Jewelry Storage Made Beautiful

After I agreed to the email Lindsey sent asking to participate in this series, I had a bit of a panic attack.

After all, the other bloggers participating are 100 times more stylish and fabulous than I am.  My poor post would be so pathetic.  But I had agreed, so the commitment remained.

My necklaces and most of my earrings are hung on these chicken wire plus empty frame turned jewelry holders.  Thanks to my creativity muse: Pinterest and all of the crafty bloggers out there who help me tutuorial my way to a more fabulous life.  I know what I like and I know what I don’t like, but I am at a complete loss when it comes time for original thought.

Read the rest of the post over at Lindsey’s blog….






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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    So cute! Totally makes me want to get my butt in gear and tidy my very messy jewelery up. Should cut down on my morning routine.
    Adventuresindinner´s last blog post ..I finally nailed it…

  2. 2

    I did sorta the same thing with my necklaces & bracelets… practical wall art that changes each time I hang up my necklaces. // Recognizing that it’s a SEASON with an ENDING and a new BEGINNING to look forward to, it’s sweet. And also sad. I’m no longer in the season where I have milk stains on my shirts, but I miss the days where I can kiss their toes and not have it be weird. //
    Anne´s last blog post ..<< my week in review: 11/2-8

  3. 3

    I think it’s lovely! And the mustard yellow frames? Spot on!

  4. 4

    I like the decorative look of these frames yet the practicality for storing jewelry. We have some great tips for organizing jewelry and preventing tarnish on our blog as well. Take a look and let us know what you think!
    Sheila´s last blog post ..Don’t Tarnish Your Holiday Sales: Protect Your Silver Inventory

  5. 5

    How fun to find your blog via the pleated poppy! I enjoyed this post so much because I can totally relate to your description of life as a mom of 4. I’m still in the yoga pants stage myself. And like you, I’m not doing any yoga! If I tried I’d instantly have atleast two kids hop on top of me thinking I was playing. There is a time and a season for everything!