ll be linking up…and I reply that my post would consist of yoga pants and different colored ribbed tank tops every day.  Yellow on Monday.  Blue on Tuesday.  And so on.  Because that’s where I am right now.

But in honor of WIWW, I thought we should talk about clothes for a minute.  Because clothes are GIVING ME ANXIETY right now.

I’m headed to Mom 2.0 next week, and while there is no official dress code, I’m guessing that people don’t really want to see me in flip flops and PJ pants strolling through the Ritz Carlton (I know, right?!).

Basically, I needed to go shopping.  For clothes.  AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO IT ANYMORE.

Let’s deconstruct my baggage together, shall we?

1.  I’ve been pregnant five times in the last 6.5 years.  When I wasn’t pregnant, I was nursing.  Basically, my body has been in a wild shift of sizes, shapes, and levels of doughiness for the better part of the last decade.  My wardrobe has consisted of a constant cycle of maternity clothes >> chubby clothes >> comfy clothes.  Repeat.  I have been just-Jeannett-with-no-other-creature-siphoning-nourishment-from-my-body-in-some-way for less than 12 months of the last almost 7 years.  So basically, I really don’t have much cute to wear.  (And if you’re wondering about pre-kid clothes…I worked a professional office job so most of that stuff is suits, creased slacks, and pencil skirts.  Not really what I want to wear to Target on a Tuesday, you know?)

2.  Fashion isn’t my thing.  I don’t really know what’s in style.  What’s going out.  What’s just a quick trend.  What’s what of anything at all ever.  No clue.  I’m all jeans and a black shirt.  And if I’m feeling saucy, I’ll wear gold flip flops with it. The ones from Old Navy that are $2.50 no less.

3.  Within the last 7 years, so much has changed.  I’m in my 30’s.  I’m a mom.  I have four kids.  Ain’t no part of my body that is firm, perky, or hangs where it previously did.  Clothing and undergarments (oh Spanx how I love thee!) help camouflage and support, but do not be fooled my friends.  Do not be fooled.  (One word: TWINS) Plus, clothes HAS to be comfortable.  I’m wrangling four kids.  Period.

4.  I’m so self conscious now.  I didn’t used to be so much.  Not that I was vain (or maybe I was?  Who knows.), but I didn’t stress about clothes or what I looked like.  Now I worry that what I’m wearing is too short.  Too tight.  Inappropriate for a mom to wear (whatever that means).

I’ve gotten to the point that I need helpers when I clothes shop.  Typically, I make Nelle, Tess, or Marcia go with me.  At 21, 20, and 19 years old, they are young enough to know what’s “in” and young enough to be honest.

But the other day I was solo at Kohl’s.  I was there to find a swimsuit for Jill, but saw this dress on my way in.

And this denim jacket thing.


So I did what any normal person does: I asked Instagram.


72 comments later, you guys told me to buy it.  So I did.  I also got the jean jacket even though every cell in my body tells me it’s some quick fad that will be SO outdated in like 3 weeks and I’ll be stuck with a jean jacket…again.  Because I’m pretty sure I gave my last one to Goodwill in 1993.

But I was freaking out.  I mean, hello?!, those are my LEGS.  Bare legs.  As in, other people can see them.  I legit felt naked.  I don’t think I have worn something that shows my legs in at least a million years.  Naked.  Completely naked.

Also, my legs.  White, white, white, WHIIIIITE.  Like, not just “it’s early Spring pale”, but the sunlight actually reflects off of them.  No, truly.  You know you’ve seen people like that.  Those are my people.  You can’t tell so much here because a) instagram filters, and b) I had slathered on half a bottle of that Jergens tanning lotion stuff that morning.  So they aren’t so much white as they are orange and splotchy.  I’m sure that’s super hot. You should pin that.

Also, hello random bruises?!  Again, you can’t tell so much here because filters, but I have like 9 bruises of varying colors and sizes…some fresh, some turning green, some brownish…all over my legs.  What the heck?!  I have absolutely NO IDEA how they got there.  It’s not like I’m in MMA or anything.  It’s a mystery.  Truly.

My next dressing room issue: It’s from the Junior’s Department.  Okay, I know.  I’m not trying to be the size 0 girl in high school asking if she looks fat in her size 0 mini skirt.  (P.S. I’m not a size 0.  Clearly.)  What I’m stressing about is that this dress is intended for the teen set and I am SO not in my teens.  Am I trying too hard?  Do I look ridiculous?  Do I look like that mom who needs to just move on already.  You know you’ve seen her.  You know you’ve judged her.  I’d like to avoid that thankyouverymuch.

Anyway, all of that to say that I’m a disaster.  And I’m curious….do you have trouble clothes shopping now?  Do you stress about the “am I too old for this” thing?  DO PEOPLE SEE YOUR LEGS????

(Thank you in advance for your cooperation.  My blog often serves as cheap therapy so I know I’m not the only crazy out there.)
pleated poppy
(Yes, I’m totally linking up.  Because this is about as close as it gets folks.)

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Love this!
    And yes, totally self conscious….all the points you mentioned. And it always crosses my mind if I am trying to look like my teenager, no bueno.
    glad to see that you linked up ;)
    Two Thirty~Five Designs´s last blog post ..wear…

  2. 2

    I hate, hate clothes shopping for the same reason! My body is not what it used to be and nothing seems to be made for a mid-30’s curvy (and not just in the pretty places) mom that’s comfortable and cute/not-too-trendy! And my legs are sooo white! I hate wearing shorts (they creep up and are so uncomfortable) and don’t get to the pool too often so my “summer tan legs” consist of below the knee from wearing short pants. Then you REALLY don’t want to put on a bathing suit! hahaha

    I am also the child of a mother who well into her 40’s was still shopping at Forever 21. It was embarrassing. I do not want to be that mother! So I tend to stick to plain fitted t-shirts and jeans and flip-flops. I stay at home with the kids so I don’t need much more than that, but I do wish I could dress cute sometimes… Unfortunately that means I’d have to go find and try on clothes! Now I’m pregnant again and I have to get maternity clothes. I have nothing left from the last pregnancy and I really don’t like spending money on clothes I will wear for less than a year. It’s funny that you wrote this now because I’m in the middle of clothes shopping horror and feeling the same way you are. I just caved and bought a pair of maternity shorts thinking that I will be big and hot this summer and seeing my legs in the mirror was quite a shock and I’ve been dreading wearing them ever since.

    Sorry for the rant! I think I’m feeling sorry for myself! Bottom Line: I feel your pain! :)

    • 3

      Ha! Well, I don’t think it has to be that polarizing…on the one side dressing way too young…or just going plain and frumpy. But finding that middle ground can be so hard! Also, maternity shorts suck. Always. Lo siento.

  3. 4

    I’ve been pregnant twice during the last three years and I so understand where you are coming from with cycling through maternity clothes, then chubby clothes then comfy clothes. I used to be a part of WIWW before I became pregnant with my middle child…now I avoid it because I can barely stand see myself in clothes – I really don’t want everyone else to have to see me too. (I probably need to work on that).
    Dana´s last blog post ..Song for You Saturday

    • 5

      We are way harder on ourselves than other people are. But it’s hard. I say you start linking up again anyway. (Says she who doesn’t do it herself…)

  4. 6

    Ha! This is me to a T. I love fashion but have no clue how to apply it to my own life and still look good. Yoga pants and colored tank tops sound great to me :)

  5. 7

    Man can I relate! My wardrobe is jeans and a t-shirts. Dressing for church on Sun. is a chore and my feet hate heels now that I don’t wear them on a daily basis. My dimensions have always been wonky and buying clothes has always been a problem for me but now that I stay home with the kids it’s even worse. I hate to spend money on clothes that really no one sees yet I know my look leaves a lot to be desired.

  6. 8

    I read a lot of healthy living blogs so I usually see What I Ate Wednesday posts instead of wore….Even though I’m 24 my style is pretty boring and basic. But I think your outfit is wonderful!! Jean jackets are tricky. I think its important to have one in the closet, and pull it out when you can. But living in MN I usually choose a cozy fleece instead!
    Katie´s last blog post ..10 Weeks Until Grandma’s Marathon

  7. 9

    Haha, I think it’s awesome you linked up! I love the outfit – think it’s perfect for a 30-something Mom of young kids – and think you look just lovely :) Good shopping purchase, lady!
    Jodi´s last blog post ..What I Wore Wednesday

  8. 10

    Totally rediscovered your blog through Jenny’s linky side bar thingy. I like you. You make me laugh. And I’ve been rocking my jean jacket for the last YEAR yo. Still in style. I hope :) It’s my favorite jacket. It’s a no brainer kinda make you look cute thing. Colored pants, tank top, jean jacket…maybe a necklace. No brainer. No thinking and you kinda look sorta put together. You will love your jacket…you will depend on it. And it’s comfy. Win.Win.
    Anna´s last blog post ..32 Weeks

  9. 11

    A jean jacket is a wardrobe staple. It’s classic, not trendy. I’ve had the same one for 10+ years and probably wear it once a week in warm months. Perfect to throw over any summer dress/skirt option. Just don’t wear it with jeans! A jean jacket with a fun colored pant (say coral or bright green) is also a great look!

  10. 12

    You look fabulous! Go with it mama!
    and Yes to all the above (and I’ve only had one kid) – I hate shopping, always have….I have no idea what’s in fashion or what looks good on me. And nobody has seen my legs in forever because of the damn varicose veins being pregnant gave me….bleck. If I wear a skirt it’s a LONG skirt, which probably looks ridiculous on me because I’m so short…and round.
    Maybe I’ll care later – like after I have this baby and have a waist again…haha…oh wait…I don’t think I had a waist even before I had kids, so yeah – very little hope for me at this point.
    Kirsten´s last blog post ..I blinked

  11. 13

    The dress, the jacket are both completely age appropriate, fashionable and look great!! I stopped caring about my Irish white legs YEARS ago! Who cares?! I’m Irish, deal with it!! :>

  12. 14

    this makes me sooooo happy for so many reasons! first off, thanks for linking up and actually posting a picture of yourself! and second, i agree with almost everything you said! i do feel like i’ve got a bit more of a handle on the whole “what’s in” thing but only because i’m involved in that so much with wiww. but the whats appropriate question is always hanging there for me. i never want to look like that mom who is trying too hard. and i know sometimes i do, because i see a picture i posted of myself on the interwebs and realize, oh i look like i’m trying too hard! i feel like its trial and error, and after you’ve been doing it for awhile (it = getting dressed) you learn a few tricks on what works best with your body. anyway, thanks for posting!
    lindsey – the pleated poppy´s last blog post ..what i wore wednesday

  13. 15

    Oh, jeez. I totally know how you feel – not so much with the body issues thing because I haven’t been pregnant ever, let alone 5 times, but I know how it feels to think you look like you’re trying too hard. Your post was a good wake up call for me… because you don’t look like you’re trying too hard AT ALL. You look great. Really. That outfit looks adorable on you – and not in a way that anyone would think you’re trying to hold on to your teen years.
    So, thanks! :)
    alyssa´s last blog post ..Posing on Tuesday; Pyramid Pose

  14. 16

    I think you look great and that outfit is so cute!! I don’t think it’s “too young”….you really look great!

    I’m in a similar boat….had 4 kids in 5 years…pregnant, nursing, pregnant, nursing,…was working in an office until I had my 3rd kid and then started staying home. Majority of my closet consists of office attire that hasn’t been worn in years and the remainder are some ratty jeans, frumpy shirts, etc…I do have some nicer jeans that I haven’t been able to fit into since my 4th (she’s 2 1/2 now). I literally rotate the same 2 pairs of jeans and while the rest of the area that I live in (Chicago) cringes that we’re still having cooler/non-spring weather, I’m relieved as it buys me more time to hide under a big fleece:) …also, I haven’t been able to take off my wedding rings in years as I now have Shrek-like sausage fingers …and I think they’re here to stay :)..lovely!

    Anyway, I also wanted to mention how much I love your blog. You’re a fabulous writer and while I’m most often too lazy to comment, I do enjoy reading it daily…so thanks!

  15. 17

    I hear ya! My legs haven’t seen the light of day in years. I hate shopping. HATE it. My dilemma is mostly that I can’t buy shoes to go with anything. I wear a size that quite honestly doesn’t exist – except in mail order orthopedic catalogs. Not kidding (11 AAA). So… every time I think about trying something on, I have to decide if it would look OK with the shoes I already own (which have to be worn with thick fuzzy socks so they won’t fall off, which pretty much rules out all dresses). I blame pregnancy. I used to wear a 10 N (AA). Those are not EASY to find, but they DO exist. My feet got a half size longer with each pregnancy. I’ve thought about having a third child, but what in the world would I do if I needed to wear 11 1/2 AAA shoes!? Those REALLY don’t exist. Anyway… I share your frustration. But, at least you can wear flip flops with your cute dress. :)

  16. 18

    1. You look AMAZING in that outfit. It doesn’t look too “young” or too trendy. The colors are really complimentary and I am, at 28, COMPLETELY jealous that you still fit into juniors’ sizes! :)
    2. Dark jeans are universally flattering.
    3. I have trouble clothes shopping b/c I refuse to acknowledge the 40 (gulp) pounds I have gained since I started medical school in 2011. Therefore nothing fits b/c I refuse to try on the correct sizes. Of course, I also refuse to give up baked goods and French fries, but that is neither here nor there. :)
    4. You are awesome no matter what you are wearing and your blog is one of my favorites to read, even though I’m probably not the target audience (not married, no kids…barely able to cook for myself…etc). I admire your courage and your strength with your littles!

  17. 19

    The outfit looks good! Boyfriend jeans, blazer, colored tee, and a statement necklace or scarf and bam you are good to go! You can do it!!

  18. 20

    Amen and amen. 3 kids in 5 years and all of the sudden I’m totally freaking fashion clueless!! How does this happen? I used to know how to dress myself and felt fairly good about it. Totally self conscious now. I have no answers, but I’m in the same boat. Sometimes “real clothes” seem like a waste of money and time. Love the dress/jean jacket combo…especially with the necklace :)

  19. 21

    I was wondering the same thing about the Juniors department… because I am still considered “petite” – but after being pregnant 7 times the body just doesn’t bounce back like it did in my 20’s. So I guess my height is still petite but my thighs definitely are NOT (nor by belly). And I’m loving that dress you picked out and had I been on Instagram yet I would have totally given the thumbs up, too!

  20. 22

    I really do not like shopping much anymore. I am pretty sure I never will again. It is why I wear yoga pants and tank tops also.
    seriously sassy mama´s last blog post ..The Day Called For Tater Tots

  21. 23

    Super cute! I love the whole outfit! Huzzah!

    I have several jean jackets. I wear them with slacks and a blouse for ‘representin’ the agency’ days as opposed to the days that I’m visiting a sewage flooded hoarder house that requires me to wear jeans, t-shirts, and waders.

    I am the same size as I was in high school. Before you smack me, I was large and in charge in high school. I’ve gained back the 60 lbs. I dropped when I graduated high school 25 years ago.

    So. Mushy? Check. Doughy? Check. Unshaven pits and legs? Check check.

    One of the bonuses of being a geezer like me is that I don’t care what other people think.

    BUT. I care what I think. And I want to look good for the hubster. So, after I hyperventilate in my car tomorrow, I’m going to Kohl’s and Old Navy to find some maxi jersey dresses and maybe a cute cropped sweater. And maybe even a dress that shows my legs. I’m less worried about the whiteness and more worried about the hair patches I missed in my kamikaze leg shaving assaults.

    Clothes shopping for me is a hassle. I’m tall and curvy. Stuff doesn’t fit right so I need to amend and adjust. I have limited patience for that kind of thing. My go to pants at home are sweats even in the summer time.

    Good luck and keep the 3 Musketeers handy. Although, it looks like you’re doing a pretty good job by yourself.


  22. 24

    First off, cute outfit!!

    Second, it’s ok the shop in the Juniors department. Just use age -appropriate judgement (ie. no Justin Bieber shirts).

    Third, you have nice legs, you should show them off. =)

  23. 26

    HOLY SMOKES!!! Girl you look HOT!!! I promise you…you look absolutely adorable and not at all teen like or trying to look teen like. A maxi dress/skirt paired with a denim jacket is my constant go to so Im partial to your look shown, but seriously…your legs…gorge lady! Hopefully Im not totally weirding you out, but I SO hope you can wear that outfit SO confidently knowing how stinkin cute you look in it!!

  24. 27

    If you’ve got it, flaunt it. Right? ;) just not all at once!!
    I feel like I pay enough attention to blogs and magazines to know what’s ‘in’ and appropriate. And I just try it on and decide if I look ridiculous or not! And heck…I am about to turn 40.
    Karri´s last blog post ..Stitch Fix | My 3rd Fix

  25. 28

    I totally get that “I’m not a jr. , not yet a Woman … size” Women’s sizing is crazy and emotional so I have 3 rules when shopping: I have to feel beautiful when I wear it, it has to fit properly, it has to be decently well made (nothing in there about “Is it in style?”- I just don’t care). I’m done with strapless, I’m done with belts that slowly drift around in circles, maxi dresses that get all tangled about your ankles when you try to walk and anything that only looks great when you are standing still in front of a mirror. Clothes have to be willing to move around a lot. You get bonus points for baring your legs. I have a phobia I’m trying to get over. It’s going to take me a second.
    Jacquelyn Moses´s last blog post ..Unloading

  26. 29

    You look fab! You totally do!

  27. 30

    This made me laugh. I’m right there with you on so with you on so many levels.
    Anne @ anne b. good´s last blog post ..On Needing Reading Glasses (And How It Makes Me Think of Drawing Near to God)

  28. 31

    This post is SO spot on. I just, ugh. Plus, now that I’ve birthed all these babies my stomach is like…sensitive? If stuff is tighter or rubs me wrong I literally feel ill. It’s ridiculous.
    You look great in the dress though. And what is WITH the bruises? Not yours, I can’t see them. But the crazy random bruises that show up from what??
    Stacia´s last blog post ..Mom Sleep*


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