Whatcha Got For Me?

It’s been a little quiet around here as of late.

Life has been life and basically busy.

In boring, non-blogable ways.  (Did you know “blogable” is a word?  Totally.)

So how about y’all help a girl out and tell me what you want to know.

Got any questions you’ve been dying to ask me?  (You know, because you totally stay up at night thinking of these things.)

Things you wonder about?

I don’t even know what to write asking you to tell me what to write!


But really…I’m happy to answer (within reason of course).

And if the comments section is crickets after this, I might just die.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    If you had a you day, where would you go what would you do?

  2. 2

    What do you do for yourself in the midst of lifes craziness?

  3. 3

    If you were responsible for picking each of your children’s careers, which jobs would you choose for them?
    whitkae´s last blog post ..make CA bag #2

  4. 4

    how’s preschool going for Henry?

  5. 5

    What is your secret guilty pleasure?? A food, a song anything :)
    Jodi Hall´s last blog post ..A Blog Critiquing Wordless Wednesday…only with word..type..things

  6. 6
    aly williams says:

    did you always want a bigish family (BIG!=bigger than 3 kids in my mind) If you knew you always wanted a big fam, has Andy always been on board with the same “vision” of what your family looked like? :)

  7. 7

    Wondering how things are going with Jilly. I have followed you since TS and have twins roughly around the same age and both have been diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum. I shared your grief on Halloween when the twins still could walk or say happy halloween at their age. I would like to know how you cope with the world of special needs because it has swallowed me whole more than 95% of the last few months. I hope that doesn’t sound insensitive, me asking, just trying to find perspective on how to adjust to and accept a new normal. (Not that I don’t love my kids, but precisely because I do.) Thank you for sharing with us, I love your blog!

  8. 9

    …do you ever wonder how your children see your world and see you? I mean really see it and sense it???Do you remember yourself at their ages…even fragments of memories…I have three little ones and even making myself their height makes everything look different to me…
    xxoo enjoy the not so crazy busy time…

  9. 10

    I am expecting identical twin boys this Spring. These are #3 and #4 for my husband and I.
    My questions are this:
    How do you deal with rude/intrusive comments about your twins? Similarly, how do you deal with people who imply (or flat out say) that your family is too big or that you cannot handle that many kids?

  10. 11

    what is your favorite quality about your husband? and do you think that your relationship with him should come first before the kids, considering your relationship with him started first?

  11. 13

    I’m a first-time Mama struggling with some pretty major Sleep deprivation. How do you get your babies to sleep? Did you let them cry it out? I’m really hesitant to do that, but how else do they learn to sleep in their crib for more than 2 hrs? ANY suggestions would be great!

  12. 14

    do you have any hidden talents? i mean silly ones…like, i can blow spit bubbles off my tongue. it’s a great parlor trick :)
    Grace´s last blog post ..word up, baby.

  13. 16

    My kids say “Anyone? Anyone?” since I quote that a lot. It makes me smile. And, so do you!

    I have no questions at this moment, but I LOVED the story about Jilly playing. Huge, Wonderful, Awesome news.

  14. 17

    You did a really cool job announcing your 4th. Well, I am expecting my tenth ( yea, 10 ) and besides blowing everyone’s mind I need a bomb dropper…… Any ideas?

  15. 18

    Do your kids have a routine? If, so what seems to work for you? And how do you stick to it when life throws you a curve?
    Verna Lantz´s last blog post ..Confession

  16. 19

    I LOVE that you are going to have 4 kids. I see my ideal family size capping out at 4 or 5 little bundles. Do you think you will be done after 4?