Easter 2013

Easter was a little different for us this year.  Usually we have people over, or we go somewhere…but this year, it was just the six of us.  Much more low key, but still sweet.

And this year, we did the egg hunt in the front yard.  A little unusual, but it had rained the night before so the grass was still wet…and since Jill can’t really use her walker on the grass, it was too wet for her to crawl on too.

We had to shoo the neighbor kids away a couple of times, but it worked.  I much prefer the pictures with grass and flowers, but these are fun too…even if the background isn’t always as pretty.



The first step is finding your basket.  And ignoring Jill’s.




I mean, hiding candy and toys behind snail poison is totally healthy, right?




Posing for obligatory Easter pictures is next.


A quick peek of your loot, and then FINALLY you can hunt for eggs.









Apparently socks are now optional.  Even for church.



Moms with cameras are annoying.  It a nationwide epidemic.


daddyeaster copy

Andy is such a good dad.  We are so lucky.


Once all the eggs are found, you take a closer look at your loot.





And then, when all is said and done, you gorge yourself on the spoils.


Shovel all that candy into your mouth as fast as you can before mom catches on and puts a stop to the fun.  Act really nonchalant about it so she doesn’t notice what’s going on.


And don’t forget to lay on the concrete in your pretty dress and take a really close look at an ant.  While still eating chocolate.  And wearing pearls.

Owen was napping during the hunting…which made it nice to be able to wrangle the Bigs…but now I realize I don’t have a single picture of him on Easter!!!  Oh well, he’ll need plenty of therapy for something or another anyway.  Tack this on.



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1
    Vanessa @ Brock Rocks says:

    Can’t even believe how big they look in these pictures.

  2. 3

    Haha – “Tack this on.” Looks like you had a fun day celebrating Easter with just your family. The pics of Jilly in her walker brought back many memories of my Addie using that contraption. God is so good, no matter what.
    Lindsay´s last blog post ..Ella’s Musical Debut

  3. 4

    What sweet photos. I didn’t get any photos on Easter at all, so you are doing really well to get 3/4. My youngest was the only one interested in an Easter egg hunt. My other daughter had thrown out the plastic eggs, so I offered to just hide the candy, but was told that wouldn’t be the same. So I had to fetch them out of the garbage to fill them with left over candy from our trip. Then I hid the eggs inside the house because our lawn is covered with snow! Of course, I guess I could have found hiding places outside, but then I’d have to get my coat and boots on… my poor little one, she deserves more from me. She said “this Sunday is no different than any other Sunday.” Boom. Break my heart. There’s always next year. (And counselling.)
    Anne @ anne b. good´s last blog post ..Things I Need To Remember to Tell My Girls About Weddings and Marriage

  4. 5

    Love the pics! You are an amazing mum-photographer :)
    Alexandra´s last blog post ..Chores for kids

  5. 6

    Cute pics! Your kiddos are too cute! I have to say I LOVE your doormat. Do you mind sharing where you got it from?

  6. 9

    Grandmas with cameras are even more annoying. Ask me how I know.

    Looks like a fun day!
    Southern Gal´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday on a Thursday

  7. 10

    Thanks for sharing. That last one of Jill made me lol and my hubby looked up all crazy at me.
    Gwendolyn T´s last blog post ..Dress Up Time And Costume Discounters