
Exhibit A: A homemade baby rattle consisting of a carabiner and binder rings courtesy of big brother.

1st baby:

What is that?  That’s not a baby toy!  That’s METAL!  I didn’t buy that at the expensive baby boutique downtown with a name in French I can’t pronounce!  That’s not even Graco!  (I mean, Graco is pretty atrocious, but it’s better than nothing, right?)  Wait, does that have BPA in it???  I’m POSITIVE THAT HAS BPA IN IT!!!  Actually, that green paint is totally filled with lead…in fact, it’s probably made in a child labor plant and it’s laced with radioactive cyanide!!!!  OMG quick, he’s about to lick it.  And those small parts!!!!  Hurry!  GET THAT AWAY FROM MY BABY!  He’s going to choke!  Are YOU CRAAAAAZEEEE???!!!  Why would you give my baby that?!  Hold on.  Is that organic?  THERE. IS. NO. WAY. THAT. IS. ORGANIC.  Step away from the baby.  Now.  Where is Sophie????!!!!  Get me Sophie.  Sophie will make it all better.  Here honey…chew on Sophie.  Organic, BPA, phthalates free, 100% natural rubber and food paint Sophie.  There, there baby.  You almost died.  Mommy’s here.  I’ll never let that happen to you again.

4th Baby:

Dude.  That’s genius.

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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Love it! I’ve been the same way with #2. I can only imagine how much “worse” I’d get if we had a third…
    Mary´s last blog post ..One Day

  2. 2

    100% truth. Love it.
    Happy Thanksgiving, friend!

  3. 3

    I have yet to understand the $20 rubber giraffe. :)

    • 4

      We have Sophie and even the little version. So far, none of my kids have liked it. Maybe Owen will? (both were gifts. All natural or not, that’s a lot of money for a baby teether.)

  4. 5


  5. 6

    Ain’t that the truth. Hilarious!
    Verna Lantz´s last blog post ..SHS 11/17

  6. 7

    HAHAHA!!! omg….what does it mean that my husband was like that with #1 but I totally would have let him play with a caribeaner and binder rings…LOL. I’ve never even heard of a sophie – what the heck…

  7. 8

    Hilarious… And yes, not understanding how that giraffe is still popular (?)
    Kerry @ Made For Real´s last blog post ..Washi Tape

  8. 9

    Baby #1: 50 photos of playing with Sophie
    Baby #4: blurry cell phone photo taken by baby #2. {not that yours was, btw}
    Laughed out loud at this. So freakin true!!
    That is one scrumptious baby you got there… and a pretty adorable big brother, too!
    Have a great holiday!
    kimber´s last blog post ..All Grown Up… {not really}

  9. 10

    Bahahaha! Amen, sista!
    Suzanne´s last blog post ..Hello Monday: Thanksgiving edition

  10. 11

    No truer words have been spoken. Love it. I had a very similar conversation with my sister this afternoon. Addie is our third and it is SO different with her than it was with her twin brothers. I love the freedom I find in my choices with her though. I love not worrying as much . I definitely feel more seasoned and confident with my 3rd and last.

  11. 12
    Suzie Lind says:

    So true and so freeing, isn’t it? I wish I could bottle up the freedom and give it away as a shower gift to first time moms.