Veggie Snack Chips

The Muffin Tin Lunch is still alive and well over here.

Have you tried it yet?  Did your kids dig it?  (Seriously, I’d love to hear about your MTL and see the pics!  Tag me on Instagram!)


As always, MTL is eaten outside and is accompanied by curly haired cheers that I’m (and I quote): “the best mom EVER!”

I wish I had known five years ago that it was this easy.


My kids got an extra (and different) treat in their MTL last week.  Green Giant has come out with a new and healthier alternative to regular potato chips: Veggie Snack Chips.

We got the Roasted Veggie Tortilla with Zesty Cheddar flavoring and the Multigrain Sweet Potato Chips with Sea Salt.

I didn’t tell the kids they were made with real vegetables or  that they have 14-17 grams of whole grain in them.  Because if I did, they’d probably complain.  Because that’s what my kids do.


I just snuck them in.


Henry spotted the new addition first…Lu let him try and give an official report before she tried them.  Girl is smart.


Then it was Jill’s turn…


She approves.

This is her “mmmmmmmm” face.

Love that kid.

The kids preferred the Veggie/Cheddar versions…which was SO TOTALLY fine by me because holy smokes friends, those Sweet Potato Sea Salt ones are my new favorite in all the land.  (And I’m really not even saying that because this is a sponsored post.  They were yummo.  All sweet and then salty…I may or may not have eaten the whole bag.  By myself.  They’re healthy, right?  Totally.)


Owen isn’t quite old enough for snack chips yet, but I had to include a gratuitous photo of his wristless arms and ridiculously long eyelashes.

While I don’t think I can forgo feeding my kids their veggies at dinner, I do appreciate having an option that is healthier and they don’t complain about.  These were honestly really good.  Which is nice to know because if left to my own devices, I probably wouldn’t ever think to buy them, you know?  (I tend to just gravitate towards the tried and true stuff we always buy, so this was a fun review.)

If you’d like to try these Veggie Snack Chips, you can get yourself a coupon on the Green Giant Facebook page.  I’m off to print my own.  Because I need another bag (or four) of those sea salt ones.  For reals.

Thank you to The Green Giant™ for being a sponsor. Show the Giant your surprise talent


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    He does have fall-in-loveable long eyelashes! :) So cute.
    And I have already said how much I like this idea with lunch served on this tin. Looks so fun and is really simple!
    Alexandra´s last blog post ..School is for teaching – almost WordlessWednesday

  2. 2
    Mónica Bettencourt says:

    Olá Jeannett, sou a mulher do Pedro a Mónica.
    Queria dar-te os parabéns porque tens uns filhos lindíssimos, são tão amorosos, olho para essas fotos e só apetece apertá-los e dar-lhes beijocas… são lindos!!!
    E hoje como é dia da mulher quero dar-te mais uma vez os parabéns, pela tua força e coragem, como se costuma dizer “és uma mulher de armas”. Es um exemplo a seguir…
    Beijinhos para todos e um abraço.

  3. 3

    MTL is a hit at my house. My kiddos asked for it two days in a row.