I’ll Do It Later-itis


Nothing would get done if it weren’t for the last minute.

I work better under pressure.

I put the “pro” in procrastination.

I’m a card carrying member of the Procrastination Club.

Only I haven’t actually printed out the Membership Card…yet.

I’ll do it later.


For sure tomorrow.

Besides, I need printer paper and I saw an ad that it’s on sale next week.

So next week for reals.

It’s honestly not just laziness (okay, maybe a little)…but I really do work better under pressure and at the last minute.  Seriously.  Give me too much time to get a task done and it will feel “flat”.

It happens with writing projects.  With craft projects.  With whatever random thing I need to get done.

So please hear my heart when I ask if maybe you’ve been meaning to donate to Xander’s fund…later?

You know, because your credit card is downstairs so you’ll remember to bring it upstairs next time you make the trip.

Or because the kids will be waking up from nap in just a few minutes so you want to use these last few minutes on the web to finish emails.

Or because you keep meaning to talk to your husband about it.

Or because the fundraiser runs until December 31st, so seriously, there’s plenty of time.

But Christmas is 6 days away.  (I know, right?!)

And if you’re anything like me, soon my time will be sucked up even more…family coming in and out of town…meals to prepare…cookies to bake…husbands home on vacation…maybe now is the last minute?

I know that this time of year is expensive.

And I know that the economy and pocketbooks are tight.

Plus, there’s all the gifts to buy, and the electric bill that will be higher next month, and the food we have to prepare later in the week, and all the cookie exchanges, and Christmas pj’s for the kids, and the ornaments we buy every year, teacher gifts, stockings to fill…

I get it.  I’m right there in the trenches with you.

I promise.

But I wonder: does that mean that now is the time more than ever?  That if I’m willing to spend money on one million other things, things that let’s face it, none of us NEED…maybe I need to look at my priorities if giving in other ways isn’t a part of the equation?

Now, this isn’t really about Xander’s fundraiser.

Although I’d be lying if I said I don’t secretly want you to donate to his fund.  Of course I do.

But what I’m imploring you more than anything else is this: in the hub-bub of the Holidays…in the swiping of ATM cards the last few weeks…has it included giving in ways that reflected God’s desire for us?

Maybe you’ve donated to Project 320 and helped build a well in Africa.

Maybe you served at the local Homeless Shelter.

Maybe you helped fill the Toys for Tots bin or you bought a gift for a teenage mother who chose life for her baby.

Maybe you helped pay off someone’s layaway account.

Whatever you choose to do…I want you to ask yourself: have you done it?

I’m not asking you to tell ME why.

I’m not asking you to list all the things you HAVE done this season.

I want you to ask YOURSELF.  Silently.  Privately.  Honestly.

This isn’t a post on guilt.


This is a post saying “The holidays should be so much more than the hottest toy and a house bedecked in lights you can see from space…do you believe that?  And if you do, have you done anything about it?  Not for accolades or recognition.  Not because someone guilted you into it.  Simply because the birth of God’s son deserves more.”

(P.S. my kids will be flooded with new toys…and right alongside the Great Wall of China, I’m certain you can see my house for the International Space Station.  I’m with you on this.  I’m no martyr.  This post is as much for me as it is anyone else.)

Xander’s fundraiser is rocking.

$1,000 of it was a generous matching by Barn Light Electric.

The Holiday Gift Guide brought in a whopping $1,164!

We’re making a difference.  Little by little.

His family (whoever that may be) will be blessed.

If you haven’t already, but have been meaning to, every bit helps.

Last year we raised $9,500 for Cliff.

The average donation was between $5 and $10.

It doesn’t have to be an astronomical amount.

It doesn’t have to hurt.

In fact, it can be fun!  We’re giving away a DSLR, a Kindle, a stand mixer and a drill if you help spread the word!

I have no access to who gave…or how much.  Maybe you were uncomfortable thinking I would know what you gave?

Maybe you have questions or concerns about the fundraiser?  (I’d be happy to answer the best I can if you leave me a comment or email me).

But really, it doesn’t have to be to Xander.

Just give somewhere.

Because it’s good.

True story.


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    I am definitely a procrastinator…but not for this:) I think I did this before I bought any presents…to get me in the spirit! Hugs to you!!

  2. 2

    I am a ridiculous planner. I plan and get things ready ahead of time and make lists and check them off. I drive myself insane. All presents for my girls have been purchased and wrapped. All presents for extended family have been purchased and will be wrapped tonight. I planned a giveaway for Penelope from RR for so long (before I knew who my Angel Tree baby was going to be, even!), and then the time came… and with a 2 week long giveaway I only managed to raise $367. The winner of the camera, my mom, gave it back so I could raise more money! But so far, I’ve had no entries. Maybe people are waiting until the last minute to enter? Lord, I pray. Otherwise I’m not even going to get her fund to $1000. I wish I had more to give her, but my husband already works two jobs so I can stay home with our girls. I wish I had more exposure, but my blog is a small family blog. I wish I had bigger prizes, but I just can’t afford them. But mostly, I wish Penelope had a full fund and a family of her own. :(