Organizing, Party Prep and Rock, Paper, Scissors {Rubbermaid & Target}

Somehow, even with going back on two different occasions to refill the list, I managed to forget to register for food storage containers when Andy and I were getting married ten years ago.  Apparently I was overly concerned with just the right size of plumeria scented pillar candles.  Was this just the right shade of red or would I rather more of a sage green?

I realized my oversight right away.  Namely, the first time I made newlywed dinner and had to store the leftovers.  I bought a handful of pieces and over the years, slowly accumulated more as I needed them, or “accidentally” kept them after being sent home with food from grandma’s house.  After years of this hodge podge collection scheme, I was left with just about every size, shape, make and model of container.

The problem was storing said food storage in an organized way.  Nothing stacked right…every container used a distinctly different lid, and it was like a jigsaw puzzle trying to figure out what went with what.

I tried everything to keep it organized in the cupboard.  For a while we tried keeping lids separate…but it took forever to figure out what lid went with the proper bottom.  Four letter words may or may not have been muttered by the time the 14th lid/bowl combo proved wrong.

Then we went years with putting the lids on…and stacking everything precariously.  Stacks of empty containers would inevitably tip over, causing a domino effect of toppling like a bad jenga move, leaving me to reorganize and re-stack everything…only to do it again a week later.  After a while, we would literally just chuck the containers into the cabinet and close the cabinet door as quickly as possible to keep everything from spilling out onto the kitchen floor.

I wish I could tell you we were more civilized than this…but I would be lying.

After dinner, we would rock/paper/scissors to see who got stuck trying to dig through the wreckage for the right container.  NO ONE wanted that task.

It was a disaster.

One day, I finally had enough.  I had re-organized the cupboard for the last time.  So I bagged up everything I had…enough to fill a big black trash bag…and bought all new Rubbermaid easy lid containers.

I want you to know: it physically pained me to do this.  I’m cheap.  And I don’t like to be wasteful.  The reality was that everything I owned was in perfectly good shape…and they all had lids.  There was nothing wrong with what I already had…but I was losing my mind trying to keep it organized.  LOSING. MY. MIND.

(Luckily, a friend of ours had just bought a house so I was able to pass along our spoils to him.  Made me feel a little better.)


This is my cupboard.  Today.  Right now.  With NO staging.  No organizing before I snapped the picture.  Nothing.  And we’ve already established that organization is not my strong suit.

It just looks this perfectly organized all the time.

And I did this purge and replace gig OVER A YEAR AGO.


Here’s another picture.  Because sometimes it’s the really simple things that make me happy in life.

There are only a couple of different sized lids…the mouths of the containers are the same…it’s the depth that changes.  Everything stacks perfectly and the lids snap together so they don’t tip over.

Here’s the funny part  about all of this: we bloggers are weird.  I had planned to share my cupboard with you for months now.  It has been amazing.  Not in a all-expenses-paid-Hawaiian-vacation amazing…but an everyday-keeps-moms-sane amazing.  Because I planned on blogging about this.  Because again…bloggers are kinda weird and take pictures of things like cupboards because they think it would make a decent post.

But for whatever reason, I never got around to blogging about my cupboard.

Now imagine my delight when I got an email asking if I wanted to blog about Rubbermaid????

Um, yes please.  Done.  (I love it when the planets align like that.)


Lucky for you, Rubbermaid has a set of coupons on to help you get started.

I printed mine out and headed out.  Excited to pick up a few new sizes.


I didn’t buy this, but I thought it was pretty cool. This would have been perfect for packing lunches into the office.

Assuming, of course, that I actually packed in my lunches.  Which I never ever ever did.  Details.


Target has a great  selection.   If I remember correctly, my stash at home is made up of 2 of those 14 piece Premier boxes.

Worth. every. penny.

Even if it kinda hurts when you do it. IMG_7987

I ended up deciding on a couple of larger sizes of the Take Alongs.  These are great for those Super Bowl parties when someone asks you to bring 7-layer dip and you don’t want to worry about bringing the container back.

Or when you make soup for the new mom and the last thing you want to do is have her stress about getting your Calphalon pot back to you.

(Also, is it just me or does the Pillsbury Doughboy look all va-va-voom in that pose?  Subliminal messaging?  Possibly.  Saving money IS sexy.)


I like using the bigger bowl sizes to store heads of lettuce.  They stay fresher longer and it seems more sanitary than those plastic bags you get at the grocery store.


I also picked up a three pack of the glass versions.

We host a Super Bowl party every year (not to mention all manner of other party throughout the year), and I thought these glass containers would be awesome.  You can prep food ahead of time and store it in your fridge…put it right out on the table when guests arrive…and pop the lid right back on if there is any left.  Three in one: I’m a fan.  Anything that has me doing fewer dishes is my new best friend.

In fact, I’m loving the glass so much I think I want to go back and get more.  I have visions of premade oatmeal breakfasts for the kids…just warm it up!

In the meantime, Rubbermaid is hosting a Game Day Party Sweepstakes.  They are offering the chance to win an Easy Find Lids Party Pack, a 48Qt Cooler and $100 VISA gift card!  (Entries are limited to one entry per person / per email address / per day. Sweepstakes starts December 19, 2012 and ends January 21, 2013.)

You can also connect with Rubbermaid by following them on Twitter, Facebook, or even Pinterest

Is your cupboard a mess?  Do you have a system or am I just crazy?

Disclosure: This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™, but all my opinions are my own, and let’s face it, I was totally planning on writing this post as some point anyway.



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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I’ve been at the “throw it in the cupboard and shut the door quickly” stage for the entire year we’ve been in our house. Oddly I was eyeballing this set just a few weeks ago – but didn’t buy it because I get irritated at people who buy stuff they want for themselves right before Christmas :)
    I see a trip to Target in my future!

    Thanks for the coupon heads-up…I am having cupboard envy right now…
    Kirsten´s last blog post ..Blessings

  2. 3

    I really like the idea that the mouths of the boxes are the same and the depths changes. I have my collection too (tupperware, I suppose) but I tend to lose the lids…I will def try your way!
    Alexandra´s last blog post ..Choosing a name for your baby

  3. 4

    Currently, my food storage system is the containers that the lunch meat comes in, and our favorite Chinese restaurant’s take home containers. Yeah…. I need to get me some Rubbermaid at Target…. I like the glass ones that you can also use as serving containers. That will help me when I have to rationalize the purchase to myself.
    Anne @ anne b. good´s last blog post ..Collecting My Story

  4. 5

    Hi–you are one of my top traffic drivers this week and so I wanted to mosey over and say hi (I went back to work so it’s been a while). I have no idea how folks are bloghopping between us but I’m honored to be in your company. Have a great week!

  5. 6

    I’m so thinking I need to do this! I am in the same spot you were in a year ago..but I too do. not. want to purchase new when what I have is perfectly fine. But I think I might, because it drives me kukoo to open that cupboard and have to rearrange every time i need a new container or have to put one away!
    Lisa Quick´s last blog post ..Christmas table runners

    • 7

      Honestly, I put it off for years. I truly had just about every lid. So I couldn’t even pretend that I was missing half the pieces. It stunk to actually do it…and I’m usually the person telling you to not spend money on silly things you don’t really need…but in this case: it was worth every penny. I wasn’t kidding about not staging those photos. It legitimately looks like that all the time…because it’s all uniform shapes. Did I love dropping $50 on something I didn’t need? No. But I’d do it again in a heartbeat over a year later. Pinky swear.

  6. 8

    Get a glass salad bowl with the rubbermaid lid. I think I have pyrex brand, but I like that the rubbermaid containers are stackable. I have the same mess of plastic/glass containers that don’t fit in my closet. Anyway, the glass salad bowl keeps salad fresher for longer. I was constantly throwing away salad because it would get all icky in a ziplock or plastic container. Now I make a big batch, put it in the glass bowl which looks nice on the dinner table, cover it up and back in the fridge. It can last me a week and still be fresh with all the veggies in it. I will have to check out these rubbermaid ones! Thanks!

  7. 10

    I’m in love with my Lock & Lock containers. Quite a range of sizes, most of the containers nest into eachother and the lids are mostly interchangeable. I blame a family friend for starting it with giving me a set as a bridal shower present. ;)
    Kara´s last blog post ..Problem solved

  8. 11

    Yahoo! Good stuff. I love advice like this. I also love that you said organizing is not your strong suit. Did I read that right? ‘Cause your funny! You already told us that you and Andy tinker and get things done. Girlfriend, that is HALF the battle. The hubby and I are not so much tinkerers. Such a shame…our poor house.
    Anyhoo, thanks for an inspiring post!

  9. 12
    Annonymous says:

    Can you please do a review on your kids carseats? Wondering what you guys like for your particular vehicles, what is easy to use, etc.

  10. 13

    Same problem. Except I haven’t fixed mine yet. And I spent all my Christmas money on boot. Fingers crossed on the sweepstakes.
    Jacquelyn Moses´s last blog post ..A season of Hope

  11. 15
    Carrie R. says:

    Walmart has a 28 set of these for around $7. I bought them around Christmas with the intention of reorganizing my cupboard. The majority of them still sit in the box in my dining room. :/

  12. 16

    We moved to glass and phased out all of the plastic containers because they were getting icky and there was all that hullabaloo about microwaving plastic yadda yadda.

    Now, some of my lids (plastic) leak on my glass containers.

    Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
