Link Love & A Winner

Good Morning crazy kids!

Today I thought I’d share with you a couple links of I came across in blogland that I think you might enjoy too.  I don’t do this every week, but sometimes a girls’ just gotta share.

How I Celebrated my Birthday: Robyn decided she wanted to do one random act of kindness for each of her 38 years.  She did.  And chronicled her day.  I love it.  Does it look exhausting?  Yes.  But that cool, I drop into the couch and my feet ache while my smile is a mile wide kind of exhausting.  I want to do this.  Maybe we should do it together someday?

A Spoonful of Sugar: Remember my adorable hoop art I got for being a speaker at Blog Sugar?  Andrea had made one for each of us, and we giddly ooohhed and aaahhed over eachother’s custom work of hoop art.  Andrea blogged photos of each of them…thought you might like to see them all.  Love that girl.  Sad she couldn’t make it.

Just Showing Up: My in real life friend Brianna, who is super lame and decided to move to Denver a couple of years ago, just brought home, not one, but two sweet girls from Ethiopia.  To join her 3 biological girls and the other 2 boys from Ethiopia.  Bad at math on a Saturday morning?  7.  That’s 7 kids.  And I can tell you from personal experience that I’d rather hang out with her 7 kids than a lot of other peoples’ 2 kids.  I have no idea how she does it.  Oh, and did I mention that these two stinking adorable girls also happen to have an extra chromosome?  Add Brianna’s blog to your reader.  Her simple stories of her day will make your heart three sizes bigger.  Promise.

Gravatar: Okay, this is a housekeeping one.  You know when you comment and you see a little gray dude instead of your picture?  Lame!  Go to gravatar, and upload a picture.  I want to see your beautiful faces and know who’s commenting!!!  It’s shockingly simple and quick.  Besides, if you look over in my sidebar, I just added a new little feature that lists the top 10 commenters for the month, there’s a whole host of faceless men over there!  Creepy!  Help un-creep my place out, kay?

And the winner of the $25 Erin Condren gift certificate is: Kris!  Be on the lookout for an email from me! 

Happy Day!


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I'm a mom to four. A wife to one. I believe in story. I love telling you about mine and would love to hear yours. There's really no sense in wasting our suffering and not sharing in each other's joy. We're all in this together...even if it doesn't always feel like it.

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  1. 1

    Congrats to the winner. I did the gravatar, but not sure how it works.

  2. 2

    I’m so thrilled to have won and am looking at Erin’s website. New calendar, here I come!!! :) I’m also completely inspired by the 38 random acts of kindness post. :) You made my day!

  3. 3

    OK… Gravatar. Check. Rock on and happy Saturday!

  4. 4

    I have added them!! Love the idea of a random act of kindness each day:) And congrats to momma Brianna! She is amazing!! And Gravatar….I will get to you someday….soon….:)

  5. 5

    Thank you for sharing these links – just the inspiration I needed today. And I will work on the gravatar, being a gray person is no fun.

  6. 6

    Haha! My mom gets questions all the time how she does it. (I’m the third of eight, the youngest being almost 10 mos.)

  7. 7

    LOL at the freaky grey men!
    I was thinking about doing 30 RAKs for my birthday in January! Maybe you could do one a week, far more manageable.

  8. 8

    I LOVE the How I Celebrated My Birthday post. It seemed to get a little pricey, but I would imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to customize. What a great idea!

  9. 9

    Ok I went and got me a Gravatar. Lets see if it shows up.

  10. 10

    I’ve been meaning to add an image to my gravatar… thanks. haha